Nassau County salaries 2010

This database includes salaries and compensation for 12,402 full-time and part-time employees of Nassau County for 2010. As a group they made $928,122,353.60, of which more than $77 million was in overtime.

In some cases there is a significant difference between an employee's base earnings and total earnings, which can include overtime and other contractual payments. For employees who retired in 2010, total earnings can include payouts for accrued sick and vacation time. In 2010, Nassau police were eligible for a one-time retirement incentive of $1,500 for each year of service. Employees of Nassau Community College and the Nassau Health Care Corp., which operates Nassau University Medical Center, are not included in this database because the institutions are not entirely county-funded. This data is public information from the Nassau County Comptroller's Office and was obtained through the Freedom of Information Law. This database was posted in June 2011.

Clear Search
last_name frst_name department title base_earnings overtime total_earnings hire_date termination_date
last_name Errico Jr frst_name Paul J department Police Department title Police Officer-Det base_earnings 119,091 overtime 14,780 total_earnings 163,201 hire_date 1987 termination_date 0000
last_name Escobar frst_name Otoniel department Social Services title Custodial Worker I base_earnings 36,020 overtime 0 total_earnings 36,020 hire_date 2006 termination_date 0000
last_name Escobar Garcia frst_name Antonio department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 32,070 overtime 987 total_earnings 39,632 hire_date 2009 termination_date 0000
last_name Esmiol frst_name Carol department Police Department title Police Service Aide Trainee base_earnings 40,355 overtime 1,273 total_earnings 45,012 hire_date 1998 termination_date 0000
last_name Esopa frst_name Daniel C department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 83,917 overtime 16,472 total_earnings 111,822 hire_date 1996 termination_date 0000
last_name Esopa frst_name James C department Board of Elections title Vote Mach Custodian base_earnings 26,639 overtime 0 total_earnings 27,933 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Esopa frst_name James J department Board of Elections title Clerk Part Time base_earnings 33,653 overtime 0 total_earnings 33,838 hire_date 2002 termination_date 0000
last_name Espana frst_name Alicia department Housing title Housing Case Manager base_earnings 18,966 overtime 0 total_earnings 18,966 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Espana frst_name Sidney M department Medical Examiner title Forensic Geneticist I base_earnings 85,361 overtime 0 total_earnings 85,361 hire_date 2005 termination_date 0000
last_name Espina frst_name John G department Police Department title Police Officer-Det base_earnings 119,091 overtime 37,754 total_earnings 186,599 hire_date 1994 termination_date 0000
last_name Espinosa frst_name Jeiver department Police Department title Police Sergeant base_earnings 127,175 overtime 22,386 total_earnings 176,087 hire_date 1997 termination_date 0000
last_name Esposito frst_name Nicholas A department County Attorney title Deputy Co Attorney base_earnings 68,693 overtime 0 total_earnings 69,055 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Esposito frst_name Dominick department County Clerk title Clerk I - Part-Time base_earnings 9,769 overtime 0 total_earnings 9,769 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Esposito frst_name Ralph department Fire Commissioner title Commissioner Per Diem base_earnings 5,673 overtime 0 total_earnings 5,673 hire_date 2006 termination_date 0000
last_name Esposito frst_name Sandra department Probation title Probation Officer I base_earnings 63,488 overtime 3,353 total_earnings 69,202 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Esposito frst_name Arleen department Police Department title Police Communications Operator base_earnings 63,584 overtime 30,418 total_earnings 109,673 hire_date 1980 termination_date 0000
last_name Esposito frst_name Joseph F department Police Department title Police Officer-Det base_earnings 108,747 overtime 6,865 total_earnings 139,128 hire_date 1997 termination_date 0000
last_name Esposito frst_name Kathy J department Police Department title Clerk II base_earnings 37,479 overtime 0 total_earnings 39,479 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Esposito frst_name Thomas J department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 17,129 total_earnings 142,972 hire_date 1987 termination_date 0000
last_name Esposito frst_name Anthony department Public Works title Lndscp Arch II base_earnings 65,556 overtime 0 total_earnings 65,556 hire_date 2006 termination_date 0000
last_name Esposito frst_name Rosanne department Public Works title Labor Supervisor I base_earnings 48,795 overtime 0 total_earnings 48,983 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Esposito-Pellicci frst_name Sallyann department Health Dept title Clerk Typist I base_earnings 34,107 overtime 0 total_earnings 34,107 hire_date 2008 termination_date 0000
