Nassau County salaries 2010
This database includes salaries and compensation for 12,402 full-time and part-time employees of Nassau County for 2010. As a group they made $928,122,353.60, of which more than $77 million was in overtime.
In some cases there is a significant difference between an employee's base earnings and total earnings, which can include overtime and other contractual payments. For employees who retired in 2010, total earnings can include payouts for accrued sick and vacation time. In 2010, Nassau police were eligible for a one-time retirement incentive of $1,500 for each year of service. Employees of Nassau Community College and the Nassau Health Care Corp., which operates Nassau University Medical Center, are not included in this database because the institutions are not entirely county-funded. This data is public information from the Nassau County Comptroller's Office and was obtained through the Freedom of Information Law. This database was posted in June 2011.
last_name | frst_name | department | title | base_earnings | overtime | total_earnings | hire_date | termination_date |
last_name Ochwat | frst_name John B | department Health Dept | title Sanitarian II | base_earnings 81,286 | overtime 54,082 | total_earnings 154,647 | hire_date 1985 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oclair | frst_name Gerda B | department Police Department | title Crossing Guard | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 2,244 | hire_date 1974 | termination_date 2008 |
last_name Oconnell | frst_name Dennis W | department County Clerk | title Clerk I - Seasonal | base_earnings 2,850 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 2,850 | hire_date 2010 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Oconnell | frst_name Daniel G | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 106,698 | overtime 7,326 | total_earnings 139,723 | hire_date 1987 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oconnell | frst_name Gina F | department Police Department | title Crossing Guard (Part-Time) | base_earnings 4,290 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 4,290 | hire_date 2010 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name O'Connell | frst_name Maureen C | department County Clerk | title County Clerk | base_earnings 165,663 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 165,663 | hire_date 2006 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name O'Connell | frst_name Joseph P | department Board of Elections | title Machine Operator | base_earnings 55,274 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 55,972 | hire_date 2007 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name O'Connell | frst_name Lori K | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 106,698 | overtime 987 | total_earnings 121,030 | hire_date 1997 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name O'Connell | frst_name Matthew J | department Police Department | title Police Officer-Det | base_earnings 119,091 | overtime 18,230 | total_earnings 160,593 | hire_date 1993 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oconnor | frst_name Christopher | department Correctional Center | title Correction Corporal | base_earnings 91,470 | overtime 56,795 | total_earnings 162,691 | hire_date 1986 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oconnor | frst_name John R | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 48,117 | overtime 16,736 | total_earnings 200,200 | hire_date 1983 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Oconnor | frst_name Thomas J | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 83,917 | overtime 18,593 | total_earnings 114,319 | hire_date 1990 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oconnor | frst_name Christopher J | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 106,698 | overtime 14,816 | total_earnings 142,139 | hire_date 1986 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oconnor | frst_name Frank | department Police Department | title Clerk Typist I P/T | base_earnings 29,851 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 29,851 | hire_date 2007 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oconnor | frst_name Matthew C | department Police Department | title Ambulance Med Tech | base_earnings 59,408 | overtime 5,165 | total_earnings 76,241 | hire_date 2006 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oconnor | frst_name Daniel F | department Police Department | title Police Sergeant | base_earnings 127,175 | overtime 14,075 | total_earnings 163,087 | hire_date 1987 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oconnor | frst_name David H | department Police Department | title Police Sergeant | base_earnings 127,175 | overtime 21,549 | total_earnings 167,448 | hire_date 1987 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oconnor | frst_name Michael A | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 85,029 | overtime 39,994 | total_earnings 138,340 | hire_date 2005 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oconnor | frst_name Patrick D | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 72,535 | overtime 7,862 | total_earnings 91,345 | hire_date 2007 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oconnor | frst_name Edward J | department Public Works | title Eqpt Operator III | base_earnings 63,959 | overtime 14,082 | total_earnings 81,792 | hire_date 1986 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oconnor | frst_name Est. Of Charles H | department Public Works | title Stationary Engr II | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 11,960 | hire_date 1988 | termination_date 2008 |
