Nassau County salaries 2010
This database includes salaries and compensation for 12,402 full-time and part-time employees of Nassau County for 2010. As a group they made $928,122,353.60, of which more than $77 million was in overtime.
In some cases there is a significant difference between an employee's base earnings and total earnings, which can include overtime and other contractual payments. For employees who retired in 2010, total earnings can include payouts for accrued sick and vacation time. In 2010, Nassau police were eligible for a one-time retirement incentive of $1,500 for each year of service. Employees of Nassau Community College and the Nassau Health Care Corp., which operates Nassau University Medical Center, are not included in this database because the institutions are not entirely county-funded. This data is public information from the Nassau County Comptroller's Office and was obtained through the Freedom of Information Law. This database was posted in June 2011.
last_name | frst_name | department | title | base_earnings | overtime | total_earnings | hire_date | termination_date |
last_name Rose | frst_name Allen D | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 60,919 | overtime 12,352 | total_earnings 84,622 | hire_date 2005 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rose | frst_name Bryan A | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 83,917 | overtime 12,588 | total_earnings 109,293 | hire_date 1993 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rose | frst_name Bonnie J | department Police Department | title Crossing Guard | base_earnings 13,663 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 54,212 | hire_date 1984 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Rose | frst_name Deborah E | department Police Department | title Crossing Guard | base_earnings 19,861 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 19,861 | hire_date 1985 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rose | frst_name Amy | department Recreations and Parks | title Lifeguard III (Pool),Part-Time | base_earnings 7,162 | overtime 117 | total_earnings 7,769 | hire_date 2000 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rose | frst_name Patricia M | department Social Services | title Caseworker III | base_earnings 74,976 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 78,050 | hire_date 1989 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rose-Louder | frst_name Kyle I | department District Attorney | title Asst District Atty | base_earnings 117,050 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 117,050 | hire_date 1988 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rosembert | frst_name Doucharde | department Social Services | title Soc Welfare Exmr I | base_earnings 44,771 | overtime 1,840 | total_earnings 46,780 | hire_date 2002 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rosen | frst_name Jerome I | department Records Management | title Clerk - Laborer | base_earnings 34,909 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 36,909 | hire_date 2008 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rosen | frst_name Francine S | department Social Services | title Child Support Inv II | base_earnings 63,959 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 67,495 | hire_date 1993 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rosen | frst_name Nancy | department Social Services | title Soc Wel Exmr Spvr I | base_earnings 67,881 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 70,906 | hire_date 1993 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rosenbaum | frst_name D.J. | department County Attorney | title Deputy Co Attorney | base_earnings 81,716 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 81,716 | hire_date 2002 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rosenbaum | frst_name Ashley | department Recreations and Parks | title Lifeguard I (Pool),Pt | base_earnings 5,171 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 5,306 | hire_date 2010 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rosenberg | frst_name Paul | department Social Services | title Case Spvr I | base_earnings 81,286 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 83,299 | hire_date 1990 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rosenblatt | frst_name Nancy | department Housing | title Special Asst | base_earnings 49,808 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 49,845 | hire_date 2007 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rosenblum | frst_name Michael | department County Exec Office | title Clerk Seasonal | base_earnings 1,618 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 1,618 | hire_date 2010 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Rosenblum | frst_name Jacqueline | department District Attorney | title Asst District Atty | base_earnings 69,732 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 69,732 | hire_date 2009 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rosenblum | frst_name Tracy J | department Recreations and Parks | title Lifeguard I (Pool) Seasonal | base_earnings 3,693 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 3,693 | hire_date 2007 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Rosenfeld | frst_name Paula L | department Health Dept | title Accountant I | base_earnings 45,718 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 46,095 | hire_date 2001 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rosenkrantz | frst_name Clark F | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 83,917 | overtime 382 | total_earnings 96,896 | hire_date 1991 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rosenspire | frst_name Matthew J | department Board of Elections | title Clerk Seasonal | base_earnings 1,474 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 1,474 | hire_date 2010 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rosenthal | frst_name Karen L | department Health Dept | title Clerk II | base_earnings 27,887 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 77,508 | hire_date 1990 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Roser | frst_name Ward | department Public Works | title Plant Maint Mech I | base_earnings 55,110 | overtime 4,412 | total_earnings 63,371 | hire_date 1981 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rosin | frst_name Patricia M | department Assessment Review Commission | title Comm-Ind-Aprasr-Assr II | base_earnings 94,902 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 95,052 | hire_date 2003 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Roslow | frst_name Brett | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 72,535 | overtime 8,033 | total_earnings 88,895 | hire_date 2007 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rosmarin | frst_name Seth D | department District Attorney | title Asst District Atty | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 7,417 | hire_date 2002 | termination_date 2008 |
last_name Rosmarion-Tabert | frst_name Kerstin S | department Medical Examiner | title Forensic Geneticist I | base_earnings 88,204 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 88,204 | hire_date 2005 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ross | frst_name Daniel B | department Assessment | title Rl Prop Assr I | base_earnings 48,944 | overtime 1,736 | total_earnings 51,154 | hire_date 2003 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ross | frst_name Lisa B | department County Attorney | title Deputy Co Attorney | base_earnings 20,510 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 22,444 | hire_date 2007 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Ross | frst_name Devin D | department Police Department | title Pol Serg-Detective | base_earnings 133,634 | overtime 27,500 | total_earnings 183,170 | hire_date 1997 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ross | frst_name Matthew Q | department Police Department | title Police Officer-Det | base_earnings 119,091 | overtime 63,038 | total_earnings 209,501 | hire_date 1990 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ross | frst_name Loran | department Recreations and Parks | title Park Worker Seasonal | base_earnings 3,270 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 3,270 | hire_date 2010 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Ross | frst_name Malina | department Recreations and Parks | title Park Worker Seasonal | base_earnings 3,657 | overtime 3 | total_earnings 3,660 | hire_date 2010 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ross | frst_name Bara | department Purchasing | title Procurement Coordinator | base_earnings 15,244 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 15,244 | hire_date 2010 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ross | frst_name Teika | department Social Services | title Soc Welfare Exmr I | base_earnings 51,653 | overtime 1,204 | total_earnings 53,700 | hire_date 1996 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rossi | frst_name Barbara J | department Civil Service | title Prsnl Spclst I | base_earnings 51,194 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 51,194 | hire_date 2004 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rossi | frst_name Christine J | department Police Department | title Crossing Guard (Part-Time) | base_earnings 9,599 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 9,599 | hire_date 2009 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rotavera | frst_name Arline | department Senior Citizens | title Coord,Sr Ctzn Sv Prj | base_earnings 84,216 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 87,025 | hire_date 1986 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Roth | frst_name Gregg | department County Attorney | title Deputy Co Attorney | base_earnings 28,294 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 31,584 | hire_date 2005 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Roth | frst_name Neal | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 83,917 | overtime 38,909 | total_earnings 132,610 | hire_date 1986 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Roth | frst_name Ian W | department Police Department | title Public Safety Officer I | base_earnings 12,391 | overtime 5,190 | total_earnings 24,721 | hire_date 2008 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Roth | frst_name Kenneth J | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 106,698 | overtime 3,776 | total_earnings 130,129 | hire_date 1993 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Roth | frst_name Saul | department Police Department | title Police Lieutenant | base_earnings 139,605 | overtime 19,769 | total_earnings 190,867 | hire_date 1990 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Roth | frst_name Susan H | department Social Services | title Soc Welfare Exmr I | base_earnings 2,459 | overtime 11 | total_earnings 3,495 | hire_date 2009 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Rothbard | frst_name Gary | department Correctional Center | title Cashier I | base_earnings 36,126 | overtime 9,014 | total_earnings 55,365 | hire_date 2007 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rothe | frst_name Robert | department Police Department | title Police Automotive Mechanic | base_earnings 69,245 | overtime 26,837 | total_earnings 109,956 | hire_date 1985 