Suffolk County salaries in 2013
This database includes salaries and compensation for 12,958 full-time and part-time positions in Suffolk County for 2013. It does not include those at the community college, which are handled separately.
In some cases there is a significant difference between an employee's base earnings and total earnings, which can include overtime and other contractual payments. For employees who retired during the year, total earnings can include payouts for accrued sick and vacation time, leave time and incentives. This information is public and was obtained from the Suffolk County comptroller's office through the Freedom of Information Law.
To re-sort this data by any column, click on the column heading to arrange the material in ascending or descending order. This database was posted in April 2014.
Name | Position | Department | Start date | End date | Base pay | Overtime | Termination pay | Total |
Name PITCHER, WILLIAM | Position Legislative Aide II | Department Legislature | Start date 03/03/2008 | End date - | Base pay $81,640.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $81,687.00 |
Name PITKA, JOHN | Position Police Officer | Department Police | Start date 12/06/1993 | End date - | Base pay $109,129.00 | Overtime $1,262.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $133,249.00 |
Name PITKEWICZ, DEBRA | Position Clerk Typist | Department Social Services | Start date 12/08/2003 | End date - | Base pay $42,355.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $43,502.00 |
Name PITKEWICZ, JEFFREY | Position Police Officer | Department Police | Start date 09/11/2006 | End date - | Base pay $109,129.00 | Overtime $56,015.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $188,602.00 |
Name PITMAN, MICHELLE | Position Senior Asst District Atty | Department District Attorney | Start date 08/04/2003 | End date - | Base pay $92,560.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $96,207.00 |
Name PITTER, MICHAEL | Position Correction Officer I | Department Sheriff | Start date 09/03/2001 | End date - | Base pay $117,881.00 | Overtime $49,301.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $178,016.00 |
Name PITTERSON, PRINCESS | Position Licensed Practical Nurse | Department Health Services | Start date 12/18/1995 | End date 06/13/2013 | Base pay $27,624.00 | Overtime $7,584.00 | Termination pay $14,512.00 | Total $51,920.00 |
Name PITTS, MICHAEL | Position Detective (Police) | Department Police | Start date 12/01/1986 | End date - | Base pay $121,186.00 | Overtime $24,053.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $172,904.00 |
Name PIZIRUSSO, ERNEST | Position Deputy Sheriff I (Invest) | Department Sheriff | Start date 11/16/1998 | End date - | Base pay $88,348.00 | Overtime $31,522.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $133,786.00 |
Name PIZZARDI, ROSEANNE | Position Research Analyst | Department Police | Start date 05/23/2005 | End date - | Base pay $63,871.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $63,918.00 |
Name PIZZO, SHAWN | Position Program Aide IV | Department Labor,License & Consumer Aff | Start date 07/02/2012 | End date - | Base pay $1,200.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $1,200.00 |
Name PIZZURRO, JOHN | Position Detective Sgt (Police) | Department Police | Start date 03/29/1993 | End date - | Base pay $128,346.00 | Overtime $37,064.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $191,438.00 |
Name PIZZUTO, JEROME | Position Systems Anal Supvr(C-J) | Department Sheriff | Start date 04/13/1992 | End date - | Base pay $114,790.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $116,937.00 |
Name PIZZUTO, JOHN | Position Police Officer | Department Police | Start date 09/12/2005 | End date - | Base pay $109,129.00 | Overtime $6,008.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $138,445.00 |
Name PLACHCINSKI, DEBRA | Position School Crossing Guard | Department Police | Start date 02/25/2008 | End date - | Base pay $13,004.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $14,414.00 |
Name PLACILLA, LAURENE | Position School Crossing Guard | Department Police | Start date 01/31/2011 | End date - | Base pay $10,231.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $11,227.00 |
Name PLAHS, CHRISTOPHER | Position Clerk Typist | Department Social Services | Start date 11/15/2010 | End date - | Base pay $10,880.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $10,880.00 |
