Anthony Cruz
Anthony Cruz is running for Council Member, Town of Hempstead, 3rd District
- Cruz, 21, is a community leader and youth advocate. He is currently in his final year of undergraduate studies, seeking a bachelor’s degree in Education Studies and History from NYU.
- He’s currently serving as Co-President of the Valley Stream Central Memorial PTSA and has previously been Vice President of the PTSA, Student Liaison to the Valley Stream Central High School District Board of Education, and Student Body Vice President at NYU.
- Cruz grew up in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn and moved to Valley Stream, where he has lived with his family since 2012.
- Cruz said he wants to encourage community engagement. He said he would support development and enrichment opportunities for residents,
- Cruz said he wanted to revitalize town infrastructure. He said he would create a publicly accessible database of all town roads and town-owned facilities that would actively rate their present conditions, and enact a new Town Energy and Sustainability Master Plan.
- He said he wants to improve government transparency and accountability. He promised to bring a “people-centered” approach to government by reviewing the accessibility of all town board meetings, hosting monthly town halls and weekly office hours for all District 3 residents, and providing all town-created documents in any languages needed to reach all community members.
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