Long Island Jewish Medical Center

Do you offer private rooms? If so, what is the cost?
Yes, all rooms are private.
Do you offer prenatal, sibling or other classes?
Prenatal classes are held monthly and include labor & delivery/postpartum, breast-feeding, newborn infant care, infant CPR, as well as a sibling class.
What special things do you do for the mother and baby?
At LIJ, we create a special keepsake footprint sheet. We do have two rooms that have Jacuzzi tubs for early labor pain management. We have a discharge class, which allows for our new families to interact with one another and ask questions in a group setting. We are also pursuing baby-friendly designation, which allows for a family-centered approach of non-separation of the newborn and family.
Do you have an on-site neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)?
We have a Level III NICU as Cohen Children’s Medical Center is attached to our facility.
Do you have a labor and delivery room?
We have six triage rooms, seven PACU recovery spots, four operating rooms and 14 L&D rooms, which are all private.
Are doulas or midwives allowed?
We encourage the patient to have whatever support system they desire at the bedside, whether that be family or doulas. This is, however, coordinated by the patient prior to arrival to our unit. We currently do not have any midwives who practice at LIJ.
What kind of security measures do you have in place to make sure the baby is safe?
We have a vigorous process when first entering our building, where ID is checked and photo identification is given to all visitors. We have an infant tag security system in place to assure safety.
Is there a breast-feeding coach and lactation consultant available on-site? Does the hospital support breast- and/or bottle feeding?
All of our OB nurses have specialized breast-feeding education. Many of our nurses are certified breast-feeding counselors. We also have international board-certified lactation consultants on staff. Our hospital supports practices that have shown to increase breast-feeding success and duration (skin-to-skin, rooming in). Our hospital supports a mother’s feeding choice, and if it is formula, she will be showed how to safely feed and prepare formula. We have prenatal breast-feeding classes for parents who are expecting, inpatient breast-feeding classes and or/individual consults available, and breast-feeding support after discharge (warm-line and support group).
Is videotaping/photographing the birth allowed? A photographer for newborns available?
Photographing is allowed in our birthing suites and in the privacy of patient rooms; however, no video is allowed during delivery. We do have a third-party service by Mom365 to shoot newborn photos or post-partum for an additional cost to the patient paid directly to the company.
What do the rooms look like?

Do you offer anything special for moms during labor (i.e. hydrobath, labor ball, etc.)?
We have body pillows and two rooms have Jacuzzi baths.
Do you offer a hospital tour?
Does the hospital do cord blood banking?
We have both options of a public banking system Monday through Friday, as well as allow patients to use private companies. Patients and families who want to bank privately need to coordinate with the third party prior to admission to the hospital.
Do you offer any parting swag bags with samples?
Are siblings allowed to visit? Can the spouse sleep in the room?
Siblings, families and friends are allowed to visit upon mother’s request. We allow for one individual of choice to stay overnight and provide a sofa for sleeping. If the newborn is in the NICU for any reason, we allow children 15 years or older to visit. If it is a sibling of the newborn in the NICU, we allow children 3 years and older; however, documentation from the child’s doctor with proof of immunizations is required.
What are the visiting hours?
We request limited visitation after 9 p.m. to encourage rest for our mothers and new families.
What’s the rate of C-sections at the hospital?
Our C-section rate is 33 percent.
What’s the rate of breast-feeding mothers?
We currently have a 35 percent exclusive breast-feeding rate.
What is the episiotomy rate?
Long Island Jewish does not track the rate of episiotomies.
Will my baby be able to sleep in the same room as me? Is there a nursery?
Yes. We encourage rooming in at all times and educate all our patients and their families of the benefits.
Average length of a postpartum stay?
An average postpartum stay ranges from two to four days based on the mode the delivery.
Does the hospital offer anything new/cutting edge?
Family-centered approach to care for all women’s health. LIJ is a designated Magnet facility, a designation that was earned through quality patient outcomes and outstanding nursing care.