last_name Esquierdo frst_name Linda N department Police Department title Clerk Typist II base_earnings 37,695 overtime 2,741 total_earnings 41,021 hire_date 2005 termination_date 0000
last_name Essex frst_name Thomas J department Police Department title Police Lieutenant base_earnings 123,877 overtime 57,884 total_earnings 716,864 hire_date 1969 termination_date 2010
last_name Essig frst_name Jacqueline department Police Department title Crossing Guard (Part-Time) base_earnings 837 overtime 0 total_earnings 837 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Essig frst_name Jamie Lee department Social Services title Community Services Representve base_earnings 48,390 overtime 0 total_earnings 48,390 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Estanis frst_name Jacob department Health Dept title Pub Hlth Nurse I base_earnings 65,971 overtime 0 total_earnings 68,771 hire_date 2006 termination_date 0000
last_name Estevez frst_name Julio A department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 64,507 overtime 5,452 total_earnings 83,545 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Estevez frst_name Olgarina M department District Attorney title Asst District Atty base_earnings 60,153 overtime 0 total_earnings 61,313 hire_date 2006 termination_date 0000
last_name Estevez frst_name Javier department Health Dept title Student Worker base_earnings 449 overtime 0 total_earnings 449 hire_date 2010 termination_date 2010
last_name Estime frst_name Gerald department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 72,535 overtime 16,927 total_earnings 101,402 hire_date 2007 termination_date 0000
last_name Estrada frst_name Tawana M department Health Dept title Cmnty Hlth Svcs Asst base_earnings 13,484 overtime 235 total_earnings 13,754 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Estrada frst_name Vitalino department Public Works title Stationary Engr I base_earnings 59,089 overtime 1,115 total_earnings 67,103 hire_date 1984 termination_date 0000
last_name Estrada frst_name Liliana O department Social Services title Community Services Representve base_earnings 48,016 overtime 0 total_earnings 48,016 hire_date 2005 termination_date 0000
last_name Estreich frst_name Est Of Michael R department Planning title Accountant I base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 2,260 hire_date 2004 termination_date 2008
last_name Esturo frst_name John S department Correctional Center title Correction Sergeant base_earnings 99,931 overtime 37,043 total_earnings 153,847 hire_date 1993 termination_date 0000
last_name Etheredge frst_name Gable G department Correctional Center title Correction Corporal base_earnings 91,470 overtime 546 total_earnings 106,209 hire_date 1986 termination_date 0000
last_name Etter frst_name Brian P department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 39,240 overtime 482 total_earnings 46,206 hire_date 2008 termination_date 0000
last_name Eusebio frst_name Rafael department Recreations and Parks title Park Worker Seasonal base_earnings 9,797 overtime 0 total_earnings 9,797 hire_date 2010 termination_date 2010
last_name Eutsay-Daley frst_name Marcia A department Assessment Review Commission title Rl Prop Assr III base_earnings 51,269 overtime 0 total_earnings 64,169 hire_date 2004 termination_date 2010
last_name Evans frst_name Darryl J department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 83,917 overtime 16,801 total_earnings 104,425 hire_date 1990 termination_date 0000
last_name Evans frst_name Dwayne department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 83,677 overtime 11,286 total_earnings 105,489 hire_date 1987 termination_date 0000
last_name Evans frst_name Stacey department Correctional Center title Correction Corporal base_earnings 67,832 overtime 7,764 total_earnings 96,192 hire_date 1986 termination_date 2010
last_name Evans frst_name Joel department Human Rights title Summer Aide Seas base_earnings 2,193 overtime 0 total_earnings 2,193 hire_date 2010 termination_date 2010
last_name Evans frst_name Lamont M department Public Works title Laborer I base_earnings 45,526 overtime 3,533 total_earnings 49,854 hire_date 1997 termination_date 0000
last_name Evans frst_name Shirlene K department Social Services title Soc Welfare Exmr I base_earnings 40,065 overtime 8 total_earnings 43,599 hire_date 2007 termination_date 0000
last_name Evans Jr frst_name William D department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 36,448 total_earnings 169,295 hire_date 1987 termination_date 0000
last_name Evans-Cox frst_name Jasseth M department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 10,119 total_earnings 131,170 hire_date 1990 termination_date 0000
last_name Evans-Sheppard frst_name Denice S department Social Services title Youth Grp Spvr base_earnings 63,412 overtime 2,824 total_earnings 79,726 hire_date 1993 termination_date 0000
last_name Eveline frst_name Ann P department County Clerk title Clerk II base_earnings 42,157 overtime 0 total_earnings 42,381 hire_date 2000 termination_date 0000
last_name Eveline frst_name Michael C department County Clerk title Clerk I - Part-Time base_earnings 7,713 overtime 0 total_earnings 7,713 hire_date 2002 termination_date 0000