Name PLANT, WILLIAM | Position Detective (Police) | Department Police | Start date 01/02/1981 | End date - | Base pay $151,822.00 | Overtime $4,457.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $191,291.00 |
Name PLANTY-KNODEL, DONNA | Position Principal Asst Dist Atty | Department District Attorney | Start date 04/29/1996 | End date - | Base pay $125,216.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $134,363.00 |
Name PLASTINO, DORENE | Position Office Systems Technician | Department Police | Start date 11/23/1998 | End date - | Base pay $54,035.00 | Overtime $885.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $56,817.00 |
Name PLATT, ANDREW | Position Deputy Sheriff I | Department Sheriff | Start date 10/11/1999 | End date - | Base pay $82,134.00 | Overtime $36,015.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $126,152.00 |
Name PLATT, CRAIG | Position Asst Dir Swr Dist Actvtn | Department Public Works | Start date 12/20/1982 | End date - | Base pay $91,312.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $93,809.00 |
Name PLATT, KATHLEEN | Position Casework Supervisor | Department Executive | Start date 09/13/1993 | End date - | Base pay $84,006.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $86,153.00 |
Name PLATZ, STEVEN | Position Emerg Svcs Dispatcher I | Department Fire, Rescue & Emergency Svcs | Start date 12/24/2012 | End date - | Base pay $44,432.00 | Overtime $9,372.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $56,783.00 |
Name PLATZNER, SUZANNE | Position Senior Personnel Analyst | Department Civil Service | Start date 04/14/2003 | End date - | Base pay $68,886.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $70,033.00 |
Name PLERSCH, NOELLE | Position Fuel Assistance Worker I | Department Social Services | Start date 08/27/2012 | End date - | Base pay $8,056.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $8,056.00 |
Name PLESCIA, JOSEPH | Position School Crossing Guard | Department Police | Start date 09/30/2002 | End date - | Base pay $13,331.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $16,060.00 |
Name PLESCIA, KAREN | Position Neighborhood Aide | Department Labor,License & Consumer Aff | Start date 05/08/2006 | End date - | Base pay $51,740.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $51,787.00 |
Name PLESSE, IRENE | Position Examiner III (Pt) | Department Civil Service | Start date 02/25/1989 | End date - | Base pay $1,563.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $1,563.00 |
Name PLOTZ, SUSAN | Position Principal Stenographer | Department Police | Start date 02/22/1965 | End date - | Base pay $56,680.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $59,177.00 |
Name PLOUFF, LIZABETH | Position Comm Devlpmt Pgrm Analyst | Department Economic Develop & Planning | Start date 04/17/2013 | End date - | Base pay $49,677.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $49,724.00 |
Name PLUHOWSKI, MATTHEW | Position Lifeguard (Ocean Water Pt) | Department Parks | Start date 06/21/2010 | End date - | Base pay $6,608.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $6,608.00 |
Name PLUMMER, HOPE | Position Correction Officer I | Department Sheriff | Start date 12/28/1987 | End date - | Base pay $4,749.00 | Overtime $2,082.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $7,293.00 |
Name PLUMP, MARY ANN | Position Examiner II (Pt) | Department Civil Service | Start date 11/04/2006 | End date - | Base pay $72.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $72.00 |
Name PLUTH, DENNIS | Position Fuel Assistance Worker I | Department Social Services | Start date 01/07/2013 | End date - | Base pay $2,380.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $2,380.00 |
Name POACH, HEATHER | Position Social Services Exam II | Department Social Services | Start date 03/20/2000 | End date - | Base pay $62,949.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $64,096.00 |
Name PODD, ROGER | Position Investigations Manager | Department Labor,License & Consumer Aff | Start date 01/31/2003 | End date - | Base pay $83,607.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $84,754.00 |
Name PODESTA, TRAVIS | Position Asst District Atty | Department District Attorney | Start date 08/03/2009 | End date 08/24/2013 | Base pay $44,620.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $15,750.00 | Total $60,370.00 |
