Nassau County salaries 2010

This database includes salaries and compensation for 12,402 full-time and part-time employees of Nassau County for 2010. As a group they made $928,122,353.60, of which more than $77 million was in overtime.

In some cases there is a significant difference between an employee's base earnings and total earnings, which can include overtime and other contractual payments. For employees who retired in 2010, total earnings can include payouts for accrued sick and vacation time. In 2010, Nassau police were eligible for a one-time retirement incentive of $1,500 for each year of service. Employees of Nassau Community College and the Nassau Health Care Corp., which operates Nassau University Medical Center, are not included in this database because the institutions are not entirely county-funded. This data is public information from the Nassau County Comptroller's Office and was obtained through the Freedom of Information Law. This database was posted in June 2011.

Clear Search
last_name frst_name department title base_earnings overtime total_earnings hire_date termination_date
last_name Papka frst_name Ryan J department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 83,917 overtime 32,476 total_earnings 128,094 hire_date 1999 termination_date 0000
last_name Pappalardo frst_name Joseph department Housing title Housing Inspector base_earnings 22,222 overtime 0 total_earnings 23,056 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Pappas frst_name Billy department County Attorney title Spec Invst I,Co Atty base_earnings 63,092 overtime 0 total_earnings 67,900 hire_date 2007 termination_date 0000
last_name Pappas frst_name Douglas A department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 116,874 overtime 50,693 total_earnings 530,167 hire_date 1984 termination_date 2010
last_name Pappas frst_name John department Recreations and Parks title Rectn Aide Pt base_earnings 33,824 overtime 0 total_earnings 34,065 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Papson frst_name Maryann department Recreations and Parks title Cashier I base_earnings 36,880 overtime 0 total_earnings 36,880 hire_date 2005 termination_date 0000
last_name Paquette frst_name Roxanne J department District Attorney title Asst District Atty base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 12,751 hire_date 1995 termination_date 2008
last_name Paramo frst_name Elizabeth department Social Services title Social Welfare Examiner I Biln base_earnings 42,244 overtime 630 total_earnings 42,889 hire_date 2005 termination_date 0000
last_name Parascandola frst_name James J department Public Works title Eqpt Operator II base_earnings 46,679 overtime 6,116 total_earnings 53,417 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Pardo frst_name Douglas T department Police Department title Pol Serg-Detective base_earnings 133,634 overtime 11,526 total_earnings 166,420 hire_date 1986 termination_date 0000
last_name Paredes-Orlich frst_name Pamela department Social Services title Child Support Inv II base_earnings 49,507 overtime 0 total_earnings 51,696 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Pareja frst_name Carlos A department Health Dept title Public Health Engineer II base_earnings 105,118 overtime 0 total_earnings 108,293 hire_date 1983 termination_date 0000
last_name Pareja frst_name Gabrielle L department Health Dept title Pub Hlth Edctr I base_earnings 74,976 overtime 0 total_earnings 79,869 hire_date 1988 termination_date 0000
last_name Parella frst_name Angelina department Police Department title Police Service Aide base_earnings 48,936 overtime 0 total_earnings 48,952 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Parente frst_name Brian department Health Dept title Pub Hth Aide II Seas base_earnings 6,195 overtime 0 total_earnings 6,940 hire_date 2008 termination_date 2010
last_name Parente frst_name Frank W department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 52,670 overtime 19,774 total_earnings 82,648 hire_date 2008 termination_date 0000
last_name Parente frst_name Gino department Public Works title Power Plant Optr II base_earnings 63,959 overtime 12,972 total_earnings 88,623 hire_date 1986 termination_date 0000
last_name Parente-Maschino frst_name Lorraine department Health Dept title Clerk I base_earnings 35,330 overtime 328 total_earnings 36,317 hire_date 2006 termination_date 0000
last_name Paresi frst_name Kathy G department Health Dept title Public Health Nutritionist I base_earnings 63,683 overtime 0 total_earnings 66,550 hire_date 1995 termination_date 0000
last_name Pariante frst_name Grace N department County Attorney title Clerk Typist II base_earnings 45,876 overtime 0 total_earnings 47,739 hire_date 1991 termination_date 0000
