Newsday Live Virtual Event


July 14, 2020 @ 10:00 am

Lane Filler will moderate an informative discussion and interactive Q&A on whether kids can return to school safely, what teachers feel and fear and how administrators see the academic year unfolding.

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Join us July 14 @ 10am for our latest free virtual event with local education experts to get extensive answers to your questions.

Students will return to schools eventually, but what could be the plan? Newsday Columnist and Editorial Writer Lane Filler will moderate an informative discussion and interactive Q&A on whether kids can return to school safely, what teachers feel and fear and how administrators see the academic year unfolding and more with Dr. Uzma Syed, Infectious Disease Specialist, Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center, Michael Hynes, Port Washington School District Superintendent, Noret Bazemore, Business Owner and Freeport parent and Ronald Verderber, President, Jericho Teachers Association and NYSUT Board of Directors member.

Have your voice be heard. Submit your questions and suggestions in advance using the box below!