Nassau County salaries 2010

This database includes salaries and compensation for 12,402 full-time and part-time employees of Nassau County for 2010. As a group they made $928,122,353.60, of which more than $77 million was in overtime.

In some cases there is a significant difference between an employee's base earnings and total earnings, which can include overtime and other contractual payments. For employees who retired in 2010, total earnings can include payouts for accrued sick and vacation time. In 2010, Nassau police were eligible for a one-time retirement incentive of $1,500 for each year of service. Employees of Nassau Community College and the Nassau Health Care Corp., which operates Nassau University Medical Center, are not included in this database because the institutions are not entirely county-funded. This data is public information from the Nassau County Comptroller's Office and was obtained through the Freedom of Information Law. This database was posted in June 2011.

Clear Search
last_name frst_name department title base_earnings overtime total_earnings hire_date termination_date
last_name Fonden Iii frst_name Douglas department Health Dept title Student Worker base_earnings 242 overtime 0 total_earnings 242 hire_date 2008 termination_date 2010
last_name Fontana frst_name Joseph R department Police Department title Police Officer-Det base_earnings 117,793 overtime 22,840 total_earnings 171,191 hire_date 1990 termination_date 0000
last_name Fontana frst_name Christopher department Public Works title Eqpt Operator I base_earnings 39,598 overtime 0 total_earnings 39,751 hire_date 2007 termination_date 0000
last_name Fontanes frst_name John department Public Works title Traffic Sig Insp I base_earnings 55,619 overtime 0 total_earnings 55,788 hire_date 2002 termination_date 0000
last_name Fontano frst_name George M department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 38,826 overtime 0 total_earnings 51,434 hire_date 1990 termination_date 2010
last_name Foranoce frst_name Michael C department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 88,189 overtime 14,162 total_earnings 117,767 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Forbes frst_name Russell A department Social Services title Soc Wel Exmr Spvr I base_earnings 81,286 overtime 0 total_earnings 83,216 hire_date 1990 termination_date 0000
last_name Ford frst_name James department Correctional Center title Correction Captain base_earnings 120,368 overtime 16,495 total_earnings 142,898 hire_date 1984 termination_date 0000
last_name Ford frst_name Bernadette K department District Attorney title Asst District Atty base_earnings 117,280 overtime 0 total_earnings 117,340 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Ford frst_name Alesia department Human Rights title Summer Aide Seas base_earnings 2,754 overtime 0 total_earnings 2,754 hire_date 2010 termination_date 2010
last_name Ford frst_name Denise A department Legislature title Legislator base_earnings 39,349 overtime 0 total_earnings 39,849 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Ford frst_name Dwight D department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 84,311 overtime 1,168 total_earnings 92,645 hire_date 2005 termination_date 0000
last_name Ford frst_name Roosevelt department Recreations and Parks title Park Worker Seasonal base_earnings 6,143 overtime 0 total_earnings 6,143 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Ford frst_name Richard department Public Works title Park Worker (Part-Time) base_earnings 13,859 overtime 0 total_earnings 16,174 hire_date 1961 termination_date 0000
last_name Ford frst_name Elizabeth M department Social Services title Soc Wel Exmr Spvr I base_earnings 69,368 overtime 7,394 total_earnings 77,951 hire_date 1995 termination_date 0000
last_name Forde frst_name Desiree department Social Services title Soc Welfare Exmr I base_earnings 0 overtime 93 total_earnings 3,942 hire_date 2001 termination_date 2009
last_name Formichelli frst_name Robert P department District Attorney title Asst District Atty base_earnings 68,973 overtime 0 total_earnings 69,914 hire_date 1997 termination_date 0000
last_name Formont frst_name Lorraine M department Board of Elections title Chief Registrar base_earnings 70,646 overtime 0 total_earnings 80,065 hire_date 1982 termination_date 0000
last_name Forsythe frst_name Roger D department Public Works title Stationary Engr I base_earnings 59,089 overtime 180 total_earnings 62,219 hire_date 1985 termination_date 0000
last_name Forte frst_name David W department Health Dept title Sanitarian II base_earnings 81,286 overtime 483 total_earnings 87,377 hire_date 1990 termination_date 0000