last_name Parillo frst_name Albert A department Police Department title Ambulance Med Tech base_earnings 74,976 overtime 14,034 total_earnings 101,653 hire_date 1990 termination_date 0000
last_name Parise frst_name Mary J department Police Department title Clerk Typist II base_earnings 45,876 overtime 0 total_earnings 47,739 hire_date 1991 termination_date 0000
last_name Parise frst_name Beniamino department Public Works title Highway Maint Spvr base_earnings 88,497 overtime 21,730 total_earnings 116,603 hire_date 1974 termination_date 0000
last_name Parise frst_name Daniele department Public Works title Laborer I Seas base_earnings 9,534 overtime 0 total_earnings 9,534 hire_date 2003 termination_date 2010
last_name Parise frst_name Giuseppe B department Public Works title Laborer I Seas base_earnings 3,082 overtime 0 total_earnings 3,082 hire_date 2003 termination_date 2010
last_name Parisi frst_name Frank department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 55,815 overtime 6,595 total_earnings 71,385 hire_date 1986 termination_date 2010
last_name Parisi frst_name Robert J department Information Technology title Programmer II base_earnings 88,497 overtime 4,105 total_earnings 101,733 hire_date 1984 termination_date 0000
last_name Parisi frst_name Salvatore department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 72,535 overtime 1,981 total_earnings 80,623 hire_date 2007 termination_date 0000
last_name Parisi frst_name Anthony department Purchasing title Buyer I base_earnings 63,959 overtime 0 total_earnings 65,972 hire_date 1998 termination_date 0000
last_name Parker frst_name Richard D department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 83,917 overtime 26,837 total_earnings 122,212 hire_date 1995 termination_date 0000
last_name Parker frst_name Lynette A department Health Dept title Pub Hlth Nurse I base_earnings 72,711 overtime 0 total_earnings 74,259 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Parker frst_name William R department Police Department title Police Sergeant base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 11,237 hire_date 1974 termination_date 2009
last_name Parker frst_name Kenneth J department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 13,011 total_earnings 141,203 hire_date 1986 termination_date 0000
last_name Parker frst_name James department Recreations and Parks title Lifeguard II (Pool) base_earnings 32,207 overtime 0 total_earnings 34,369 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Parker frst_name Kenneth C department Public Works title Eqpt Operator I base_earnings 44,010 overtime 612 total_earnings 44,855 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Parker frst_name Deborah A department Social Services title Chld Support Inv III base_earnings 81,286 overtime 0 total_earnings 83,922 hire_date 1987 termination_date 0000
last_name Parlante frst_name Peter J department Health Dept title Sanitarian I base_earnings 43,674 overtime 0 total_earnings 58,990 hire_date 1990 termination_date 2010
last_name Parpan frst_name Brian D department Police Department title Police Officer-Det base_earnings 119,091 overtime 37,904 total_earnings 181,835 hire_date 1992 termination_date 0000
last_name Parrinello frst_name Mario department Police Department title Police Automotive Mechanic base_earnings 69,245 overtime 20,467 total_earnings 102,909 hire_date 1988 termination_date 0000
last_name Parrino frst_name Caterina department Police Department title Crossing Guard base_earnings 17,795 overtime 0 total_earnings 17,795 hire_date 2003 termination_date 0000
last_name Parry frst_name Stephen K department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 72,535 overtime 31,394 total_earnings 118,372 hire_date 2007 termination_date 0000
last_name Parsons frst_name Joshua W department Police Department title Ambulance Med Tech base_earnings 30,709 overtime 6,794 total_earnings 47,338 hire_date 2008 termination_date 2010
last_name Pascale frst_name Michael department Mental Health Chemical Dependency title Cmnty Relations Asst base_earnings 27,540 overtime 0 total_earnings 58,535 hire_date 1994 termination_date 2010
last_name Pascale frst_name Clifford B department Office of Management and Budgets title Prog Svcs Coord base_earnings 74,713 overtime 0 total_earnings 74,713 hire_date 2008 termination_date 0000
last_name Pascarella frst_name Joseph N department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 83,917 overtime 31,100 total_earnings 129,671 hire_date 1985 termination_date 0000
last_name Pascarella frst_name Douglas department County Exec Office title Staff Assistant base_earnings 49,310 overtime 0 total_earnings 49,310 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Pascarella frst_name Tracy E department Police Department title Crossing Guard (Part-Time) base_earnings 801 overtime 0 total_earnings 801 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Pascarella-Doody frst_name Maureen department Correctional Center title Clerk Typist II base_earnings 45,876 overtime 1,903 total_earnings 53,670 hire_date 1988 termination_date 0000
