Nassau County salaries 2010

This database includes salaries and compensation for 12,402 full-time and part-time employees of Nassau County for 2010. As a group they made $928,122,353.60, of which more than $77 million was in overtime.

In some cases there is a significant difference between an employee's base earnings and total earnings, which can include overtime and other contractual payments. For employees who retired in 2010, total earnings can include payouts for accrued sick and vacation time. In 2010, Nassau police were eligible for a one-time retirement incentive of $1,500 for each year of service. Employees of Nassau Community College and the Nassau Health Care Corp., which operates Nassau University Medical Center, are not included in this database because the institutions are not entirely county-funded. This data is public information from the Nassau County Comptroller's Office and was obtained through the Freedom of Information Law. This database was posted in June 2011.

Clear Search
last_name frst_name department title base_earnings overtime total_earnings hire_date termination_date
last_name Harvey frst_name Glenn T department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 15,127 hire_date 1979 termination_date 2007
last_name Harvey frst_name John B department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 83,917 overtime 31,768 total_earnings 126,425 hire_date 1999 termination_date 0000
last_name Harvey frst_name Natasha S department Police Department title Police Communications Operator base_earnings 58,255 overtime 26,824 total_earnings 99,155 hire_date 1995 termination_date 0000
last_name Harvey frst_name Walter department Recreations and Parks title Park Worker (Part-Time) base_earnings 9,060 overtime 0 total_earnings 9,251 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Harvey frst_name Juanita S department Senior Citizens title Coord Volunteer Svcs base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 19,130 hire_date 1988 termination_date 2009
last_name Harvey Jr frst_name John J department Police Department title Pol Serg-Detective base_earnings 132,283 overtime 6,915 total_earnings 164,218 hire_date 1983 termination_date 0000
last_name Haslett frst_name Frederick department Recreations and Parks title Park Worker Seasonal base_earnings 6,346 overtime 0 total_earnings 6,346 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Hassel frst_name Scott N department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 31,829 total_earnings 156,357 hire_date 1994 termination_date 0000
last_name Hasselmann frst_name Doreen department Civil Service title Clerk III base_earnings 50,908 overtime 0 total_earnings 51,493 hire_date 1997 termination_date 0000
last_name Hassett frst_name George C department Police Department title Soa Treasurer base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 15,184 hire_date 1973 termination_date 2009
last_name Hastings frst_name Stephen P department Probation title Probation Spvr I base_earnings 60,927 overtime 0 total_earnings 79,996 hire_date 1977 termination_date 2010
last_name Hastings frst_name Carol D department Police Department title Police Service Aide Trainee base_earnings 40,223 overtime 4,565 total_earnings 44,893 hire_date 2008 termination_date 0000
last_name Hastings frst_name Daniel J department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 9,563 total_earnings 141,290 hire_date 1987 termination_date 0000
last_name Hatch frst_name Loretta J department Public Works title Clerk Typist I base_earnings 33,727 overtime 0 total_earnings 35,590 hire_date 1994 termination_date 0000
last_name Hatch frst_name Debra A department Social Services title Case Spvr II base_earnings 80,406 overtime 3,153 total_earnings 91,217 hire_date 1993 termination_date 0000
last_name Hatcher frst_name Veronica department Assessment title Comm-Ind-Aprasr-Assr Super base_earnings 106,282 overtime 0 total_earnings 109,292 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Hatsis frst_name Alexander J department Recreations and Parks title Lifeguard I (Pool),Pt base_earnings 8,719 overtime 17 total_earnings 9,540 hire_date 2009 termination_date 0000
last_name Hatsis frst_name Christina A department Recreations and Parks title Lifeguard I (Pool),Pt base_earnings 2,359 overtime 0 total_earnings 2,826 hire_date 2007 termination_date 2010
last_name Hattrick frst_name Traci department Recreations and Parks title Secry To Dep Cmmr Pks Rec Musm base_earnings 35,310 overtime 0 total_earnings 35,337 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Hatziangelou frst_name Maria A department Housing title Administrative Asst base_earnings 49,808 overtime 0 total_earnings 49,808 hire_date 2005 termination_date 0000