last_name Oconnor | frst_name Geoffrey | department Public Works | title Laborer I | base_earnings 45,876 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 48,826 | hire_date 1985 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name O'Connor | frst_name Ellen | department County Clerk | title Clerk III | base_earnings 46,526 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 46,695 | hire_date 2002 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name O'Connor | frst_name Brian J | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 106,698 | overtime 14,722 | total_earnings 149,585 | hire_date 1993 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name O'Connor | frst_name John E | department Police Department | title Police Officer-Det | base_earnings 119,091 | overtime 22,680 | total_earnings 168,373 | hire_date 1995 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ocuto | frst_name Stephen A | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 77,248 | overtime 2,756 | total_earnings 88,024 | hire_date 2000 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oddo | frst_name Thomas | department Public Works | title Plant Mnt Mech Trne | base_earnings 4,941 | overtime 76 | total_earnings 5,167 | hire_date 2010 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Odell | frst_name Marilyn | department District Attorney | title Legal Secretary III | base_earnings 39,174 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 109,604 | hire_date 1990 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Odom | frst_name Curtis A | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 83,917 | overtime 29,344 | total_earnings 123,994 | hire_date 1993 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Odonnell | frst_name John G | department Police Department | title Police Lieutenant | base_earnings 139,605 | overtime 17,277 | total_earnings 176,975 | hire_date 1987 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Odonnell | frst_name Sean M | department Police Department | title Pol Capt-Inspector | base_earnings 124,278 | overtime 11,565 | total_earnings 648,930 | hire_date 1985 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name O'Donnell | frst_name Kevin J | department Assessment | title Deputy Assessor | base_earnings 129,877 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 129,877 | hire_date 2002 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name O'Donnell | frst_name Eileen | department County Clerk | title Deputy County Clerk | base_earnings 92,529 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 92,529 | hire_date 2006 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name O'Donnell | frst_name Evan | department Recreations and Parks | title Lifeguard I (Pool) Seasonal | base_earnings 3,555 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 3,555 | hire_date 2006 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name O'Dougherty | frst_name John | department Public Works | title Bldg Cnstn Insptr II | base_earnings 71,613 | overtime 484 | total_earnings 73,729 | hire_date 2009 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Odudukudu | frst_name Eugenia E | department Social Services | title Soc Welfare Exmr I | base_earnings 43,336 | overtime 7,270 | total_earnings 50,606 | hire_date 2004 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Odulaja | frst_name Adenike A | department Social Services | title Caseworker I | base_earnings 40,027 | overtime 171 | total_earnings 42,161 | hire_date 2009 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name O'Dwyer | frst_name John J | department Recreations and Parks | title Lifeguard I (Pool) Seasonal | base_earnings 7,732 | overtime 18 | total_earnings 7,917 | hire_date 2008 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Ogara | frst_name Sharon A | department Correctional Center | title Correction Corporal | base_earnings 91,470 | overtime 21,603 | total_earnings 127,327 | hire_date 1995 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oggeri | frst_name Michael P | department Police Department | title Police Sergeant | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 10,826 | hire_date 1973 | termination_date 2009 |
last_name Oggeri | frst_name Michael J | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 52,670 | overtime 12,367 | total_earnings 70,960 | hire_date 2008 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oglesby | frst_name Danielle T | department Planning | title Planner II | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 3,042 | hire_date 2007 | termination_date 2008 |
last_name Ogrady | frst_name Thomas M | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 85,029 | overtime 19,414 | total_earnings 112,577 | hire_date 2005 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ogundipe | frst_name Monisade O | department Correctional Center | title Accountant I | base_earnings 49,808 | overtime 1,320 | total_earnings 51,952 | hire_date 2007 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ogundipe | frst_name Idowu K | department County Comptroller | title Field Auditor III | base_earnings 71,998 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 74,271 | hire_date 2004 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name O'Hagen | frst_name Kathleen | department Board of Elections | title Election Clerk | base_earnings 40,767 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 41,150 | hire_date 2009 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ohara | frst_name Kevin J | department Fire Commissioner | title Emerg Medical Services Inst Pt | base_earnings 11,684 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 12,329 | hire_date 1989 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ohara | frst_name Roger J | department Police Department | title Police Officer-Det | base_earnings 119,091 | overtime 12,604 | total_earnings 160,196 | hire_date 1987 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name O'Hara | frst_name Leo G | department Police Department | title Police Officer-Det | base_earnings 119,091 | overtime 31,952 | total_earnings 177,214 | hire_date 1994 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ohare | frst_name Rosemarie | department Social Services | title Soc Wel Exmr Spvr II | base_earnings 81,605 | overtime 1,195 | total_earnings 86,486 | hire_date 1980 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ohea | frst_name Brian J | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 83,276 | overtime 3,308 | total_earnings 91,498 | hire_date 1993 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name O'Hea | frst_name Eileen M | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 83,917 | overtime 1,128 | total_earnings 89,586 | hire_date 1999 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ohlhausen | frst_name Lillian | department Police Department | title Crossing Guard | base_earnings 24,357 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 25,367 | hire_date 1988 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ojeda | frst_name Victoria A | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 72,535 | overtime 14,848 | total_earnings 99,121 | hire_date 2007 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ojetayo | frst_name Kehinde | department Probation | title Probation Assistant | base_earnings 42,032 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 42,062 | hire_date 2006 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Okeefe | frst_name Daniel M | department Police Department | title Ambulance Med Tech | base_earnings 74,976 | overtime 10,281 | total_earnings 97,286 | hire_date 1999 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Okeefe | frst_name Kevin J | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 79,154 | overtime 21,007 | total_earnings 456,480 | hire_date 1986 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Okeefe | frst_name Est Of John D | department Police Department | title Police Lieutenant | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 12,212 | hire_date 1979 | termination_date 2008 |
last_name O'Keeffe | frst_name Paul V | department District Attorney | title Network Analyst I | base_earnings 84,994 | overtime 6,109 | total_earnings 91,133 | hire_date 2005 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oken | frst_name Melisa H | department Recreations and Parks | title Lifeguard I (Pool) Seasonal | base_earnings 3,761 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 3,779 | hire_date 2008 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Olchin | frst_name Jack | department Assessment Review Commission | title Commissioner | base_earnings 11,897 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 11,897 | hire_date 1999 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oleary | frst_name Kevin | department Mental Health Chemical Dependency | title IntensIVe Case Manager Aide | base_earnings 63,959 | overtime 8,093 | total_earnings 75,774 | hire_date 1986 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oleary | frst_name Michael F | department Police Department | title Police Officer-Det | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 5,452 | hire_date 1972 | termination_date 2009 |
last_name Oleary | frst_name James M | department Police Department | title Pol Capt-Dp Chf Insp | base_earnings 171,283 | overtime 1,085 | total_earnings 192,429 | hire_date 1985 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name O'Leary | frst_name Tricia | department Health Dept | title Clerk I - Part-Time | base_earnings 9,976 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 9,976 | hire_date 2009 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name O'Leary | frst_name Kellie L | department Recreations and Parks | title Park Worker Seasonal | base_earnings 3,893 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 3,893 | hire_date 2010 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name O'Leary | frst_name Shane T | department Recreations and Parks | title Rink Guard Seas | base_earnings 19,118 | overtime 78 | total_earnings 19,196 | hire_date 2007 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name O'Leary | frst_name Samantha R | department Social Services | title Clerk I Part-Time | base_earnings 9,490 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 9,490 | hire_date 2008 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Olenick | frst_name Natasha | department Board of Elections | title Administrative Aide | base_earnings 39,847 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 39,847 | hire_date 2007 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oleschuk | frst_name Richard W | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 106,698 | overtime 20,922 | total_earnings 149,962 | hire_date 1997 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oliveira | frst_name Raul L | department Recreations and Parks | title Maint Mechanic I | base_earnings 6,329 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 6,329 | hire_date 2005 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oliveira | frst_name Anabela A | department Social Services | title Soc Welfare Exmr II | base_earnings 44,903 | overtime 142 | total_earnings 45,077 | hire_date 2004 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oliver | frst_name James T | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 83,917 | overtime 41,372 | total_earnings 132,565 | hire_date 1995 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oliveri | frst_name Marybeth | department Health Dept | title Clerk II | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 2,546 | hire_date 1997 | termination_date 2007 |