last_name Pascento frst_name Kelly A department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 45,199 overtime 4,901 total_earnings 57,630 hire_date 2008 termination_date 0000
last_name Pascento frst_name Kathleen M department Police Department title Police Service Aide base_earnings 48,855 overtime 0 total_earnings 51,243 hire_date 1989 termination_date 0000
last_name Pascoe frst_name Jaime M department Social Services title Soc Welfare Exmr I base_earnings 34,204 overtime 0 total_earnings 34,204 hire_date 2007 termination_date 0000
last_name Pascucci frst_name Robert S department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 4,454 hire_date 1999 termination_date 2008
last_name Pascucci frst_name Michael department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 52,155 overtime 952 total_earnings 60,821 hire_date 2008 termination_date 0000
last_name Pascucci frst_name Lawrence M department Public Works title Eqpt Operator III base_earnings 63,959 overtime 12,811 total_earnings 80,690 hire_date 1984 termination_date 0000
last_name Pase frst_name Ronald S department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 85,029 overtime 15,152 total_earnings 108,347 hire_date 2005 termination_date 0000
last_name Pasfield frst_name Joshua A department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 88,189 overtime 16,887 total_earnings 115,068 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Pasholli frst_name Laura department District Attorney title Attorney's Assistant I base_earnings 41,332 overtime 0 total_earnings 43,345 hire_date 1989 termination_date 0000
last_name Pasie frst_name Alice T department Information Technology title Central Programmer Analyst I base_earnings 113,995 overtime 0 total_earnings 117,808 hire_date 1981 termination_date 0000
last_name Pasie frst_name Karen F department Information Technology title Multi-Keyboard Operator I base_earnings 38,835 overtime 738 total_earnings 39,762 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Pasie frst_name Ronald J department Information Technology title Information Tech Specialist II base_earnings 81,286 overtime 4,078 total_earnings 93,623 hire_date 1981 termination_date 0000
last_name Pasquale frst_name Gennaro L department County Attorney title Deputy Co Attorney base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 21,989 hire_date 1995 termination_date 2009
last_name Pasquarelli frst_name Louis M department Public Works title Plant Maint Spvr I base_earnings 41,413 overtime 0 total_earnings 102,767 hire_date 1980 termination_date 2010
last_name Passalaqua frst_name Frank department Police Department title Police Officer-Det base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 5,617 hire_date 1977 termination_date 2009
last_name Passanisi Iii frst_name Frank department Fire Commissioner title Fire Cmntns Tech II base_earnings 56,786 overtime 17,462 total_earnings 87,969 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Passarella frst_name Christopher A department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 77,323 overtime 17,182 total_earnings 103,963 hire_date 2000 termination_date 0000
last_name Passarella frst_name Nicholas J department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 88,908 overtime 13,905 total_earnings 111,659 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Passaro frst_name Frances department Police Department title Clerk Typist I base_earnings 24,988 overtime 169 total_earnings 26,273 hire_date 2009 termination_date 0000
last_name Passin frst_name Barry C department Medical Examiner title Forensic Med Photogrghr II P/T base_earnings 25,655 overtime 0 total_earnings 25,655 hire_date 2005 termination_date 0000
last_name Paster frst_name Larry department County Comptroller title Field Auditor II base_earnings 81,286 overtime 0 total_earnings 84,349 hire_date 1984 termination_date 0000
last_name Pastore frst_name Joanne department District Attorney title Multi-Keyboard Operator I base_earnings 32,458 overtime 15,148 total_earnings 50,556 hire_date 1985 termination_date 0000
last_name Patalano frst_name Victor A department Correctional Center title Deputy Sheriff Sergeant base_earnings 96,599 overtime 7,496 total_earnings 110,926 hire_date 1986 termination_date 0000
last_name Patane frst_name Ronald C department Purchasing title Buyer I base_earnings 63,959 overtime 0 total_earnings 64,359 hire_date 1998 termination_date 0000