last_name Hauck frst_name Khristie A department District Attorney title Asst District Atty base_earnings 28,297 overtime 0 total_earnings 30,297 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Haughton frst_name Wayne J department Office of Management and Budgets title Mgr Budget Analysis base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 9,703 hire_date 2002 termination_date 2010
last_name Haughton frst_name Andrea department Housing title Program Dev Spvr base_earnings 12,929 overtime 0 total_earnings 23,004 hire_date 2002 termination_date 2010
last_name Hauner frst_name Susan L department Police Department title Police Cmtns Operator Supv base_earnings 74,976 overtime 5,461 total_earnings 92,951 hire_date 1976 termination_date 0000
last_name Hauner frst_name William R department Police Department title Police Automotive Mechanic base_earnings 69,245 overtime 6,173 total_earnings 89,762 hire_date 1980 termination_date 0000
last_name Haviken frst_name John J department Police Department title Deputy Commissioner base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 20,083 hire_date 2002 termination_date 2007
last_name Haviken frst_name Marilyn T department Social Services title Caseworker I Pt base_earnings 14,290 overtime 0 total_earnings 14,290 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Haviv frst_name Gail department Social Services title Clerk I base_earnings 41,065 overtime 0 total_earnings 42,187 hire_date 1995 termination_date 0000
last_name Hawes frst_name Nancy L department Police Department title Ambulance Med Tech base_earnings 74,976 overtime 554 total_earnings 89,038 hire_date 1994 termination_date 0000
last_name Hawkins frst_name Linda G department Social Services title Caseworker II base_earnings 69,245 overtime 73 total_earnings 71,628 hire_date 1990 termination_date 0000
last_name Hawkins frst_name Tara D department Social Services title Caseworker II base_earnings 60,391 overtime 6,427 total_earnings 69,754 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Hawley frst_name Alison J department Social Services title Case Spvr II base_earnings 70,706 overtime 597 total_earnings 72,549 hire_date 1996 termination_date 0000
last_name Hayden frst_name Robert T department District Attorney title Asst District Atty base_earnings 121,841 overtime 0 total_earnings 121,841 hire_date 1983 termination_date 0000
last_name Hayden frst_name Ryan K department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 84,311 overtime 10,846 total_earnings 108,673 hire_date 2005 termination_date 0000
last_name Hayes frst_name William M department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 83,917 overtime 23,565 total_earnings 115,867 hire_date 1990 termination_date 0000
last_name Hayes frst_name Michael L department County Clerk title Clerk I - Part-Time base_earnings 745 overtime 0 total_earnings 745 hire_date 2009 termination_date 2010
last_name Hayes frst_name Michael T department Police Department title Police Lieutenant base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 25,180 hire_date 1971 termination_date 2009
last_name Hayes frst_name Thomas M department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 1,285 total_earnings 131,172 hire_date 1993 termination_date 0000
last_name Hayes frst_name Thomas P department Police Department title Police Captain base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 13,134 hire_date 1974 termination_date 2009
last_name Hayes frst_name James M department Public Works title Laborer I Seas base_earnings 7,618 overtime 0 total_earnings 7,618 hire_date 2008 termination_date 2010
last_name Hayes frst_name Autumn G department Social Services title Caseworker II base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 2,479 hire_date 2000 termination_date 2007
last_name Hayes Jr frst_name Robert A department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 13,285 total_earnings 142,589 hire_date 1987 termination_date 0000
last_name Hayes-Germany frst_name Suzanne department Police Department title Police Officer-Det base_earnings 119,091 overtime 3,348 total_earnings 152,546 hire_date 1994 termination_date 0000
last_name Hayman frst_name Gary T department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 83,834 overtime 1,524 total_earnings 97,123 hire_date 1990 termination_date 0000
last_name Hayman-Schenfeld frst_name Sandra R department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 83,597 overtime 37,516 total_earnings 130,328 hire_date 1991 termination_date 0000
last_name Haynes frst_name Darel W department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 88,908 overtime 16,294 total_earnings 114,731 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Hayward frst_name Robert M department Recreations and Parks title Park Worker Seasonal base_earnings 723 overtime 0 total_earnings 723 hire_date 2010 termination_date 2010