last_name Forte frst_name Deirdre department Probation title Probation Officer I base_earnings 81,286 overtime 0 total_earnings 86,236 hire_date 1984 termination_date 0000
last_name Fortin frst_name Diane department Police Department title Crossing Guard base_earnings 24,185 overtime 0 total_earnings 24,185 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Fortis frst_name Frankie A department Board of Elections title Election Clerk base_earnings 31,409 overtime 0 total_earnings 32,475 hire_date 2008 termination_date 0000
last_name Fortunato frst_name Thomas J department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 83,917 overtime 0 total_earnings 93,646 hire_date 1989 termination_date 0000
last_name Fortune frst_name Ronald A department Public Works title Eqpt Operator II base_earnings 55,110 overtime 5,843 total_earnings 64,324 hire_date 1984 termination_date 0000
last_name Fosbeck frst_name Richard J department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 88,189 overtime 1,564 total_earnings 99,961 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Foskey frst_name Carnell T department Recreations and Parks title Commissioner Of Pks Rec Musms base_earnings 125,383 overtime 0 total_earnings 126,410 hire_date 2009 termination_date 0000
last_name Foss frst_name Wanda department Constituent Affairs title Asst To The Director base_earnings 59,023 overtime 0 total_earnings 59,023 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Foss frst_name Ryan P department Board of Elections title Vote Mach Custodian base_earnings 39,691 overtime 0 total_earnings 40,763 hire_date 2003 termination_date 0000
last_name Foss frst_name Londa L department Social Services title Soc Welfare Exmr I base_earnings 51,653 overtime 1,553 total_earnings 56,988 hire_date 1995 termination_date 0000
last_name Foster frst_name Allison department Assessment title Clerk II base_earnings 46,380 overtime 1,313 total_earnings 47,827 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Foster frst_name Nieema department Human Rights title Summer Aide Seas base_earnings 5,278 overtime 0 total_earnings 5,278 hire_date 2010 termination_date 2010
last_name Foster frst_name Keith A department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 16,836 total_earnings 147,657 hire_date 1994 termination_date 0000
last_name Foster frst_name Kathleen department Senior Citizens title Ast Crd,Sr Ct Sv Prj base_earnings 74,976 overtime 0 total_earnings 76,994 hire_date 1985 termination_date 0000
last_name Foulkes frst_name Isabel department Treasurer title Clms Stlmt Agt II base_earnings 51,653 overtime 0 total_earnings 53,328 hire_date 1996 termination_date 0000
last_name Fowle frst_name John D department Probation title Asst Prob Dir IV base_earnings 109,012 overtime 0 total_earnings 115,419 hire_date 1977 termination_date 0000
last_name Fowlkes frst_name Otis C department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 83,917 overtime 8,787 total_earnings 107,926 hire_date 1987 termination_date 0000
last_name Fowlkes frst_name Elizabeth department Police Department title Crossing Guard base_earnings 23,970 overtime 0 total_earnings 23,970 hire_date 2003 termination_date 0000
last_name Fowlkes frst_name Kirk D department Public Works title Auto Mechanic base_earnings 62,576 overtime 361 total_earnings 65,215 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Fox frst_name Bernadette department Legislature title Receptionist, Legislature base_earnings 34,732 overtime 0 total_earnings 34,732 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Fox frst_name Tatum J department Police Department title Attorney (Employee Relations) base_earnings 89,617 overtime 0 total_earnings 91,617 hire_date 2002 termination_date 0000
last_name Fox frst_name Dennis department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 73,254 overtime 4,047 total_earnings 84,566 hire_date 2007 termination_date 0000
last_name Fox frst_name Linda department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 2,196 total_earnings 134,588 hire_date 1994 termination_date 0000
last_name Fox frst_name Robert J department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 9,290 total_earnings 137,629 hire_date 1998 termination_date 0000
last_name Foy frst_name Martin T department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 83,757 overtime 57,770 total_earnings 155,665 hire_date 1990 termination_date 0000
last_name Foye frst_name Patrick J department Housing title Dep County Exec base_earnings 124,608 overtime 0 total_earnings 124,608 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Fradella frst_name Vasiliki department Assessment title Rl Prop Assr I base_earnings 47,596 overtime 159 total_earnings 49,020 hire_date 2003 termination_date 0000