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rothenberg | frst_name Arnold M | department Police Department | title Police Sergeant | base_earnings 127,175 | overtime 17,676 | total_earnings 171,050 | hire_date 1997 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rothschild | frst_name Joseph J | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 77,323 | overtime 17,963 | total_earnings 102,152 | hire_date 2000 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Roth-Sedrish | frst_name Helen | department Police Department | title Crossing Guard | base_earnings 23,741 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 23,741 | hire_date 2001 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rothstein | frst_name Mark A | department Health Dept | title Sanitarian II | base_earnings 81,286 | overtime 2,259 | total_earnings 85,878 | hire_date 1991 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rothstein | frst_name Danielle | department Recreations and Parks | title Park Worker Seasonal | base_earnings 2,056 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 2,056 | hire_date 2010 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Rothwell | frst_name Richard J | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 88,189 | overtime 1,302 | total_earnings 102,914 | hire_date 2004 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rottkamp | frst_name Thomas | department Public Works | title Labor Supervisor II | base_earnings 63,959 | overtime 8,683 | total_earnings 77,897 | hire_date 1981 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rotundo | frst_name Joseph | department Correctional Center | title Crctnl Ctr Mnt Plmbr | base_earnings 81,286 | overtime 22,637 | total_earnings 111,616 | hire_date 1991 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rotzler | frst_name Eileen F | department Police Department | title Police Service Aide | base_earnings 48,914 | overtime 120 | total_earnings 52,025 | hire_date 2004 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Roubian | frst_name Henry R | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 14,828 | overtime 162 | total_earnings 17,033 | hire_date 2010 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Roulis | frst_name William T | department Correctional Center | title Correction Corporal | base_earnings 91,470 | overtime 17,398 | total_earnings 122,637 | hire_date 1989 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Roussel | frst_name Theresa M | department County Clerk | title Attorney's Assistant II | base_earnings 57,802 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 58,646 | hire_date 1996 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Routh | frst_name Stanley J | department Police Department | title Police Officer-Mech | base_earnings 118,638 | overtime 10,640 | total_earnings 143,938 | hire_date 1986 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rowan | frst_name Barbara A | department Health Dept | title Sanitarian II | base_earnings 81,286 | overtime 2,922 | total_earnings 86,341 | hire_date 1993 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rowan | frst_name Christopher J | department Police Department | title Police Officer-Det | base_earnings 119,091 | overtime 8,545 | total_earnings 154,949 | hire_date 1986 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rowan | frst_name Harold L | department Police Department | title Police Lieutenant | base_earnings 139,605 | overtime 19,087 | total_earnings 179,248 | hire_date 1994 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rowe | frst_name Jasmine | department Assessment | title Rl Prop Assr Aide I | base_earnings 38,066 | overtime 27 | total_earnings 39,275 | hire_date 2005 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rowe | frst_name Elaine H | department Health Dept | title Chemist | base_earnings 63,959 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 66,459 | hire_date 1988 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rowe | frst_name Marla | department Probation | title Probation Spvr I | base_earnings 100,875 | overtime 450 | total_earnings 111,510 | hire_date 1983 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rowe | frst_name Christopher J | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 52,155 | overtime 11,927 | total_earnings 72,807 | hire_date 2008 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rowe | frst_name Jeffrey A | department Social Services | title Caseworker III | base_earnings 74,976 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 85,186 | hire_date 1993 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rowley | frst_name Alexander B | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 73,254 | overtime 5,000 | total_earnings 90,153 | hire_date 2007 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rozansky | frst_name Est Of Eleanor | department Probation | title Trnscrb Mach Optr | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 15,562 | hire_date 1976 | termination_date 2009 |
last_name Rozea | frst_name Christiana E | department Police Department | title Clerk Typist II | base_earnings 37,999 | overtime 842 | total_earnings 43,464 | hire_date 2004 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rozea | frst_name Thomas R | department Police Department | title Police Automotive Mechanic | base_earnings 69,245 | overtime 21,437 | total_earnings 104,144 | hire_date 1986 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rozea-Brophy | frst_name Jeanne M | department Police Department | title Clerk IV | base_earnings 74,976 | overtime 95 | total_earnings 80,592 | hire_date 1981 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rozzi | frst_name Samuel J | department Police Department | title Police Officer-Det | base_earnings 119,091 | overtime 8,555 | total_earnings 148,450 | hire_date 1998 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ruane | frst_name John P | department Police Department | title Police Sergeant | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 23,366 | hire_date 1977 | termination_date 2009 |