last_name Oliveri | frst_name Doreen | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 106,698 | overtime 4,805 | total_earnings 137,174 | hire_date 1987 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Olivieri | frst_name Joseph P | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 106,698 | overtime 27,307 | total_earnings 160,306 | hire_date 1998 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Olivito | frst_name John A | department Correctional Center | title Cor Cntr Maintenance Carpenter | base_earnings 81,286 | overtime 20,568 | total_earnings 111,587 | hire_date 1991 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Olle | frst_name Joseph | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 83,757 | overtime 3,223 | total_earnings 95,378 | hire_date 1999 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Olle | frst_name Joseph F | department Recreations and Parks | title Eqpt Operator II | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 13,465 | hire_date 1973 | termination_date 2008 |
last_name Olnowich | frst_name John T | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 106,698 | overtime 27,246 | total_earnings 155,348 | hire_date 1995 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oloughlin | frst_name Mary-Ellen | department Public Works | title Clerk Stenographer II | base_earnings 17,476 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 28,177 | hire_date 1990 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Olsen | frst_name Edward | department Assessment | title Real Prop Tax Spclst | base_earnings 62,075 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 62,135 | hire_date 2008 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Olsen | frst_name Dawn | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 83,917 | overtime 3,590 | total_earnings 96,716 | hire_date 1994 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Olsen | frst_name Glen T | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 83,917 | overtime 32,073 | total_earnings 130,221 | hire_date 1985 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Olsen | frst_name Gary S | department Board of Elections | title Typist Clerk | base_earnings 45,923 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 62,061 | hire_date 1985 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Olsen | frst_name Rosemary | department Housing | title Director | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 43,875 | hire_date 2004 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Olsen | frst_name Raymond E | department Police Department | title Police Officer-Det | base_earnings 119,091 | overtime 22,283 | total_earnings 162,270 | hire_date 1985 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Olsen | frst_name David M | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 85,029 | overtime 6,652 | total_earnings 104,514 | hire_date 2005 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Olson | frst_name Jeffrey | department Housing | title Housing Inspector | base_earnings 42,966 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 42,966 | hire_date 2009 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Olson | frst_name William R | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 106,698 | overtime 6,795 | total_earnings 135,125 | hire_date 1997 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Olszewski | frst_name Hilda | department Social Services | title Clerk I - Part-Time | base_earnings 9,044 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 9,044 | hire_date 2003 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oltedal | frst_name Eric P | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 83,917 | overtime 381 | total_earnings 92,204 | hire_date 1995 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Olynk | frst_name Lena | department Recreations and Parks | title Golf Crse Attdt I Se | base_earnings 15,150 | overtime 79 | total_earnings 15,229 | hire_date 1981 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Omalley | frst_name Michael R | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 83,917 | overtime 42,466 | total_earnings 139,929 | hire_date 1999 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Omalley | frst_name Peter K | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 83,917 | overtime 16,368 | total_earnings 113,586 | hire_date 1990 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Omalley | frst_name Steven G | department Correctional Center | title Correction Corporal | base_earnings 91,470 | overtime 26,592 | total_earnings 125,882 | hire_date 1989 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Omalley | frst_name Arlene | department Police Department | title Police Communications Operator | base_earnings 56,941 | overtime 8,645 | total_earnings 77,727 | hire_date 2001 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Omalley | frst_name Ellen | department Police Department | title Police Communications Operator | base_earnings 63,959 | overtime 2,028 | total_earnings 79,377 | hire_date 1985 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Omara | frst_name Neal J | department Police Department | title Police Lieutenant | base_earnings 139,605 | overtime 3,202 | total_earnings 162,653 | hire_date 1985 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Omara | frst_name Michael B | department Police Department | title Police Sergeant | base_earnings 127,175 | overtime 14,614 | total_earnings 169,925 | hire_date 1985 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Omeis | frst_name Steven | department Police Department | title Police Sergeant | base_earnings 109,080 | overtime 19,976 | total_earnings 155,572 | hire_date 1985 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name O'Melia | frst_name James B | department Police Department | title Amb Med Tech Spvr | base_earnings 78,784 | overtime 2,259 | total_earnings 92,813 | hire_date 1994 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Omoore Jr | frst_name John P | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 106,698 | overtime 8,770 | total_earnings 155,907 | hire_date 1987 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Omotosho | frst_name Kayode | department Social Services | title Soc Welfare Exmr II | base_earnings 57,810 | overtime 2,955 | total_earnings 66,305 | hire_date 1996 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oneil | frst_name Lydia E | department Police Department | title Crossing Guard | base_earnings 26,747 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 28,537 | hire_date 1975 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name O'Neil | frst_name James R | department Recreations and Parks | title Lifeguard I (Pool) Seasonal | base_earnings 3,260 | overtime 17 | total_earnings 3,277 | hire_date 2009 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name O'Neil | frst_name Kevin J | department Recreations and Parks | title Lifeguard I (Pool) Seasonal | base_earnings 3,847 | overtime 17 | total_earnings 3,864 | hire_date 2009 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Oneill | frst_name Gregory K | department County Clerk | title Clerk I - Seasonal | base_earnings 1,730 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 1,730 | hire_date 2006 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Oneill | frst_name John K | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 106,698 | overtime 2,642 | total_earnings 139,351 | hire_date 1986 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oneill | frst_name Gregory K | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 85,029 | overtime 16,220 | total_earnings 114,867 | hire_date 2005 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oneill | frst_name Patrick C | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 72,535 | overtime 18,427 | total_earnings 97,799 | hire_date 2007 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oneill | frst_name Carolyn | department Records Management | title Clerk I - Seasonal | base_earnings 2,202 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 2,202 | hire_date 2010 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name O'Neill | frst_name Bethany L | department County Attorney | title Deputy Co Attorney | base_earnings 44,850 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 45,309 | hire_date 2004 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name O'Neill | frst_name John | department Office of Management and Budgets | title Director Of The Budget | base_earnings 26,805 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 27,005 | hire_date 2007 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name O'Neill | frst_name Kerri E | department Correctional Center | title Corr Ctr Cook I | base_earnings 53,760 | overtime 1,271 | total_earnings 63,418 | hire_date 1995 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name O'Neill | frst_name Michael | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 59,921 | overtime 9,195 | total_earnings 86,547 | hire_date 2006 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oneill Jr | frst_name William | department Police Department | title Police Sergeant | base_earnings 125,891 | overtime 19,453 | total_earnings 164,798 | hire_date 1987 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Onolfi | frst_name Emil F | department Public Works | title Fleet Service Operation Supv I | base_earnings 81,286 | overtime 15,541 | total_earnings 101,703 | hire_date 1981 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Onorato | frst_name Joseph R | department District Attorney | title Asst District Atty | base_earnings 29,983 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 29,983 | hire_date 2008 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Onorato | frst_name Joseph R | department District Attorney | title Asst District Atty | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 48,766 | hire_date 1978 | termination_date 2008 |
last_name Onorato | frst_name Lucille | department Police Department | title Crossing Guard (Part-Time) | base_earnings 4,344 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 4,344 | hire_date 2010 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Onsavage | frst_name Edward P | department Police Department | title Police Sergeant | base_earnings 113,882 | overtime 39,703 | total_earnings 552,380 | hire_date 1982 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Opak | frst_name Theresa | department Police Department | title Crossing Guard | base_earnings 26,699 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 26,699 | hire_date 2001 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Orban | frst_name Dominic J | department Recreations and Parks | title Lifeguard I (Pool),Pt | base_earnings 8,814 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 10,764 | hire_date 2008 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Orefice | frst_name Dominick P | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 106,698 | overtime 26,581 | total_earnings 153,812 | hire_date 1993 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oreilly | frst_name John