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VOTERS GUIDE Long Island Voters Guide: June 25th, 2024 primaries

Nancy Goroff

Nancy Goroff is running for Representative in Congress, 1st District - Democratic

Nancy Goroff

Nancy S. Goroff



  • Goroff, 56, of Stony Brook, is a former chair of the Stony Brook University chemistry department who ran unsuccessfully for the First District Congressional seat in 2020.
  • Goroff is a founding member of the Long Island Strong Schools alliance, a nonprofit public school advocacy group.
  • Goroff received an AB in chemistry from Harvard University in 1990 and a PhD in organic chemistry from the University of California Los Angeles in 1994.


  • Goroff said if elected she would work to codify the rights in Roe vs. Wade before the U.S. Supreme Court overturned it and would oppose a national abortion ban.
  • She said she would work to restore the full state and local tax (SALT) deduction as well as the expanded child tax credit offered during the COVID-19 pandemic. "It's never going to happen while the Republicans control the House," she said of the SALT deduction. "They have no interest in doing that; they want to use this as a cudgel against blue states."
  • Goroff said she would make a priority of securing federal funding for affordable housing initiatives.

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