last_name Pate frst_name Richard J department Police Department title Police Officer-Det base_earnings 95,913 overtime 34,129 total_earnings 549,006 hire_date 1977 termination_date 2010
last_name Patel frst_name Ekta S department Social Services title Caseworker I base_earnings 48,090 overtime 0 total_earnings 50,348 hire_date 2008 termination_date 0000
last_name Paterson frst_name Erik G department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 83,917 overtime 11,233 total_earnings 104,043 hire_date 1990 termination_date 0000
last_name Paterson frst_name Jamie A department Police Department title Police Officer-Det base_earnings 117,571 overtime 3,645 total_earnings 154,850 hire_date 1987 termination_date 0000
last_name Paterson frst_name John P department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 88,189 overtime 10,265 total_earnings 107,316 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Paterson frst_name Peter B department Police Department title Pba Bd Of Governors 1st Vp base_earnings 144,518 overtime 794 total_earnings 181,023 hire_date 1985 termination_date 0000
last_name Patino frst_name Antonio J department Correctional Center title Affirm Action Sp III base_earnings 19,386 overtime 0 total_earnings 19,386 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Patitucci frst_name Nancy department Probation title Probation Supervisor II base_earnings 104,778 overtime 0 total_earnings 111,154 hire_date 1976 termination_date 0000
last_name Patrick frst_name Diane G department Police Department title Clerk Typist I P/T base_earnings 15,971 overtime 0 total_earnings 15,971 hire_date 2006 termination_date 0000
last_name Patsalos frst_name Kristin C department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 64,228 overtime 735 total_earnings 79,573 hire_date 2007 termination_date 0000
last_name Patterson frst_name James M department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 28,613 total_earnings 150,386 hire_date 1997 termination_date 0000
last_name Patterson frst_name Richard T department Police Department title Police Lieutenant base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 11,474 hire_date 1973 termination_date 2008
last_name Patti frst_name Agata department Police Department title Crossing Guard base_earnings 19,433 overtime 0 total_earnings 19,433 hire_date 2006 termination_date 0000
last_name Patton frst_name Ronda Y department Assessment title Real Prop Tax Spclst base_earnings 66,754 overtime 0 total_earnings 66,754 hire_date 2005 termination_date 0000
last_name Patton frst_name Karen A department Correctional Center title Correction Corporal base_earnings 88,006 overtime 7,684 total_earnings 101,969 hire_date 1995 termination_date 0000
last_name Patton frst_name Claire M department Correctional Center title Clerk I - Part-Time base_earnings 16,488 overtime 0 total_earnings 16,787 hire_date 2007 termination_date 0000
last_name Patton frst_name David D department Correctional Center title Deputy Sheriff Sergeant base_earnings 88,497 overtime 722 total_earnings 93,569 hire_date 1997 termination_date 0000
last_name Patton frst_name Anna G department Social Services title Social Welfare Examiner I Biln base_earnings 33,700 overtime 203 total_earnings 33,903 hire_date 2009 termination_date 0000
last_name Paul frst_name Barry department Office of Management and Budgets title Director base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 55,670 hire_date 2002 termination_date 2010
last_name Paul frst_name Peter F department Health Dept title Sanitarian II base_earnings 81,286 overtime 716 total_earnings 84,390 hire_date 1989 termination_date 0000
last_name Paul frst_name Steven R department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 12,226 total_earnings 144,722 hire_date 1998 termination_date 0000
last_name Paulino frst_name Helen D department Police Department title Crossing Guard (Part-Time) base_earnings 10,369 overtime 0 total_earnings 10,369 hire_date 2009 termination_date 0000
last_name Paulose frst_name Yacob department Recreations and Parks title Cashier I Pt base_earnings 3,329 overtime 0 total_earnings 3,830 hire_date 2005 termination_date 0000
last_name Pav frst_name Mark T department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 28,925 overtime 8,344 total_earnings 42,569 hire_date 2006 termination_date 2010
last_name Pav frst_name Richard J department Correctional Center title Correction Corporal base_earnings 91,470 overtime 40,754 total_earnings 147,192 hire_date 1993 termination_date 0000
last_name Pavelka frst_name Robert J department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 474 total_earnings 133,811 hire_date 1994 termination_date 0000
last_name Pavlak frst_name Est. Of Douglas S department Social Services title Case Spvr I base_earnings 37,286 overtime 223 total_earnings 111,961 hire_date 1982 termination_date 2010