last_name Rubalcaba | frst_name Gayanne L | department Health Dept | title Clerk I Part-Time | base_earnings 16,225 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 16,225 | hire_date 1991 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rubenfeld | frst_name Lauren J | department County Attorney | title Clerk Typist I | base_earnings 36,426 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 36,651 | hire_date 2004 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rubin | frst_name Neal D | department Recreations and Parks | title Park Worker Seasonal | base_earnings 3,923 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 3,923 | hire_date 2001 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rubin-De-Cervens | frst_name Christian | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 106,698 | overtime 12,778 | total_earnings 135,164 | hire_date 1995 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rubino | frst_name Michele | department County Clerk | title Clerk I - Part-Time | base_earnings 8,612 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 8,612 | hire_date 2005 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rubino | frst_name Stephanie | department Legislature | title Assistant Director | base_earnings 367 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 6,982 | hire_date 2001 | termination_date 2009 |
last_name Rubino | frst_name Joseph N | department Police Department | title Police Officer-Det | base_earnings 117,793 | overtime 11,314 | total_earnings 159,752 | hire_date 1990 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rubino | frst_name Ralph A | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 106,698 | overtime 10,875 | total_earnings 144,537 | hire_date 1995 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ruden | frst_name Dennis J | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 54,532 | overtime 3,596 | total_earnings 181,896 | hire_date 1987 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Rudnick | frst_name William A | department Police Department | title Ambulance Med Tech | base_earnings 30,044 | overtime 27 | total_earnings 37,494 | hire_date 2009 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rudolph | frst_name Keith M | department Medical Examiner | title Forensic Pathologist's Asst II | base_earnings 74,976 | overtime 921 | total_earnings 80,434 | hire_date 1996 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rudolph | frst_name Diane | department Social Services | title Soc Welfare Exmr I | base_earnings 51,653 | overtime 4,422 | total_earnings 58,688 | hire_date 1987 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ruettgers | frst_name Dawn M | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 106,698 | overtime 1,212 | total_earnings 130,768 | hire_date 1994 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ruffini | frst_name Eileen | department District Attorney | title Legal Secretary III | base_earnings 69,245 | overtime 11,194 | total_earnings 85,485 | hire_date 1973 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rufrano | frst_name Brett | department Recreations and Parks | title Park Worker Seasonal | base_earnings 1,434 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 1,434 | hire_date 2010 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Rufrano | frst_name Mathew | department Veterans' Bureau | title Dir Of Vets Svc Agcy | base_earnings 11,207 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 11,541 | hire_date 2010 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Rugen | frst_name Barbara J | department Police Department | title Police Service Aide | base_earnings 59,089 | overtime 1,003 | total_earnings 62,675 | hire_date 1987 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rugen | frst_name Margaret | department Police Department | title Police Service Aide | base_earnings 59,089 | overtime 557 | total_earnings 61,659 | hire_date 1990 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ruggieri | frst_name Michael F | department Public Works | title Eqpt Operator I | base_earnings 40,485 | overtime 6,912 | total_earnings 48,345 | hire_date 2006 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ruggiero | frst_name Michael A | department Police Department | title Police Officer-Det | base_earnings 119,091 | overtime 9,669 | total_earnings 151,364 | hire_date 1994 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ruggiero | frst_name Gary J | department Police Department | title Police Sergeant | base_earnings 127,175 | overtime 7,222 | total_earnings 150,829 | hire_date 1990 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rugolo | frst_name Edward F | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 42,552 | overtime 268 | total_earnings 50,214 | hire_date 2008 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ruhle | frst_name Thomas | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 73,254 | overtime 15,437 | total_earnings 101,443 | hire_date 2007 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ruisi | frst_name Kara | department District Attorney | title Asst District Atty | base_earnings 23,563 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 25,063 | hire_date 2008 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ruiz | frst_name Carlos R | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 83,917 | overtime 34,057 | total_earnings 124,231 | hire_date 1989 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ruiz | frst_name Anna | department Health Dept | title Clerk I, Bilingual | base_earnings 41,065 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 41,465 | hire_date 1998 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ruiz | frst_name Raymond | department Police Department | title Police Officer-Det | base_earnings 119,091 | overtime 35,097 | total_earnings 183,359 | hire_date 1987 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ruiz | frst_name Julio | department Recreations and Parks | title Park Worker Seasonal | base_earnings 9,514 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 9,514 | hire_date 2009 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ruiz | frst_name Alfredo | department Recreations and Parks | title Range Manager | base_earnings 51,016 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 53,152 | hire_date 2007 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ruiz | frst_name Rita | department Social Services | title Soc Welfare Exmr I | base_earnings 43,867 | overtime 121 | total_earnings 44,078 | hire_date 2003 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rullo | frst_name Karen | department Medical Examiner | title Medical Transcrbe Mach Op I Pt | base_earnings 17,221 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 17,221 | hire_date 2004 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rung | frst_name Christine M | department Police Department | title Crossing Guard | base_earnings 24,368 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 25,018 | hire_date 1994 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rung Jr | frst_name Richard D | department Police Department | title Ambulance Med Tech | base_earnings 74,976 | overtime 4,220 | total_earnings 92,727 | hire_date 1991 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Runiewicz | frst_name Gerald S | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 15,933 | hire_date 1991 | termination_date 2009 |
last_name Runiewicz | frst_name Gerald | department Social Services | title Soc Welfare Exmr II | base_earnings 63,959 | overtime 1,140 | total_earnings 67,113 | hire_date 1990 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Runk | frst_name Mary F | department County Comptroller | title Stock Assistant | base_earnings 38,961 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 40,083 | hire_date 1994 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ruocchio | frst_name Ricki H | department Police Department | title Police Service Aide | base_earnings 47,032 | overtime 368 | total_earnings 47,640 | hire_date 1999 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ruocco | frst_name Anthony J | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 1,264 | overtime 160 | total_earnings 3,301 | hire_date 2009 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Ruotolo | frst_name Paul T | department Correctional Center | title Correction Corporal | base_earnings 91,470 | overtime 23,263 | total_earnings 133,012 | hire_date 1981 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ruppenthal | frst_name Stanley R | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 106,698 | overtime 32,654 | total_earnings 161,303 | hire_date 1983 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ruschmann | frst_name Peter E | department Probation | title Probation Assistant | base_earnings 44,736 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 44,980 | hire_date 2001 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rusinek | frst_name Beverly | department Purchasing | title Clerk Typist I | base_earnings 35,462 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 35,462 | hire_date 2006 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Russ | frst_name Diane C | department Consumer Affairs | title Cnsmr Afs Invtgr II | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 18,281 | hire_date 1969 | termination_date 2008 |
last_name Russ | frst_name Richard J | department Consumer Affairs | title Asst Dir Weights&Measures II | base_earnings 84,554 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 91,871 | hire_date 1986 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Russ | frst_name John G | department Police Department | title Police Communications Operator | base_earnings 63,959 | overtime 28,163 | total_earnings 104,392 | hire_date 1994 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Russ | frst_name Kathleen | department Police Department | title Police Communications Operator | base_earnings 63,959 | overtime 9,820 | total_earnings 86,591 | hire_date 1990 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Russ | frst_name William R | department Police Department | title Police Officer-Det | base_earnings 119,091 | overtime 6,904 | total_earnings 152,636 | hire_date 1992 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Russack | frst_name William N | department Police Department | title Police Officer-Det | base_earnings 119,091 | overtime 6,982 | total_earnings 149,302 | hire_date 1984 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Russack | frst_name Craig S | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 84,311 | overtime 19,055 | total_earnings 116,439 | hire_date 2005 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Russell | frst_name Paul T | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 30,857 | hire_date 1987 | termination_date 2009 |
