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Play Newsday’s 2024 Thanksgiving Gratitude Game: Fifth Edition

Gratitude Game: Fifth Edition

How to play:

Place the phone in the center of the table. Youngest goes first. You draw it, you discuss it.

Let’s play!

Play Newsday’s 2023 Thanksgiving Gratitude Game: Fourth Edition

Gratitude Game: Fourth Edition

How to play:

Place the phone in the center of the table. Youngest goes first. You draw it, you discuss it.

Let’s play!

What are you talking about this Thanksgiving?

What are you talking about this Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving dinner is an occasion for conversations big and small. This year, many people will talk about the state of the world and nation, from refugees and deadly terrorism to football and Adele’s new album. What subjects will you talk about with family and friends at this year’s dinner table? We invite you to share your conversation on our website, and to read comments from fellow readers. Submissions will be edited.?

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