last_name Hayward frst_name Florence V department Social Services title Soc Welfare Exmr II base_earnings 49,198 overtime 3,828 total_earnings 53,070 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Hazelton frst_name Jeanne department Legislature title Legislative Assistant base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 3,708 hire_date 2007 termination_date 2010
last_name Head Sr frst_name Sidney W department Correctional Center title Commr Of Correction base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 111,105 hire_date 2000 termination_date 2010
last_name Headley frst_name Gwendolyn R department Social Services title Soc Welfare Exmr I base_earnings 22,781 overtime 75 total_earnings 22,901 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Healey frst_name James F department Police Department title Police Officer-Det base_earnings 119,091 overtime 40,783 total_earnings 185,970 hire_date 1986 termination_date 0000
last_name Healey frst_name Daniel C department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 72,535 overtime 10,499 total_earnings 93,535 hire_date 2007 termination_date 0000
last_name Healey frst_name Mary Ellen department Police Department title Admin Asst base_earnings 50,491 overtime 351 total_earnings 51,685 hire_date 1996 termination_date 0000
last_name Healy frst_name John department District Attorney title Asst District Atty base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 3,055 hire_date 2004 termination_date 2007
last_name Healy frst_name Diana C department Probation title Probation Assistant base_earnings 51,653 overtime 999 total_earnings 54,312 hire_date 1993 termination_date 0000
last_name Healy frst_name Regina A department Police Department title Police Forensic Sci II (Crim) base_earnings 96,599 overtime 738 total_earnings 99,376 hire_date 1990 termination_date 0000
last_name Healy frst_name Christopher J department Police Department title Pol Capt-Inspector base_earnings 164,050 overtime 1,045 total_earnings 184,771 hire_date 1985 termination_date 0000
last_name Healy frst_name Kieran J department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 52,670 overtime 9,317 total_earnings 68,582 hire_date 2008 termination_date 0000
last_name Healy frst_name Siobhan M department Social Services title Soc Welfare Exmr I base_earnings 33,700 overtime 2,787 total_earnings 36,690 hire_date 2009 termination_date 0000
last_name Heaney frst_name Lawrence department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 83,917 overtime 32,271 total_earnings 126,011 hire_date 1989 termination_date 0000
last_name Heaney frst_name Dennis S department Police Department title Information Tech Specialist I base_earnings 55,837 overtime 2,826 total_earnings 60,276 hire_date 2005 termination_date 0000
last_name Hearn frst_name Shirley M department Probation title Clerical Aide Pd base_earnings 41,065 overtime 0 total_earnings 43,846 hire_date 1986 termination_date 0000
last_name Hearne frst_name Mary Frances department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 1,668 total_earnings 124,332 hire_date 1993 termination_date 0000
last_name Hearon frst_name Catherine E department Police Department title Police Communications Operator base_earnings 63,959 overtime 26,457 total_earnings 105,035 hire_date 1987 termination_date 0000
last_name Hebron frst_name Daniel P department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 62,808 overtime 0 total_earnings 65,888 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Hebron frst_name Helen A department Planning title Admin Asst base_earnings 56,652 overtime 0 total_earnings 58,671 hire_date 1993 termination_date 0000
last_name Hecht frst_name Lorraine E department Mental Health Chemical Dependency title Registered Nurse II base_earnings 51,269 overtime 0 total_earnings 60,267 hire_date 1999 termination_date 2010
last_name Hecht frst_name Robin department Social Services title Chld Support Inv III base_earnings 51,269 overtime 0 total_earnings 64,383 hire_date 1989 termination_date 2010
last_name Heckler frst_name Karen F department Social Services title Child Support Inv II base_earnings 63,959 overtime 0 total_earnings 65,081 hire_date 1995 termination_date 0000
last_name Heckman frst_name Peter J department Legislature title Legislative Assistant base_earnings 46,888 overtime 0 total_earnings 47,917 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Hedgecock frst_name Daniel S department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 38,173 total_earnings 162,822 hire_date 1997 termination_date 0000