last_name Pawliw frst_name Janice M department Health Dept title Public Health Nutritionist I base_earnings 74,976 overtime 0 total_earnings 76,542 hire_date 1993 termination_date 0000
last_name Pawlowski frst_name Samantha M department Probation title Probation Officer I base_earnings 66,387 overtime 5,448 total_earnings 74,455 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Pawson frst_name Richard department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 19,447 total_earnings 146,208 hire_date 1985 termination_date 0000
last_name Payette frst_name Jeannine D department Police Department title Crossing Guard base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 2,623 hire_date 1976 termination_date 2007
last_name Payette Ii frst_name Joseph L department Police Department title Police Sergeant base_earnings 100,127 overtime 7,401 total_earnings 416,920 hire_date 1986 termination_date 2010
last_name Pearsall frst_name Elaine B department Police Department title Police Communications Operator base_earnings 58,255 overtime 20,240 total_earnings 90,027 hire_date 1998 termination_date 0000
last_name Pearsall frst_name Kelly M department Police Department title Police Communications Operator base_earnings 38,805 overtime 1,240 total_earnings 45,738 hire_date 2009 termination_date 0000
last_name Pearsall frst_name Carol E department Police Department title Crossing Guard base_earnings 18,746 overtime 0 total_earnings 18,746 hire_date 2007 termination_date 0000
last_name Pearson frst_name Renee M department Social Services title Soc Welfare Exmr I base_earnings 43,336 overtime 62 total_earnings 43,398 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Peavy frst_name Timothy department Recreations and Parks title Park Worker (Part-Time) base_earnings 11,837 overtime 0 total_earnings 12,961 hire_date 2002 termination_date 0000
last_name Peavy frst_name Joanna department Traffic; parking title Clerk I - Part-Time base_earnings 10,879 overtime 0 total_earnings 10,879 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Peccia frst_name Maria R department Medical Examiner title Forensic Pathologist IV base_earnings 105,118 overtime 0 total_earnings 107,618 hire_date 1987 termination_date 0000
last_name Peck frst_name Andrew A department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 82,955 overtime 24,514 total_earnings 120,210 hire_date 1987 termination_date 0000
last_name Peck frst_name Barbara E department District Attorney title Asst District Atty base_earnings 80,969 overtime 0 total_earnings 84,498 hire_date 1992 termination_date 0000
last_name Peck frst_name Patricia E department Probation title Probation Spvr I base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 13,478 hire_date 1981 termination_date 2008
last_name Peck frst_name Eric department Recreations and Parks title Recreation Specialist Seasonal base_earnings 3,550 overtime 0 total_earnings 3,550 hire_date 2008 termination_date 0000
last_name Peckett frst_name Gary department Office of Management and Budgets title Senior Operations Analyst base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 13,433 hire_date 2007 termination_date 2010
last_name Peckham frst_name Tracy A department Social Services title Caseworker I base_earnings 53,191 overtime 2,987 total_earnings 57,859 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Pecora frst_name Joseph G department Public Works title Ast/Dep Cmsr Fr Traffic Enging base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 57,190 hire_date 1972 termination_date 2007
last_name Pedenzin frst_name Deborah A department Police Department title Police Communications Operator base_earnings 49,490 overtime 13,799 total_earnings 72,547 hire_date 2007 termination_date 0000
last_name Pedersen frst_name Stuart H department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 59,307 overtime 11,125 total_earnings 83,269 hire_date 2006 termination_date 0000
last_name Pedersen frst_name Celeste department Police Department title Police Service Aide base_earnings 59,089 overtime 290 total_earnings 61,287 hire_date 1991 termination_date 0000
last_name Pedolsky frst_name Steven I department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 82,715 overtime 5,599 total_earnings 104,682 hire_date 1986 termination_date 0000
last_name Pedone frst_name Amanda C department Police Department title Intelligence Analyst base_earnings 9,379 overtime 0 total_earnings 9,379 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Peek Iii frst_name Robert department Public Works title Eqpt Operator I base_earnings 43,517 overtime 9,454 total_earnings 54,457 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Pegram frst_name Alexis C department Social Services title Soc Welfare Exmr I base_earnings 40,186 overtime 0 total_earnings 41,069 hire_date 2008 termination_date 0000
