53° Good Afternoon
53° Good Afternoon


There are myriad stories of engineering report tampering, bureaucratic delays, and conflicting permitting and financial instructions to still-waiting homeowners whose properties were destroyed by Sandy. A cynic might ascertain that something nefarious was going on. But I don’t know any cynics.

Nuclear over solar

​I was shoulder to shoulder with Shoreham on being a tad queasy over the nuke plant. Solar farms, though?


A judge has demanded an inquiry into insurance companies’engineers editing/fudging reports on Sandy damaged homes, so that they could get out of…drumroll…paying claims! And so superstorm Sandy slowly continues its miserable path of ruination.

Climate change cooperation

Climate change cooperation
Republican politicians have now mysteriously, and collectively, agreed to begin all answers about humans’ impacts on climate change with the phrase “Well, I’m no scientist, but…”. Strangely enough, there are, in fact, actual scientists with whom they could easily consult. And even more oddly, a vast majority of those scientists have come to the conclusion that we HAVE had an effect on climate change. Puzzling, but then, “I’m no Republican politician…”

Plastic bag ban

Plastic bag ban
Towns on Long Island’s east end are joining the many municipalities around the country thinking about banning plastic bags. I’ve heard the arguments against banning the bags, and they all have the tensile strength of a wet paper bag.


Subtle variations on the popular seasonal theme of scaring the bejeezus out of the local citizenry.​

Flagging recovery

Gov. Andrew Cuomo ordered an appropriate way to mark the second anniversary of the brutal, deadly storm we know as Sandy. So I think this is an appropriate way.

Signs of life below

It was alarming to read that there are parts of Long Island Sound where even fish can’t live, because of high nitrogen and low oxygen. Decrepit septic systems and prodigious use of lawn fertilizers are just two culprits. I’m fairly sure we haven’t communicated with extraterrestrials yet because they are avoiding us.

Sandy lingers

Long Island
It’s been nearly two years since the region got walloped by superstorm Sandy. Yet, incredibly, even now, Sandy still packs a nasty punch every day for many of those who have homes near the shore. Because of a series of grinding, glacial bureaucracies, they still cannot afford the simple act of just going home.

Climate chatter

Climate Week
Hard to tell from my cartoon, I know, but I wearily agree with everything said at the UN Climate Summit last week in Manhattan. I applaud all the passionate, well-meaning, non-binding carbon-reduction initiatives and promises. And I will continue to do so for years to come, I’m sure.