last_name Heegan frst_name Jessica A department District Attorney title Asst District Atty base_earnings 61,762 overtime 0 total_earnings 74,935 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Heeren frst_name Ernest R department Fire Commissioner title Emerg Medical Services Inst Pt base_earnings 10,164 overtime 0 total_earnings 11,413 hire_date 2005 termination_date 0000
last_name Heffernan frst_name Joan M department Police Department title Admin Asst base_earnings 24,241 overtime 85 total_earnings 31,345 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Heffernan frst_name Mary E department Police Department title Ambulance Med Tech base_earnings 74,976 overtime 3,332 total_earnings 89,840 hire_date 1987 termination_date 0000
last_name Heffernan frst_name William W department Police Department title Police Sergeant base_earnings 125,891 overtime 11,155 total_earnings 163,584 hire_date 1986 termination_date 0000
last_name Hefferon frst_name Richard T department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 5,167 total_earnings 135,934 hire_date 1994 termination_date 0000
last_name Hegarty frst_name Patricia department Assessment title Real Prop Tax Spclst base_earnings 54,501 overtime 0 total_earnings 55,501 hire_date 2007 termination_date 0000
last_name Hegarty frst_name Linda M department Correctional Center title Clk Typist III base_earnings 55,110 overtime 587 total_earnings 59,077 hire_date 1986 termination_date 0000
last_name Hegquist frst_name Ellen department Social Services title Case Spvr II base_earnings 88,497 overtime 0 total_earnings 90,997 hire_date 1988 termination_date 0000
last_name Heid frst_name Brian department District Attorney title Asst District Atty base_earnings 70,728 overtime 0 total_earnings 70,728 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Heidenfelder frst_name Laura department Police Department title Crossing Guard base_earnings 30,516 overtime 0 total_earnings 30,516 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Heiferman frst_name Justin L department District Attorney title Asst District Atty base_earnings 9,195 overtime 0 total_earnings 11,494 hire_date 2006 termination_date 2010
last_name Heiko frst_name Lita department District Attorney title Attorney's Assistant II base_earnings 40,340 overtime 0 total_earnings 48,912 hire_date 1986 termination_date 2010
last_name Heilig frst_name Jeffrey M department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 24,070 total_earnings 147,516 hire_date 1995 termination_date 0000
last_name Heilig frst_name John G department Public Works title Fleet Auto Shop Supervisor I base_earnings 81,286 overtime 6,701 total_earnings 94,004 hire_date 1973 termination_date 0000
last_name Heinbockel frst_name Richard J department Public Works title Supt Htng&Ventilatn base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 34,458 hire_date 1970 termination_date 2007
last_name Heino frst_name Kenneth department Consumer Affairs title Community Services Representve base_earnings 72,834 overtime 0 total_earnings 72,834 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Heinsohn frst_name Edmund department Recreations and Parks title Park Worker Seasonal base_earnings 19,391 overtime 76 total_earnings 19,583 hire_date 2006 termination_date 0000
last_name Heinz frst_name Gerard F department Correctional Center title Correction Sergeant base_earnings 99,931 overtime 41,993 total_earnings 158,194 hire_date 1985 termination_date 0000
last_name Heiseler frst_name Raymond R department Correctional Center title Crctnl Ctr Mnt Elect base_earnings 81,286 overtime 4,428 total_earnings 91,349 hire_date 1991 termination_date 0000
last_name Heiselman frst_name Paul department Constituent Affairs title Bookbinder I base_earnings 51,653 overtime 4,287 total_earnings 59,220 hire_date 1985 termination_date 0000
last_name Heiss frst_name John department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 5,289 hire_date 1999 termination_date 2009
last_name Heitman frst_name Angela M department Police Department title Public Safety Officer II base_earnings 40,139 overtime 2,982 total_earnings 46,163 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Held frst_name Glen N department Civil Service title Prsnl Spclst IV base_earnings 105,748 overtime 951 total_earnings 110,712 hire_date 1990 termination_date 0000
last_name Held frst_name Nina W department Board of Elections title Election Clerk base_earnings 2,954 overtime 0 total_earnings 9,023 hire_date 1993 termination_date 2010
last_name Held frst_name Sharon department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 5,795 hire_date 1986 termination_date 2009
last_name Held frst_name Stuart department Recreations and Parks title Community Services Representve base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 10,670 hire_date 2002 termination_date 2010