last_name Fradkin frst_name Eileen F department County Attorney title Legal Secretary II base_earnings 59,089 overtime 0 total_earnings 63,278 hire_date 1982 termination_date 0000
last_name Fraile frst_name Ralph S department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 45,199 overtime 109 total_earnings 55,954 hire_date 2008 termination_date 0000
last_name Francaviglia frst_name Walter department Police Department title Parking Enforcement Aide base_earnings 43,277 overtime 0 total_earnings 48,148 hire_date 1995 termination_date 0000
last_name Francavillo frst_name Fern R department Social Services title Caseworker II base_earnings 69,245 overtime 0 total_earnings 73,946 hire_date 1978 termination_date 0000
last_name Francis frst_name Sharalee S department Social Services title Community Services Representve base_earnings 14,368 overtime 0 total_earnings 14,368 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Francisco frst_name Yesenia M department Social Services title Social Welfare Examiner I Biln base_earnings 31,289 overtime 112 total_earnings 31,800 hire_date 2009 termination_date 0000
last_name Franco frst_name Pedro J department Health Dept title Physician-Csea base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 13,956 hire_date 1996 termination_date 2007
last_name Franco frst_name Michael P department Police Department title Police Sergeant base_earnings 127,175 overtime 16,419 total_earnings 170,858 hire_date 1990 termination_date 0000
last_name Franco frst_name Patrick department Recreations and Parks title Maint Lead Electrn base_earnings 63,959 overtime 13,104 total_earnings 80,085 hire_date 1994 termination_date 0000
last_name Franco frst_name Jose department Recreations and Parks title Park Worker Seasonal base_earnings 16,406 overtime 1,463 total_earnings 17,869 hire_date 2003 termination_date 0000
last_name Francois frst_name Adita department Health Dept title Accounting Assistant I base_earnings 35,413 overtime 0 total_earnings 35,413 hire_date 2008 termination_date 0000
last_name Frangello frst_name Florence department Board of Elections title Data-Entry Operator base_earnings 53,044 overtime 0 total_earnings 55,069 hire_date 1994 termination_date 0000
last_name Frank frst_name Michael J department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 7,717 total_earnings 133,037 hire_date 1987 termination_date 0000
last_name Frank frst_name Jake J department Public Works title Laborer I Seas base_earnings 3,070 overtime 0 total_earnings 3,070 hire_date 2009 termination_date 2010
last_name Frankel frst_name Matthew department District Attorney title Attorney's Assistant II base_earnings 50,629 overtime 0 total_earnings 50,728 hire_date 2006 termination_date 0000
last_name Frankel frst_name Jeffrey A department Probation title Social Work Asst I P/T base_earnings 19,997 overtime 0 total_earnings 21,551 hire_date 1988 termination_date 0000
last_name Franklin frst_name Barry O department Police Department title Police Officer-Det base_earnings 119,091 overtime 2,803 total_earnings 145,993 hire_date 1994 termination_date 0000
last_name Franklin frst_name Cynthia department Social Services title Soc Wel Exmr Spvr I base_earnings 70,858 overtime 1,045 total_earnings 74,052 hire_date 1990 termination_date 0000
last_name Franklin-Sparrow frst_name Joseph department Recreations and Parks title Park Worker Seasonal base_earnings 1,558 overtime 0 total_earnings 1,558 hire_date 2004 termination_date 2010
last_name Franks frst_name Anita department Police Department title Crossing Guard base_earnings 24,511 overtime 0 total_earnings 24,636 hire_date 1998 termination_date 0000
last_name Franolich frst_name Joseph department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 17,870 total_earnings 147,484 hire_date 1998 termination_date 0000
last_name Franssen frst_name Charles T department District Attorney title Financial Investigator II base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 22,232 hire_date 1997 termination_date 2008
last_name Franzen frst_name Michele department Police Department title Clk Typist III base_earnings 50,416 overtime 0 total_earnings 52,279 hire_date 1991 termination_date 0000
last_name Franzen frst_name Kevin S department Public Works title Maint Welder Spvr base_earnings 69,245 overtime 3,297 total_earnings 76,649 hire_date 1981 termination_date 0000
last_name Frascatore frst_name Margaret M department Police Department title Crossing Guard base_earnings 15,053 overtime 0 total_earnings 50,222 hire_date 1994 termination_date 2010