last_name Peguillan frst_name John department Assessment Review Commission title Comm-Ind-Aprasr-Assr Super base_earnings 113,995 overtime 0 total_earnings 114,164 hire_date 2002 termination_date 0000
last_name Peletier frst_name Matthew J department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 83,917 overtime 35,786 total_earnings 126,992 hire_date 1995 termination_date 0000
last_name Pellicano frst_name Edith A department Police Department title Crossing Guard base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 3,134 hire_date 1983 termination_date 2008
last_name Pelo frst_name Frank A department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 84,311 overtime 7,112 total_earnings 104,373 hire_date 2005 termination_date 0000
last_name Peltz frst_name Arthur E department County Comptroller title Inspector base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 7,629 hire_date 2006 termination_date 2010
last_name Pena frst_name Christopher department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 88,189 overtime 23,300 total_earnings 122,692 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Pena frst_name Dario M department Recreations and Parks title Park Worker Seasonal base_earnings 2,024 overtime 0 total_earnings 2,024 hire_date 2009 termination_date 2010
last_name Pena frst_name Rafael A department Social Services title Custodial Worker I base_earnings 36,977 overtime 0 total_earnings 37,165 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Pena-Custodio frst_name Carmen department Social Services title Case Wkr I Bi-Lingual Spanish base_earnings 21,140 overtime 0 total_earnings 22,190 hire_date 1996 termination_date 0000
last_name Pendl frst_name Clifford A department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 89,889 overtime 31,097 total_earnings 530,518 hire_date 1979 termination_date 2010
last_name Penge frst_name Joseph A department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 14,828 overtime 165 total_earnings 16,408 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Penna frst_name Michael J department Police Department title Police Automotive Mechanic base_earnings 69,245 overtime 16,094 total_earnings 100,037 hire_date 1980 termination_date 0000
last_name Penna frst_name Douglas J department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 88,189 overtime 21,889 total_earnings 127,004 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Penna Jr frst_name Frederick department Police Department title Police Officer-Det base_earnings 119,091 overtime 3,771 total_earnings 144,828 hire_date 1987 termination_date 0000
last_name Pennachio frst_name Marie department Probation title Clerk Stenographer II base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 3,592 hire_date 1970 termination_date 2007
last_name Pennetti frst_name Virgilio P department Probation title Dep Prob Dir IV base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 47,363 hire_date 1963 termination_date 2007
last_name Pennica frst_name Doreen R department County Exec Office title Special Asst base_earnings 79,600 overtime 0 total_earnings 79,600 hire_date 1996 termination_date 0000
last_name Pennica frst_name Desiree M department Legislature title Legislative Assistant,Seasonal base_earnings 486 overtime 0 total_earnings 486 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Pennington frst_name Sandra department Police Department title Police Communications Operator base_earnings 51,521 overtime 28,667 total_earnings 91,934 hire_date 2005 termination_date 0000
last_name Penofsky frst_name Thomas J department Public Works title Stationary Engr II base_earnings 63,959 overtime 2,992 total_earnings 68,570 hire_date 1994 termination_date 0000
last_name Pentola frst_name Charles J department Police Department title Police Officer-Det base_earnings 119,091 overtime 11,884 total_earnings 159,393 hire_date 1985 termination_date 0000
last_name Peragallo frst_name Francis department Public Works title Eqpt Operator II base_earnings 55,110 overtime 711 total_earnings 59,409 hire_date 1980 termination_date 0000
last_name Peragine frst_name Ellen department Police Department title Clk Typist III base_earnings 55,110 overtime 1,636 total_earnings 60,102 hire_date 1985 termination_date 0000
last_name Peraginejr. frst_name William department Recreations and Parks title Park Worker Seasonal base_earnings 17,058 overtime 0 total_earnings 17,058 hire_date 2003 termination_date 2010
last_name Peralta frst_name Sylvia department Social Services title Soc Welfare Exmr I base_earnings 44,064 overtime 0 total_earnings 44,214 hire_date 2003 termination_date 0000

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