last_name Heldenbrand frst_name Jason department County Exec Office title Compliance Officer base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 2,758 hire_date 2007 termination_date 2009
last_name Helicher frst_name Jennifer department Police Department title Police Communications Operator base_earnings 38,805 overtime 2,795 total_earnings 48,994 hire_date 2009 termination_date 0000
last_name Heller frst_name Victoria department Legislature title Legislative Assistant,Seasonal base_earnings 15,878 overtime 0 total_earnings 15,878 hire_date 2008 termination_date 0000
last_name Heller frst_name Terrence M department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 85,029 overtime 20,668 total_earnings 119,552 hire_date 2005 termination_date 0000
last_name Heller frst_name Wayne A department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 25,744 total_earnings 160,044 hire_date 1993 termination_date 0000
last_name Hellwinkel frst_name Martin J department Public Works title Eqpt Operator II base_earnings 55,110 overtime 6,573 total_earnings 64,113 hire_date 1994 termination_date 0000
last_name Helmke frst_name Keith M department Correctional Center title Deputy Sheriff base_earnings 88,497 overtime 10,111 total_earnings 103,499 hire_date 1994 termination_date 0000
last_name Helmke frst_name Martin J department Police Department title Police Officer-Det base_earnings 117,793 overtime 35,436 total_earnings 186,713 hire_date 1997 termination_date 0000
last_name Hembach frst_name Susan E department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 83,917 overtime 1,042 total_earnings 87,960 hire_date 1993 termination_date 0000
last_name Hemsley frst_name Peter J department Police Department title Police Lieutenant base_earnings 139,605 overtime 23,294 total_earnings 183,183 hire_date 1977 termination_date 0000
last_name Henao frst_name Hugo department Assessment title Clerk I, Bilingual base_earnings 35,344 overtime 0 total_earnings 35,344 hire_date 2006 termination_date 0000
last_name Henderson frst_name Daryl D department Correctional Center title Correction Corporal base_earnings 84,815 overtime 2,947 total_earnings 98,631 hire_date 1984 termination_date 0000
last_name Henderson frst_name Kenneth L department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 62,231 overtime 12,036 total_earnings 95,444 hire_date 1977 termination_date 2010
last_name Henderson frst_name Shavon W department Probation title Probation Officer I base_earnings 61,413 overtime 605 total_earnings 65,459 hire_date 1995 termination_date 0000
last_name Hendrickson frst_name Rosanne M department Police Department title Ambulance Med Tech base_earnings 74,976 overtime 12,257 total_earnings 98,850 hire_date 1990 termination_date 0000
last_name Hendry frst_name James J department Police Department title Police Officer-Det base_earnings 119,091 overtime 55,545 total_earnings 199,314 hire_date 1990 termination_date 0000
last_name Henenlotter frst_name David D department Police Department title Police Officer-Det base_earnings 119,091 overtime 8,644 total_earnings 152,343 hire_date 1987 termination_date 0000
last_name Heney frst_name Anita M department Traffic; parking title Clerk I - Part-Time base_earnings 9,213 overtime 0 total_earnings 9,213 hire_date 2008 termination_date 0000
last_name Henkell frst_name Nancy department Mental Health Chemical Dependency title Social Work Asst I base_earnings 40,340 overtime 0 total_earnings 48,154 hire_date 1996 termination_date 2010
last_name Hennel frst_name Julie A department Police Department title Acctg Exec base_earnings 123,198 overtime 0 total_earnings 125,271 hire_date 1989 termination_date 0000
last_name Hennessy frst_name Michael P department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 83,917 overtime 41,539 total_earnings 138,463 hire_date 1987 termination_date 0000
last_name Hennessy frst_name David department Police Department title Police Officer-Det base_earnings 89,988 overtime 20,710 total_earnings 126,098 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Hennessy frst_name Russell D department Police Department title Police Lieutenant base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 10,858 hire_date 1987 termination_date 2009
last_name Hennessy frst_name Karen E department Police Department title Crossing Guard base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 4,816 hire_date 1981 termination_date 2008
last_name Henriksen frst_name Norma J department Health Dept title Board Member base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 218 hire_date 1977 termination_date 2009
