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49° Good Evening

The unveiling

Clinton HQ has confirmed what everyone on Earth already knew. With a few temporary career diversions, Hillary has been eyeing a return to the White House since she and Bill left in 2001. While long, drawn-out campaigns may not be good for the nation, they are wonderful for a cartoonist.

Jeb Bush

Jeb Bush
Jeb Bush’s foray into Presidential waters naturally includes a coterie of advisors. Unnaturally, only one of those advisors isn’t from a previous Bush White House.

Happy 2016

New Year
This cartoon brought to you by Jeb, Hillary, Christie et al. Happy new year!

Too early

Early Election
Political data-ologists are furiously crunching probabilities, popularity and hearsay for something that’s two years off. Retailers are furiously crunching numbers for holiday season sales projections. I’m still crunching underfoot the unraked leaves in my yard.