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VOTERS GUIDE General Election - Nov. 7, 2017

Michele Lynch

Michele Lynch is running for Council Member, Town of Riverhead

Michele Lynch

If elected, Lynch wants to work with the town’s Industrial Development Agency to create what she called “smart” tax breaks that would ensure jobs and grow the town’s tax base. Lynch said she wants to look into creating a parking plan for the downtown area and go over the town budget “line by line” and meet with town department employees and other officials to see where the town can keep costs contained and avoid piercing the tax cap. Lynch added her retired status would allow her to focus full-time on all town matters before the board.

Lynch, 67, of Riverhead, is making her first run for public office for a seat on the town board. She is running on the Working Families party line. Lynch, who has an associate degree in liberal arts from Suffolk Community College, is a former unit secretary with Peconic Bay Medical Center and retired last year from her position as political director for the 1199 SEIU United Healthcare Workers East health care union. She holds positions in several community organizations. Those positions include being a member of the Riverhead Anti-Bias Task Force and treasurer of the Riverhead ladies affiliate of the Riverhead Fire Department. Lynch is married with one son.