About Newsday Opinion

The opinion section operates independently of the news-gathering process. It’s responsible for editorials, commentary, editorial cartoons, op-eds and letters to the editor.

The opinion pages are separate, independent and distinct from the paper’s newsroom. For instance, candidate endorsements or a stance on a development project, are the sole opinion of the Newsday Editorial Board. In other words, newsroom personnel – editors, reporters and photographers – are never part of the decision-making that goes into editorial positions. Our decisions are not influenced by the newspaper’s owners, who are not involved in this process.

We hope the following helps you get familiarized with the board and helps explain the difference among our features.


Editorials are the consensus position of the Newsday Editorial Board. Editorials are not individually bylined because they represent a collective, institutional view. The Newsday Editorial Board meets daily to discuss news events and ideas, and to reach a consensus position. The editorial writers have areas of expertise and interest, or can be assigned an editorial. The editorial board often meets with community and interest groups that ask the board to support their causes. Editorial writers, all of whom are experienced journalists, conduct their own reporting. Click here to meet the members of the editorial board.

The editorial cartoon

Cartoonist Matt Davies draws an original cartoon six days a week. Two other cartoonists, Jimmy Margulies and Matt Bodkin, contribute regularly. We also subscribe to many cartoon syndicates in order to bring our audience diverse views and artwork on the news of the day.


These are the personal views of opinion staff members and writers under contract to the department. Their work appears on a regular basis.


An abbreviation for “opposite the editorials,” these pieces do not reflect Newsday’s institutional viewpoint. We strive to publish pieces that offer contrary or alternative views, written by authors with expertise on topics relevant to our readers. We solicit these pieces, but also accept submissions.

Letters to the editor

Our letters section is a forum for readers to comment on the news, or to respond to our commentary. Because of the large volume of letters received, Newsday Letters Editor Anne Michaud cannot individually answer all of them. Click here to submit a letter.

Just Sayin’

This Saturday feature invites readers to introduce a public policy matter beyond what is covered in Newsday. Keep your contribution to Just Sayin’ to 200 words and email it to letters@newsday.com, and mention Just Sayin’ in the subject field.


Expressway is a reader-written essay about life on Long Island. Submissions (about 540 words) can be emailed to expressway@newsday.com. If there are relevant photos that enhance your story, please include them with your submission.

The Point

The Point is the editorial board’s daily newsletter, which takes you behind closed doors into the New York political scene. It’s a must-read for those who want exclusive insights into local, city and state politics as well as policy. Sign up here.