last_name Evensen frst_name Eric E department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 1,617 total_earnings 129,754 hire_date 1986 termination_date 0000
last_name Ewanitz frst_name Andrew P department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 84,109 overtime 5,059 total_earnings 108,227 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Ewen frst_name Nicholas L department Police Department title Dai Bd Of Governors 1st Vp base_earnings 142,021 overtime 914 total_earnings 201,453 hire_date 1972 termination_date 0000
last_name Exner frst_name Robert department Public Works title Asbestos Abatement Project Mgr base_earnings 68,103 overtime 3,630 total_earnings 74,549 hire_date 1988 termination_date 0000
last_name Exposito frst_name Sarah M department Recreations and Parks title Lifeguard Trainee Seasonal base_earnings 2,636 overtime 0 total_earnings 2,636 hire_date 2010 termination_date 2010
last_name Eyubeh frst_name Oghenetega Y department Social Services title Caseworker I base_earnings 1,161 overtime 0 total_earnings 1,179 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Ezdrin frst_name Charo department County Exec Office title Director base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 18,621 hire_date 2004 termination_date 2010
last_name Ezegelian frst_name John M department Public Works title Laborer II base_earnings 48,544 overtime 0 total_earnings 49,919 hire_date 1997 termination_date 0000
last_name Faba frst_name Kurt T department Consumer Affairs title Weights & Measures Inspectr I base_earnings 50,755 overtime 1,411 total_earnings 54,420 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Fabian frst_name Thomas G department Police Department title Police Officer-Pilot base_earnings 118,638 overtime 8,887 total_earnings 150,632 hire_date 1997 termination_date 0000
last_name Fabre frst_name Clement H department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 62,050 overtime 14,937 total_earnings 89,720 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Fabre frst_name Jeff department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 23,586 total_earnings 152,643 hire_date 1998 termination_date 0000
last_name Fabrizio frst_name Patricia department Recreations and Parks title Park Worker Seasonal base_earnings 1,406 overtime 0 total_earnings 1,406 hire_date 2010 termination_date 2010
last_name Facchiano frst_name Thomas A department Social Services title Soc Wel Exmr Spvr I base_earnings 64,443 overtime 0 total_earnings 64,843 hire_date 1999 termination_date 0000
last_name Faccio frst_name Joseph M department Police Department title Ambulance Med Tech base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 5,689 hire_date 2004 termination_date 2008
last_name Fader frst_name Joan A department Health Dept title Programmer Analyst I base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 2,525 hire_date 1998 termination_date 2007
last_name Faderl frst_name Joanne department Police Department title Police Service Aide base_earnings 37,269 overtime 19,783 total_earnings 68,988 hire_date 1973 termination_date 2010
last_name Faello frst_name Neysa department Assessment title Clerk III base_earnings 49,932 overtime 0 total_earnings 50,120 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Fagan frst_name Susan W department Mental Health Chemical Dependency title Alcoh Group Leader Cnslr III base_earnings 96,599 overtime 0 total_earnings 102,711 hire_date 1981 termination_date 0000
last_name Fagan frst_name Mary department Information Technology title Multi-Keyboard Operator II base_earnings 40,962 overtime 0 total_earnings 41,150 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Fagan frst_name Sean J department Police Department title Police Officer-Pilot base_earnings 118,638 overtime 11,006 total_earnings 158,592 hire_date 1994 termination_date 0000
last_name Faggione frst_name Paul department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 83,917 overtime 6,354 total_earnings 103,487 hire_date 1990 termination_date 0000
last_name Fagioli frst_name Thomas C department Social Services title Soc Welfare Exmr I base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 1,887 hire_date 2008 termination_date 2009
last_name Faherty frst_name Diana R department Social Services title Caseworker II base_earnings 60,484 overtime 2,192 total_earnings 64,254 hire_date 2000 termination_date 0000
last_name Fahlbusch frst_name Richard department Public Works title Bridge Operator base_earnings 45,967 overtime 770 total_earnings 49,850 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Fahrbach frst_name Brett C department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 17,229 total_earnings 146,760 hire_date 1997 termination_date 0000
last_name Faicco frst_name John department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 23,056 total_earnings 146,515 hire_date 1994 termination_date 0000
last_name Failla frst_name John A department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 84,311 overtime 11,551 total_earnings 109,297 hire_date 2005 termination_date 0000
last_name Failla frst_name Mariarose T department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 18,256 total_earnings 147,286 hire_date 1983 termination_date 0000