last_name Frascatore frst_name Margaret M department Police Department title Crossing Guard (Part-Time) base_earnings 2,424 overtime 0 total_earnings 2,424 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Frassetti frst_name Ricky A department Police Department title Police Sergeant base_earnings 126,119 overtime 24,194 total_earnings 178,057 hire_date 1993 termination_date 0000
last_name Fratto frst_name Anthony P department Correctional Center title Correction Sergeant base_earnings 99,931 overtime 28,079 total_earnings 138,772 hire_date 1998 termination_date 0000
last_name Fratto frst_name Margaret A department Public Works title Clerk I - Part-Time base_earnings 15,490 overtime 0 total_earnings 15,490 hire_date 2003 termination_date 0000
last_name Frazer frst_name Anita J department Probation title Probation Officer I Part-Time base_earnings 28,538 overtime 0 total_earnings 28,838 hire_date 2003 termination_date 0000
last_name Fred frst_name John department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 15,614 total_earnings 139,537 hire_date 1992 termination_date 0000
last_name Fred frst_name Breanna M department Recreations and Parks title Rink Guard Seas base_earnings 10,323 overtime 0 total_earnings 10,323 hire_date 2007 termination_date 0000
last_name Fredericks frst_name Brian department County Comptroller title Field Auditor II base_earnings 47,356 overtime 0 total_earnings 47,356 hire_date 2009 termination_date 0000
last_name Fredericks frst_name Cynthia M department Police Department title Grants Technician base_earnings 61,637 overtime 8,383 total_earnings 70,364 hire_date 2008 termination_date 0000
last_name Fredericks frst_name Patricia department Social Services title Soc Wel Exmr Spvr I base_earnings 44,692 overtime 2,775 total_earnings 57,351 hire_date 1983 termination_date 2010
last_name Frederico frst_name Joseph M department Police Department title Police Sergeant base_earnings 127,175 overtime 27,242 total_earnings 182,178 hire_date 1986 termination_date 0000
last_name Fredrickson frst_name Madeline department Mental Health Chemical Dependency title Receptionist base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 5,562 hire_date 1993 termination_date 2008
last_name Fredrickson frst_name Judith department Board of Elections title Administrative Aide base_earnings 2,891 overtime 0 total_earnings 6,090 hire_date 2007 termination_date 2010
last_name Freedman frst_name Robert department Police Department title Ambulance Med Tech base_earnings 58,455 overtime 10,675 total_earnings 77,705 hire_date 1991 termination_date 0000
last_name Freeman frst_name Michael department Assessment title Member Bd Assessors base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 763 hire_date 2004 termination_date 2009
last_name Freeman frst_name Izora department Police Department title Crossing Guard base_earnings 18,956 overtime 0 total_earnings 76,242 hire_date 1977 termination_date 2010
last_name Fregeau frst_name Pamela V department Board of Elections title Election Clerk base_earnings 62,334 overtime 0 total_earnings 68,036 hire_date 2000 termination_date 0000
last_name Freinhar frst_name Cheryl L department Police Department title Crossing Guard base_earnings 16,981 overtime 0 total_earnings 86,660 hire_date 1983 termination_date 2010
last_name French frst_name Andrew G department Police Department title Police Officer-Det base_earnings 108,835 overtime 17,346 total_earnings 149,304 hire_date 1994 termination_date 0000
last_name Frenchman frst_name Dina L department Police Department title Crossing Guard base_earnings 19,664 overtime 0 total_earnings 19,664 hire_date 2003 termination_date 0000
last_name Fresa frst_name Joann department Records Management title Photo Mach Optr III base_earnings 55,827 overtime 0 total_earnings 58,611 hire_date 1985 termination_date 0000
last_name Freund frst_name Michael J department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 83,917 overtime 0 total_earnings 86,199 hire_date 1995 termination_date 0000
last_name Freund frst_name John T department Police Department title Police Officer-Det base_earnings 119,091 overtime 13,930 total_earnings 158,252 hire_date 1985 termination_date 0000
last_name Frey frst_name Rochelle department Correctional Center title Clerk Typist I base_earnings 37,775 overtime 7,061 total_earnings 46,901 hire_date 2000 termination_date 0000
last_name Frey frst_name Brian A department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 16,422 total_earnings 153,657 hire_date 1986 termination_date 0000
last_name Frias frst_name Wilson M department Social Services title Social Welfare Examiner I Biln base_earnings 33,700 overtime 3,520 total_earnings 37,220 hire_date 2009 termination_date 0000