last_name Russell | frst_name Evelean | department County Clerk | title Clerk I - Part-Time | base_earnings 10,069 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 10,069 | hire_date 2006 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Russell | frst_name Daniel | department Human Rights | title Ex Dir,Comm Human R | base_earnings 98,899 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 98,996 | hire_date 1994 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Russell | frst_name Laura | department Probation | title Probation Officer I | base_earnings 54,009 | overtime 422 | total_earnings 59,061 | hire_date 2006 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Russell | frst_name Scott | department Police Department | title Ambulance Med Tech | base_earnings 74,976 | overtime 23,188 | total_earnings 110,400 | hire_date 1994 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Russell | frst_name Steven J | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 106,698 | overtime 11,045 | total_earnings 135,693 | hire_date 1995 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Russell | frst_name William S | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 84,311 | overtime 16,957 | total_earnings 114,379 | hire_date 2005 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Russell | frst_name Kevin P | department Recreations and Parks | title Park Worker Seasonal | base_earnings 13,040 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 13,040 | hire_date 2007 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Russell | frst_name Douglas A | department Social Services | title Dir Of Plng&Rsh,Ss | base_earnings 106,047 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 106,102 | hire_date 2005 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Russini | frst_name Richard | department Housing | title Housing Case Manager | base_earnings 53,640 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 55,598 | hire_date 2010 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Russo | frst_name Joanne | department Assessment | title Accounting Assistant I | base_earnings 39,975 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 40,282 | hire_date 2002 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Russo | frst_name Matthew | department Assessment | title Messenger | base_earnings 31,778 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 31,778 | hire_date 2005 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Russo | frst_name Vincent T | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 83,917 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 88,922 | hire_date 1989 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Russo | frst_name Jennifer | department District Attorney | title Asst District Atty | base_earnings 36,782 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 36,782 | hire_date 2010 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Russo | frst_name Patrick A | department Board of Elections | title Clerk Part Time | base_earnings 25,630 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 26,375 | hire_date 2009 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Russo | frst_name Carole A | department Information Technology | title Central Programmer Analyst III | base_earnings 148,131 | overtime 1,950 | total_earnings 155,202 | hire_date 1978 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Russo | frst_name Franklin P | department Probation | title Probation Officer I | base_earnings 67,213 | overtime 4,280 | total_earnings 73,785 | hire_date 2001 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Russo | frst_name Daniel R | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 106,698 | overtime 6,454 | total_earnings 128,261 | hire_date 1997 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Russo | frst_name Frank | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 106,698 | overtime 39,686 | total_earnings 165,281 | hire_date 1994 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Russo | frst_name Ronald C | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 72,535 | overtime 6,993 | total_earnings 88,098 | hire_date 2007 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Russo | frst_name Ria C | department Traffic; parking | title Clerk I | base_earnings 29,238 | overtime 2,817 | total_earnings 33,000 | hire_date 2009 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ruthen | frst_name Harleen | department Mental Health Chemical Dependency | title Coordntr Comm Mentl Hth Svces | base_earnings 96,599 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 98,965 | hire_date 1990 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rutherford | frst_name Lisa A | department Police Department | title Crossing Guard | base_earnings 22,672 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 22,672 | hire_date 1998 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rutherford | frst_name Howard | department Public Works | title Laborer I | base_earnings 37,620 | overtime 67 | total_earnings 37,711 | hire_date 2006 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Rutkowski | frst_name Helena M | department Police Department | title Crossing Guard | base_earnings 26,613 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 27,743 | hire_date 1986 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ruvolo | frst_name Stephen J | department Probation | title Probation Assistant | base_earnings 51,653 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 57,031 | hire_date 1982 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ruvolo | frst_name Frank A | department Police Department | title Police Officer-Det | base_earnings 119,091 | overtime 32,499 | total_earnings 182,973 | hire_date 1990 | termination_date 0000 |
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