How LI workers differ from the nation

To determing top workplaces, employees were asked whether they agreed or disagreed with 24 statements about work-related factors on their jobs. Compared with their compatriots nationwide, Long Island workers were less positive about 23 of the 24 statements.

The chart below shows the factors where Long Islanders were less positive. Select the bars for details, including the full statements.

The one area of near agreement: On the Island, 80.6 percent of workers (versus 80.4 nationwide) agreed that “My job makes me feel like I am part of something meaningful.

Where Long Islanders were less positive

What Long Islanders were positive about

The statement that a company had “strong values” drew the most agreement on Long Island. Meanwhile, the statement that “My pay is fair for the work I do,” had the least agreement on Long Island.

Again, select the bars for details, including the full statements.

The details on each statement that workers reacted to