J | department Correctional Center | title Chief Deputy Sheriff | base_earnings 70,640 | overtime 1,110 | total_earnings 140,953 | hire_date 1980 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name O'Reilly | frst_name Carole | department Assessment | title Rl Prop Assr II | base_earnings 57,917 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 58,476 | hire_date 1999 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name O'Reilly | frst_name Brian F | department Medical Examiner | title Dp Med Exmr Forensic | base_earnings 167,317 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 173,652 | hire_date 1999 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name O'Reilly | frst_name Thomas | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 111,913 | overtime 16,615 | total_earnings 145,658 | hire_date 1994 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name O'Reilly | frst_name Madeline | department Treasurer | title Cashier II | base_earnings 41,796 | overtime 1,374 | total_earnings 43,358 | hire_date 2001 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Orellana-Garcia | frst_name Juan | department Recreations and Parks | title Park Worker Seasonal | base_earnings 15,882 | overtime 651 | total_earnings 16,533 | hire_date 2006 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Orenstein | frst_name Norman | department Information Technology | title Information Tech Prjct Mngr I | base_earnings 81,286 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 81,405 | hire_date 2004 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Orgera | frst_name Alyssa | department Health Dept | title Student Worker | base_earnings 69 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 69 | hire_date 2010 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Orgera | frst_name Ellen | department Health Dept | title Registered Nurse I P/T | base_earnings 10,449 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 10,449 | hire_date 2005 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Orgill | frst_name Alisa J | department Police Department | title Crossing Guard | base_earnings 23,497 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 24,827 | hire_date 1991 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oriez Jr | frst_name George R | department Police Department | title Clerk Typist I P/T | base_earnings 15,517 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 15,517 | hire_date 2005 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Orkwis | frst_name John | department Assessment | title Comm-Ind-Aprasr-Assr I | base_earnings 72,975 | overtime 1,366 | total_earnings 75,570 | hire_date 2003 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Orlandini | frst_name Elva Ann | department Mental Health Chemical Dependency | title Rehab Cnslr I | base_earnings 59,836 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 66,373 | hire_date 1996 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Orlando | frst_name Joseph V | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 59,921 | overtime 4,013 | total_earnings 69,574 | hire_date 2006 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Orlando | frst_name Christine | department District Attorney | title Attorney's Assistant II | base_earnings 40,340 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 53,197 | hire_date 1985 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Orlando | frst_name Dennis | department Probation | title Probation Assistant | base_earnings 46,051 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 48,239 | hire_date 2001 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Orlassino | frst_name Mario P | department Police Department | title Ambulance Med Tech | base_earnings 28,562 | overtime 547 | total_earnings 38,831 | hire_date 2009 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Orloff | frst_name Est. Of Howard A | department Police Department | title Public Safety Officer I | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 2,865 | hire_date 2004 | termination_date 2007 |
last_name Orloff | frst_name Janet | department Social Services | title Caseworker II | base_earnings 61,039 | overtime 914 | total_earnings 62,339 | hire_date 2000 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Orlowski | frst_name Bennett S | department Recreations and Parks | title Greenskeeper V | base_earnings 81,506 | overtime 6,201 | total_earnings 93,027 | hire_date 2003 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ormsten | frst_name Franklin D | department County Attorney | title Deputy Co Attorney | base_earnings 84,674 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 84,674 | hire_date 2001 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Ornauer | frst_name Michael J | department Fire Commissioner | title Fire Cmntns Tech I | base_earnings 63,959 | overtime 21,311 | total_earnings 102,675 | hire_date 1988 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Oro | frst_name Lucille M | department Police Department | title Police Service Aide | base_earnings 36,139 | overtime 315 | total_earnings 49,677 | hire_date 1982 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Orourke | frst_name Kathe | department Mental Health Chemical Dependency | title Accounting Assistant IV | base_earnings 74,976 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 77,757 | hire_date 1985 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name O'Rourke | frst_name Maureen T | department County Attorney | title Deputy Co Attorney | base_earnings 92,203 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 92,203 | hire_date 2001 | termination_date 0000 |
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