last_name Henriques frst_name David M department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 6,101 total_earnings 140,945 hire_date 1994 termination_date 0000
last_name Henry frst_name John department Correctional Center title Clerk II base_earnings 44,630 overtime 9,380 total_earnings 57,007 hire_date 1995 termination_date 0000
last_name Henry frst_name Catherine A department District Attorney title Asst District Atty base_earnings 39,908 overtime 0 total_earnings 42,054 hire_date 2006 termination_date 2010
last_name Henry frst_name Glenda R department Health Dept title Public Health Nurse II base_earnings 88,497 overtime 0 total_earnings 89,341 hire_date 1995 termination_date 0000
last_name Henry frst_name Anthony H department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 88,189 overtime 10,023 total_earnings 113,573 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Henry frst_name Robert J department Police Department title Police Sergeant base_earnings 109,080 overtime 14,055 total_earnings 142,516 hire_date 1987 termination_date 0000
last_name Henry frst_name John department Recreations and Parks title Park Worker Seasonal base_earnings 17,208 overtime 0 total_earnings 17,208 hire_date 2009 termination_date 2010
last_name Henry frst_name Daneen V department Social Services title Clerk Typist II base_earnings 45,876 overtime 689 total_earnings 49,516 hire_date 1985 termination_date 0000
last_name Henry-Hall frst_name Akeimah M department Social Services title Soc Welfare Exmr I base_earnings 44,204 overtime 1,539 total_earnings 45,893 hire_date 2003 termination_date 0000
last_name Henshaw frst_name James P department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 59,921 overtime 314 total_earnings 66,476 hire_date 2006 termination_date 0000
last_name Henson frst_name Thomas J department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 4,239 total_earnings 150,152 hire_date 1968 termination_date 0000
last_name Herbst frst_name Jeffrey D department County Attorney title Deputy Co Attorney base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 4,122 hire_date 2004 termination_date 2008
last_name Herbst frst_name Adrienne department Police Department title Clerk Typist I base_earnings 36,192 overtime 7,040 total_earnings 43,246 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Hercules frst_name Geneiva department Social Services title Soc Wel Exmr Spvr I base_earnings 64,624 overtime 99 total_earnings 66,953 hire_date 1995 termination_date 0000
last_name Hercules-Williams frst_name Jacqueline department Social Services title Caseworker II base_earnings 69,245 overtime 984 total_earnings 72,288 hire_date 1997 termination_date 0000
last_name Herman frst_name John C department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 50,666 total_earnings 179,540 hire_date 1999 termination_date 0000
last_name Herman frst_name Melissa M department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 85,029 overtime 8,775 total_earnings 102,843 hire_date 2005 termination_date 0000
last_name Hermann frst_name John T department Police Department title Police Sergeant base_earnings 127,175 overtime 12,125 total_earnings 170,260 hire_date 1986 termination_date 0000
last_name Hermann frst_name Richard A department Police Department title Police Sergeant base_earnings 127,175 overtime 18,399 total_earnings 172,024 hire_date 1994 termination_date 0000
last_name Hernandez frst_name Jostyn department County Comptroller title Inspector base_earnings 71,697 overtime 0 total_earnings 74,741 hire_date 2007 termination_date 0000
last_name Hernandez frst_name Claudia department Health Dept title Clerk I, Bilingual base_earnings 41,065 overtime 0 total_earnings 41,992 hire_date 1996 termination_date 0000
last_name Hernandez frst_name Joanne department Information Technology title Multi-Keyboard Operator I base_earnings 38,920 overtime 0 total_earnings 42,283 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Hernandez frst_name Jose E department Police Department title Ambulance Med Tech base_earnings 62,538 overtime 14,603 total_earnings 87,376 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Hernandez frst_name Gabino department Recreations and Parks title Park Worker Seasonal base_earnings 17,125 overtime 2,306 total_earnings 19,431 hire_date 2003 termination_date 0000
last_name Hernandez frst_name Pastora T department Recreations and Parks title Park Worker Seasonal base_earnings 11,122 overtime 188 total_earnings 11,310 hire_date 2007 termination_date 2010
last_name Hernandez frst_name Jose department Public Works title Laborer I Seas base_earnings 11,200 overtime 0 total_earnings 11,200 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000

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