Name POE, CHRISTINA | Position Clerk | Department Social Services | Start date 09/21/2009 | End date - | Base pay $35,274.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $35,321.00 |
Name POELKER, CHRISTOPHER | Position Jr Civil Engineer | Department Public Works | Start date 11/30/2009 | End date - | Base pay $64,235.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $64,282.00 |
Name POERIO, CHRISTINE | Position Police Operation Aide | Department Police | Start date 03/11/1996 | End date - | Base pay $47,294.00 | Overtime $1,592.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $50,533.00 |
Name POETTA, MICHAEL | Position Correction Officer I | Department Sheriff | Start date 09/03/2001 | End date - | Base pay $115,159.00 | Overtime $27,352.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $153,153.00 |
Name POHANIS, STELLA | Position Medical Program Admin | Department Health Services | Start date 11/27/2006 | End date - | Base pay $149,526.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $149,573.00 |
Name POLAK, LOUIS | Position Clerk Typist | Department County Clerk | Start date 07/09/2008 | End date - | Base pay $10,578.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $10,578.00 |
Name POLANCO, IRMA | Position Soc Ser Exam I (Sp Spkg) | Department Social Services | Start date 07/19/2010 | End date - | Base pay $45,799.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $45,846.00 |
Name POLANCO, JESSICA | Position Program Aide IV | Department Labor,License & Consumer Aff | Start date 07/08/2013 | End date - | Base pay $32.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $32.00 |
Name POLANCO, LUIS | Position Caseworker (Spanish Spkg) | Department Social Services | Start date 09/02/2003 | End date - | Base pay $65,845.00 | Overtime $56.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $67,048.00 |
Name POLANCO, OFELIA | Position Principal Clerk | Department Police | Start date 05/22/1995 | End date - | Base pay $59,358.00 | Overtime $1,758.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $67,058.00 |
Name POLASKI, KRISTINE | Position Office Systems Analyst I | Department District Attorney | Start date 03/27/2000 | End date - | Base pay $66,911.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $68,058.00 |
Name POLASKI, ROBERT | Position Prin Engineering Aide | Department Public Works | Start date 05/12/1997 | End date - | Base pay $60,128.00 | Overtime $19,023.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $80,798.00 |
Name POLCHINSKI, MICHAEL | Position Correction Officer I | Department Sheriff | Start date 09/19/1988 | End date - | Base pay $110,240.00 | Overtime $43,107.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $170,639.00 |
Name POLERA, LYDIA | Position Labor Crew Leader | Department Parks | Start date 10/04/2001 | End date - | Base pay $46,945.00 | Overtime $46.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $48,388.00 |
Name POLI, RUTH | Position Senior Clerk Typist | Department Social Services | Start date 10/28/2002 | End date 03/16/2013 | Base pay $10,080.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $11,200.00 | Total $22,380.00 |
Name POLIAKOV, VLADIMIR | Position Program Aide IV | Department Labor,License & Consumer Aff | Start date 09/12/2012 | End date - | Base pay $840.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $840.00 |
Name POLICASTRO, PATRICK | Position Youth Services Coord | Department Executive | Start date 03/03/1986 | End date - | Base pay $95,238.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $97,535.00 |
Name POLICASTRO, VALERIE | Position Cashier | Department Traffic Violations Agency | Start date 03/19/2013 | End date - | Base pay $949.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $949.00 |
Name POLINICE, MICHAEL | Position Maintenance Mechanic III | Department Public Works | Start date 01/13/1997 | End date - | Base pay $54,113.00 | Overtime $1,963.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $58,145.00 |
Name POLISTINA, ANTHONY | Position Correction Officer I | Department Sheriff | Start date 09/03/2001 | End date - | Base pay $112,068.00 | Overtime $53,009.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $179,765.00 |
Name POLITIS, GEORGE | Position Police Officer | Department Police | Start date 11/12/2002 | End date - | Base pay $109,129.00 | Overtime $11,911.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $142,773.00 |
