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Newsday and Levittown | Chapter 4: Epilogue

A conversation between two Long Islanders — one black, one white — with different reactions to Newsday’s series on the practices of real estate agents. After “Long Island Divided” was published we opened up our Letters to the Editor section and a special voicemail hotline. Here’s what we heard from readers about their experiences of discrimination and life on Long Island.

Hosted by Mark Chiusano, a member of the Newsday editorial board. Produced by Amanda Fiscina.

Long Island Divided letters

Reader letters in response to the Long Island Divided series.

Long Island Divided

The Long Island Divided series was a three-year investigation by Newsday exploring real estate practices.

Long Island Divided letters

Reader letters in response to the Long Island Divided series.

Letter to the editor October 1947

Letter to the editor October 1947

Long Island Divided letters

Reader letters in response to the Long Island Divided series.

Mark and readers

Readers Mary and Keith talk to podcast host Mark Chiusano at Newsday.