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VOTERS GUIDE Long Island Voters Guide: Nov. 7, 2023 general election

Albert K. Dickson

Albert K. Dickson is running for Council Member, Town of Shelter Island

Albert K. Dickson

Watch our video on East End election issues




  • Dickson, 70, of Shelter Island Heights, is seeking a second term on the town board. He is running on a platform of A Better Island for All.
  • He has served on the island’s Water Advisory Committee as a member and chair, and on its Water Quality Improvements Projects advisory committee.
  • He retired in 2017 as an environmental project manager.


  • The island needs a comprehensive environmental plan that ensures sustainability, Dickson said, adding that it should be a priority to implement protections for the aquifer and wetlands. He also supports setting more controls over development.
  • He said he would like to see I/A septic systems that remove nitrates be required and the town provide help with the grant funding application process. 
  • He said there isn’t enough affordable housing available to keep young people on the island and to address that he supports building units on town-owned land.

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