Jane E. Bonner
Jane E. Bonner is running for Council Member, Town of Brookhaven, 2nd District

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- Bonner, 59, of Rocky Point, has been a councilwoman for Brookhaven’s 2nd District since 2007. She is also running on the Conservative line.
- She is a past president of the Rocky Point Civic Association and a member of the Rocky Point School Board.
- She has served as liaison to the Finance, Public Safety, Environmental Protection and General Services departments for Brookhaven.
- Taxes are a priority for the self-described fiscal conservative, who said she will work to strengthen the town’s credit rating so additional interest costs are not passed on to her constituency.
- Bonner said crime and public safety are a priority and that she will address the factors that encourage criminal behavior and threaten public safety, like continuing to get rid of abandoned homes to reduce potential criminal activity.
- She said she wants to protect the environment to preserve natural resources, prevent overdevelopment and preserve the vitality of downtown areas.
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