Name POLITO, LINDA | Position Social Services Exam II | Department Social Services | Start date 07/06/1998 | End date - | Base pay $57,428.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $59,075.00 |
Name POLLAK, TRACY | Position Prin Research Analyst | Department Police | Start date 03/20/1989 | End date - | Base pay $94,818.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $96,965.00 |
Name POLLERT, FREDERICK | Position Dep Cty Exec, Fin Affairs | Department Executive | Start date 01/01/2012 | End date - | Base pay $174,329.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $176,826.00 |
Name POLLET, JOSEPH | Position Senior Auditor | Department Health Services | Start date 09/02/2003 | End date - | Base pay $70,979.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $71,026.00 |
Name POLLIO, STACIE | Position Police Officer | Department Police | Start date 06/28/2010 | End date - | Base pay $81,424.00 | Overtime $4,458.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $99,698.00 |
Name POLLOCK, LAURA | Position Social Services Exam I | Department Social Services | Start date 10/25/2004 | End date - | Base pay $54,982.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $55,029.00 |
Name POLTORAK, JAMES | Position Police Officer | Department Police | Start date 03/29/1993 | End date - | Base pay $109,129.00 | Overtime $16,393.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $148,380.00 |
Name POMBO, JACQUELINE | Position Paralegal Assistant | Department District Attorney | Start date 07/12/2010 | End date - | Base pay $41,616.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $41,663.00 |
Name POMPEI, DEANNA | Position Senior Clerk Typist | Department Social Services | Start date 03/31/2003 | End date 05/03/2013 | Base pay $16,191.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $2,081.00 | Total $19,372.00 |
Name PONE, AIRRITA | Position Social Services Exam I | Department Social Services | Start date 02/02/2009 | End date - | Base pay $47,202.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $47,249.00 |
Name PONS, HAYDEE | Position Caseworker (Spanish Spkg) | Department Social Services | Start date 03/31/2003 | End date - | Base pay $67,886.00 | Overtime $433.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $69,966.00 |
Name PONTE, RICHARD | Position Mail Room Supervisor | Department Public Works | Start date 12/10/1984 | End date 02/23/2013 | Base pay $10,737.00 | Overtime $212.00 | Termination pay $13,077.00 | Total $26,476.00 |
Name PONTICELLO, JOSEPH | Position Corr Officer I (Invest) | Department Sheriff | Start date 08/29/1977 | End date 07/31/2012 | Base pay $29,990.00 | Overtime $24,106.00 | Termination pay $7,291.00 | Total $64,466.00 |
Name PONTINO, JOHN | Position Labor Crew Leader (35 Hour) | Department Public Works | Start date 01/16/1984 | End date - | Base pay $21,465.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $21,465.00 |
Name POOK, LORETTA | Position Emergency Complaint Oper | Department Police | Start date 03/23/1998 | End date - | Base pay $54,834.00 | Overtime $2,244.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $63,057.00 |
Name POPDAN, ROBERT | Position Lifeguard (Ocean Water Pt) | Department Parks | Start date 07/01/2010 | End date - | Base pay $6,156.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $6,156.00 |
Name POPDAN, ROBERT | Position Detective (Police) | Department Police | Start date 09/08/1992 | End date - | Base pay $121,186.00 | Overtime $19,842.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $166,443.00 |
Name POPE-WASHINGTON, STEVEN | Position Program Aide IV | Department Labor,License & Consumer Aff | Start date 06/30/2008 | End date - | Base pay $1,312.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $1,312.00 |
Name POPIELASKI, MICHAEL | Position Police Officer | Department Police | Start date 04/22/2002 | End date - | Base pay $109,129.00 | Overtime $10,544.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $141,356.00 |
Name POPIELASKI, PHILIP | Position Police Officer | Department Police | Start date 09/18/2000 | End date - | Base pay $109,129.00 | Overtime $10,003.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $140,815.00 |