last_name Fricke frst_name Roland department Public Works title Civil Engineer III base_earnings 3,652 overtime 0 total_earnings 41,583 hire_date 1975 termination_date 2009
last_name Fried frst_name Burton A department Police Department title Police Sergeant base_earnings 127,175 overtime 16,632 total_earnings 171,177 hire_date 1987 termination_date 0000
last_name Friedberg frst_name Howard A department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 23,877 total_earnings 147,212 hire_date 1995 termination_date 0000
last_name Friedel frst_name Richard C department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 83,917 overtime 34,190 total_earnings 134,826 hire_date 1988 termination_date 0000
last_name Friedl frst_name Ellen A department Probation title Prob Officer II base_earnings 88,497 overtime 0 total_earnings 95,115 hire_date 1985 termination_date 0000
last_name Friedlander frst_name Corey S department County Comptroller title Insptr(Comptroller) base_earnings 97,375 overtime 0 total_earnings 101,619 hire_date 2007 termination_date 0000
last_name Friedman frst_name Mona A department Fire Commissioner title Clerk Stenographer I base_earnings 26,469 overtime 2,095 total_earnings 39,770 hire_date 1985 termination_date 2010
last_name Friedman frst_name Cheryl A department Probation title Prob Officer II base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 14,066 hire_date 1974 termination_date 2008
last_name Friedman frst_name Mark department Public Works title Eqpt Operator I base_earnings 40,019 overtime 718 total_earnings 42,867 hire_date 2006 termination_date 0000
last_name Friedman frst_name Olga A department Social Services title Child Support Inv II base_earnings 50,156 overtime 0 total_earnings 50,344 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Friedman frst_name Warren S department Social Services title Case Spvr II base_earnings 88,497 overtime 2,753 total_earnings 92,835 hire_date 1993 termination_date 0000
last_name Friedrich frst_name Gregory R department Police Department title Police Lieutenant base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 12,474 hire_date 1973 termination_date 2009
last_name Friedrich frst_name Michael B department Public Works title Traffic Sig Insp II base_earnings 81,286 overtime 1,223 total_earnings 84,435 hire_date 1994 termination_date 0000
last_name Friel frst_name Barbara A department Police Department title Police Officer-Det base_earnings 119,091 overtime 24,213 total_earnings 169,966 hire_date 1986 termination_date 0000
last_name Friel frst_name Gerard C department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 9,594 total_earnings 147,348 hire_date 1986 termination_date 0000
last_name Friel frst_name James K department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 85,029 overtime 22,705 total_earnings 116,419 hire_date 2005 termination_date 0000
last_name Fries frst_name Martin J department Correctional Center title Correction Corporal base_earnings 91,470 overtime 41,071 total_earnings 150,373 hire_date 1998 termination_date 0000
last_name Fries frst_name Elizabeth A department Legislature title Legislative Assistant base_earnings 56,633 overtime 0 total_earnings 57,875 hire_date 1998 termination_date 0000
last_name Fries frst_name Teresa A department Police Department title Police Communications Operator base_earnings 38,805 overtime 15 total_earnings 45,506 hire_date 2009 termination_date 0000
last_name Frisenda Jr frst_name Arthur M department Police Department title Pol Capt-Inspector base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 14,333 hire_date 1977 termination_date 2008
last_name Fritz frst_name Michael department Public Works title Superintendent Of Parks Maint base_earnings 97,443 overtime 3,139 total_earnings 101,622 hire_date 1998 termination_date 0000
last_name Frodell frst_name Brendan C department Recreations and Parks title Park Worker Seasonal base_earnings 3,797 overtime 0 total_earnings 3,797 hire_date 2007 termination_date 2010
last_name Froehlich frst_name Lorraine department Police Department title Crossing Guard base_earnings 22,091 overtime 0 total_earnings 24,466 hire_date 1996 termination_date 0000
last_name Froehling frst_name Charles A department Assessment title Dup Mach Optr I base_earnings 43,277 overtime 0 total_earnings 46,233 hire_date 1984 termination_date 0000
last_name Frost frst_name Katherine E department Social Services title Caseworker I base_earnings 1,161 overtime 0 total_earnings 1,161 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Fucarino frst_name John F department Assessment Review Commission title Rl Prop Assr Aide II base_earnings 42,150 overtime 0 total_earnings 42,173 hire_date 2006 termination_date 0000
