Thomas M. Cronin
Thomas M. Cronin is running for Council Member, Town of Shelter Island

- Cronin, 55, of Shelter Island, lost an election last November for town board in his first bid for public office. He is also running on the Conservative Party line.
- He retired from the Shelter Island Police Department in 2018 after a 22-year career. He earned an associate degree in business management from the Wyoming Technical Institute.
- Cronin is a volunteer firefighter.
- Cronin said he doesn’t support mandating innovative/advanced wastewater systems for residents and instead would propose a law requiring residents to maintain their septic systems every five years.
- He said he doesn’t support the current board’s proposed dock law, which he called “aggressive,” and he is concerned it’s taking away residents’ property rights.
- Cronin said the board should not spend more money to hire additional outside experts for positions such as town planner.
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