Name POPIELASKI, WILLIAM | Position Police Officer | Department Police | Start date 06/20/1994 | End date - | Base pay $109,129.00 | Overtime $27,156.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $158,768.00 |
Name PORCIELLO, STEPHANIE | Position Clerk Typist | Department County Clerk | Start date 01/18/2011 | End date - | Base pay $10,036.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $10,036.00 |
Name PORCILLO, JENNIFER | Position Correction Officer I | Department Sheriff | Start date 01/25/2010 | End date - | Base pay $88,603.00 | Overtime $485.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $95,983.00 |
Name PORTA, MAUREEN | Position Sr Citizens Prog Adminstr II | Department Executive | Start date 08/18/1980 | End date - | Base pay $95,238.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $97,735.00 |
Name PORTANOVA, JOSEPH | Position Deputy Sheriff I | Department Sheriff | Start date 10/20/2003 | End date - | Base pay $82,134.00 | Overtime $23,584.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $107,940.00 |
Name PORTELA, PATRICK | Position Detective (Police) | Department Police | Start date 09/14/1987 | End date - | Base pay $121,186.00 | Overtime $46,549.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $196,150.00 |
Name PORTER, JULIAN | Position Program Aide IV | Department Labor,License & Consumer Aff | Start date 07/10/2013 | End date - | Base pay $1,120.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $1,120.00 |
Name PORTER, KELLY | Position Child Support Spclst III | Department Social Services | Start date 10/01/2001 | End date - | Base pay $64,235.00 | Overtime $916.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $66,298.00 |
Name PORTER, LAUREN | Position Correction Officer I | Department Sheriff | Start date 04/25/2011 | End date - | Base pay $76,745.00 | Overtime $9,222.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $92,925.00 |
Name PORTER, MARY | Position Sr Assistant County Atty | Department Law | Start date 02/11/2013 | End date - | Base pay $70,403.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $70,450.00 |
Name PORTER, MATTHEW | Position Probation Officer | Department Probation | Start date 06/17/1996 | End date - | Base pay $83,590.00 | Overtime $5,894.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $91,431.00 |
Name PORTER, TARA | Position Head Clerk | Department Police | Start date 12/30/1992 | End date - | Base pay $64,948.00 | Overtime $1,879.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $68,974.00 |
Name PORTNER, AMANDA | Position Fuel Assistance Worker I | Department Social Services | Start date 01/18/2011 | End date - | Base pay $7,070.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $7,070.00 |
Name PORTOGHESE, SUEANNE | Position School Crossing Guard | Department Police | Start date 01/08/2007 | End date - | Base pay $13,025.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $14,432.00 |
Name PORTOGHESE, TERESA | Position Secretary | Department Fire, Rescue & Emergency Svcs | Start date 10/24/2005 | End date - | Base pay $57,415.00 | Overtime $5,515.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $62,977.00 |
Name POSILLICO, MICHAEL | Position Deputy Sheriff I | Department Sheriff | Start date 11/29/2010 | End date - | Base pay $58,229.00 | Overtime $5,973.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $69,092.00 |
Name POST, KATHRYN | Position Materiel Control Clk III | Department Public Works | Start date 08/03/1987 | End date - | Base pay $49,244.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $60,673.00 |
Name POST, MELODY | Position Senior Caseworker | Department Social Services | Start date 02/03/1997 | End date - | Base pay $77,454.00 | Overtime $1,303.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $80,404.00 |
Name POSTEL, MICHAEL | Position Police Comm Systems Dir | Department Police | Start date 10/30/1995 | End date - | Base pay $98,429.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $100,076.00 |
Name POTENZA, LISA | Position Sr Programmer Analyst | Department Information Technology Service | Start date 10/14/2003 | End date - | Base pay $80,138.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $81,285.00 |
Name POTOPSINGH, LISA | Position Sr Public Hlth Sanitarian | Department Health Services | Start date 06/05/2006 | End date - | Base pay $65,811.00 | Overtime $0.00 | Termination pay $0.00 | Total $66,280.00 |
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