The 15 towns and cities on Long Island employ 21,001 full-time, part-time and seasonal workers. Here are their records for employees paid in 2011.
Some towns could not provide a base pay for hourly workers. In many of those cases, an hourly pay rate is listed instead. The difference between base pay and total pay can be accounted for by many factors, including overtime, shift differential, or payouts for unused vacation or sick time. Retiring workers may have received substantial payouts. Not all municipalities reported retirement or termination dates for affected employees.
In some cases, a worker’s total pay may be less than the base pay because the worker did not work the whole year, taking an unpaid leave, for example. In Huntington, the salary figures include the value of the life insurance coverage for all town employees and payments made to those who decline health insurance coverage. In some towns, longtime employees who left and then returned as part-time workers were listed with seemingly large total pay and only their most recent start date, which would help explain the unusually high pay figure. Some municipalities had names repeated. Unless the worker had the same title in the same department, those repetitions are listed here.
Click through the charts below for a town-to-town comparison. You can also select the full list for any municipality, and you can re-sort any list by clicking on the column headings.
To read more about what county, town and city employees are making, click here.
Correction: Because of incomplete information supplied by the towns, several hundred seasonal employees were excluded from data in a story on Dec. 26, 2012, about municipal payrolls. The employees, from Babylon, Brookhaven and Southampton, have been added to newsday.com’s online database and were counted in the analysis for a story appearing today.
Data gathered by reporters Aisha al-Muslim, Stacey Altherr, Jennifer Barrios, Denise Bonilla, Sophia Chang, Emily Dooley, Mitchell Freedman, Carl MacGowan, Deborah Morris, Emily Ngo, Adam Playford, Candice Ruud and Patrick Whittle, with additional assistance from Michael Ebert and Kathy Diamond.