last_name Fucci frst_name John M department Probation title Probation Assistant base_earnings 43,803 overtime 189 total_earnings 45,170 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Fucci frst_name Daniel department Public Works title Hydrogeologist II base_earnings 73,835 overtime 892 total_earnings 75,357 hire_date 1997 termination_date 0000
last_name Fucigna frst_name Theresa department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 4,372 total_earnings 133,026 hire_date 1986 termination_date 0000
last_name Fucito frst_name James M department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 17,934 total_earnings 152,460 hire_date 1979 termination_date 0000
last_name Fuentes frst_name Maria A department Recreations and Parks title Park Worker Seasonal base_earnings 13,646 overtime 231 total_earnings 13,876 hire_date 2008 termination_date 0000
last_name Fuentes Jr frst_name William department Social Services title Yth Grp Wkr Aide III base_earnings 55,110 overtime 700 total_earnings 67,919 hire_date 1985 termination_date 0000
last_name Fugarazzo frst_name Christine M department Police Department title Pol Serg-Detective base_earnings 132,283 overtime 9,697 total_earnings 166,548 hire_date 1987 termination_date 0000
last_name Fuhrer frst_name Angelika I department District Attorney title Legal Secretary I base_earnings 27,343 overtime 0 total_earnings 30,124 hire_date 1986 termination_date 0000
last_name Fuina frst_name Paul A department Police Department title Police Officer-Det base_earnings 119,091 overtime 11,840 total_earnings 157,114 hire_date 1997 termination_date 0000
last_name Fuina frst_name Stacey A department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 73,254 overtime 6,318 total_earnings 91,845 hire_date 2007 termination_date 0000
last_name Fujarski frst_name Garrett R department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 14,080 total_earnings 139,126 hire_date 1990 termination_date 0000
last_name Fukuda frst_name Andrew department District Attorney title Asst District Atty base_earnings 65,134 overtime 0 total_earnings 65,134 hire_date 2003 termination_date 0000
last_name Fulcinelli frst_name Stephen R department County Clerk title Assistant To Deputy County Clk base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 4,482 hire_date 1998 termination_date 2009
last_name Fulham frst_name Patricia A department Police Department title Crossing Guard (Part-Time) base_earnings 5,724 overtime 0 total_earnings 5,724 hire_date 2009 termination_date 0000
last_name Fulk frst_name Edythe F department Police Department title Clerk Typist I base_earnings 27,119 overtime 273 total_earnings 27,406 hire_date 2009 termination_date 0000
last_name Fullerton frst_name James A department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 84,311 overtime 17,902 total_earnings 110,156 hire_date 2005 termination_date 0000
last_name Fulton frst_name Patricia A department Mental Health Chemical Dependency title Spvr Alch Direct Svs base_earnings 112,185 overtime 0 total_earnings 113,710 hire_date 1993 termination_date 0000
last_name Funaro frst_name Lori department Housing title Program Coordinator base_earnings 49,808 overtime 0 total_earnings 50,454 hire_date 2008 termination_date 0000
last_name Funaro frst_name Timothy G department Purchasing title Buyer I base_earnings 56,491 overtime 0 total_earnings 56,572 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Fuoco frst_name Joel R department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 21,032 total_earnings 156,763 hire_date 1972 termination_date 0000
last_name Furboter frst_name Richard A department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 17,760 total_earnings 147,806 hire_date 1994 termination_date 0000
last_name Furchak frst_name Russell department Police Department title Chief Public Safety Officer base_earnings 81,286 overtime 907 total_earnings 91,076 hire_date 1974 termination_date 0000
last_name Furey frst_name Ann E department Police Department title Police Communications Operator base_earnings 61,881 overtime 14,480 total_earnings 90,725 hire_date 1981 termination_date 0000
last_name Furman frst_name Alysa M department Health Dept title Sanitarian I base_earnings 56,890 overtime 1,556 total_earnings 60,456 hire_date 2000 termination_date 0000
last_name Furneaux frst_name Richard A department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 88,189 overtime 8,889 total_earnings 111,518 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Fusaro frst_name Matthew G department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 45,198 total_earnings 178,960 hire_date 1998 termination_date 0000

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