Newsday Live Virtual Event

Businesses & Customers: Staying healthy as we work and play

June 25, 2020 @ 7:30 pm

Newsday’s Associate Editor Joye Brown and Economics Writer James Madore will moderate an informative discussion and interactive Q&A on what businesses are doing to protect their employees and customers.

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Join us for our special free virtual event to gain more insight during the coronavirus pandemic and get expert answers to your questions.

Newsday's Associate Editor Joye Brown and Economics Writer James Madore will moderate an informative discussion and interactive Q&A on what businesses are doing to protect their employees and customers, plus how you can be safe while going out around town and more. Join Dr. Uzma Syed,Infectious Disease Specialist, Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center, Eric Alexander, Founder of the LI Main Street Alliance, and Kristen Jarnagin, President and CEO of Discover Long Island, for this crossover discussion on health and business safety.

Have your voice be heard. Submit your questions and suggestions in advance using the question box below.