Interactive storytelling, Long Island investigative journalism and video from Newsday

Here’s how he got out.

Cops said her son was a runaway. She knew better.

One "mastermind" got jail. In the other case, no one has had to do much more than clean it up.

The agency only disclosed the most positive results, documents show.

Gary Melius’ rise through Long Island’s cozy political system.
Award-winning videos, latest documentaries

Top Lifestyle projects

Where have all the diners gone?

See the trends and search for names.

What's his secret to 100 performances?
Interactive news stories

5 LIers open up about faith, life and what people don’t know about them.

24,000 employees at 116 LI employers were polled to find out.

LI is home to five finalists, among 40 in the nation, in the Regeneron Science Talent Search.

Forty years later, we look at how far the Island has come since Newsday's 1978 series.

What are students really paying?

Minorities were more likely to land behind bars than whites for the same charge, data show – even when more whites were arrested.

Plan could cost about $20,000 per household — and that’s just one hurdle.

How 15 teens balanced oyster farming, ROTC, more with school

A look at every Long Island high school player that has been drafted by an MLB, NFL, AFL, NHL, NBA or WNBA team.

With Common Core exams, opt-out movement faces new test of strength
Tools you can use

Explore land Nassau bought, the deals and access issues

Look up salaries for local government employees.

Look up grades for local hospitals

See where fatal acccidents occurred

WWE's Zack Ryder shows you 30 must-do exercises

Type in your address to see how your property taxes have changed compared to others.