last_name Failla Jr frst_name Joseph C department Police Department title Pba Bd Of Governors Record Sec base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 355,648 hire_date 1972 termination_date 2009
last_name Fairchild frst_name Christine department Recreations and Parks title Cashier III base_earnings 45,687 overtime 720 total_earnings 50,810 hire_date 1989 termination_date 0000
last_name Fairchild frst_name Wayne department Recreations and Parks title Electrical Services Spvr Pt base_earnings 24,359 overtime 0 total_earnings 25,462 hire_date 2009 termination_date 0000
last_name Fairchild frst_name Neal department Recreations and Parks title History Museum Crafter Supervr base_earnings 74,976 overtime 1,121 total_earnings 80,045 hire_date 1980 termination_date 0000
last_name Faison frst_name Ronnet department Information Technology title Multi-Keyboard Operator II base_earnings 48,637 overtime 0 total_earnings 51,587 hire_date 1985 termination_date 0000
last_name Faivre frst_name Keith M department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 88,908 overtime 20,891 total_earnings 127,145 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Fal Jr frst_name Andrew department Police Department title Pol Lieut-Detective base_earnings 146,705 overtime 13,349 total_earnings 187,644 hire_date 1968 termination_date 0000
last_name Falbo frst_name Thomas D department Board of Elections title Clerk Part Time base_earnings 18,440 overtime 0 total_earnings 18,440 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Falbo frst_name Thomas D department Board of Elections title Spvr Of Printing base_earnings 59,688 overtime 0 total_earnings 86,864 hire_date 1980 termination_date 2010
last_name Falbo frst_name Christine department Social Services title Soc Welfare Exmr I base_earnings 2,124 overtime 0 total_earnings 2,124 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Falco frst_name Stacy department Police Department title Police Communications Operator base_earnings 38,805 overtime 1,118 total_earnings 47,115 hire_date 2009 termination_date 0000
last_name Falco frst_name Victoria A department Recreations and Parks title Clerk III base_earnings 59,089 overtime 0 total_earnings 62,302 hire_date 1982 termination_date 0000
last_name Falco frst_name Joseph J department Recreations and Parks title Park Worker Seasonal base_earnings 11,655 overtime 0 total_earnings 11,655 hire_date 2008 termination_date 2010
last_name Falco frst_name Anthony department Public Works title Mosquito Control Supervisor base_earnings 54,580 overtime 7,401 total_earnings 63,382 hire_date 1997 termination_date 0000
last_name Falco frst_name John A department Public Works title Rec&Pks Mower Lead Mechanic base_earnings 59,089 overtime 3,276 total_earnings 67,296 hire_date 1995 termination_date 0000
last_name Falcon frst_name Laura department Assessment title Rl Prop Assr Aide II base_earnings 38,580 overtime 0 total_earnings 38,580 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Faling frst_name Gregory P department Treasurer title Assist Tax Cl & Claims Spvr base_earnings 3,869 overtime 0 total_earnings 30,666 hire_date 1977 termination_date 2009
last_name Fallace frst_name John T department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 84,311 overtime 25,916 total_earnings 124,837 hire_date 2005 termination_date 0000
last_name Faller frst_name Leigh H department Social Services title Clerk I base_earnings 2,165 overtime 0 total_earnings 2,165 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Fallon frst_name John G department Police Department title Police Lieutenant base_earnings 147,309 overtime 36,637 total_earnings 689,228 hire_date 1973 termination_date 2010
last_name Falsitta frst_name Patricia A department Assessment title Accounting Assistant III base_earnings 30,299 overtime 392 total_earnings 56,687 hire_date 1996 termination_date 2010
last_name Faltings frst_name Christopher J department Police Department title Police Officer-Det base_earnings 119,091 overtime 56,984 total_earnings 210,207 hire_date 1993 termination_date 0000
last_name Faltings frst_name Erik C department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 44,625 total_earnings 176,502 hire_date 1990 termination_date 0000
last_name Falzarano frst_name Michael department District Attorney title Special Investigator II base_earnings 95,753 overtime 3,313 total_earnings 107,997 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Fama frst_name Philip department Public Works title Laborer I Pt base_earnings 9,276 overtime 0 total_earnings 9,276 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Famighetti frst_name Peter J department County Attorney title Deputy Co Attorney base_earnings 36,583 overtime 0 total_earnings 39,520 hire_date 1996 termination_date 2010
last_name Famigliette frst_name Ann department Legislature title Executive Director To Minority base_earnings 90,121 overtime 0 total_earnings 90,121 hire_date 2002 termination_date 0000
last_name Famiglietti frst_name James department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 59,307 overtime 5,349 total_earnings 70,260 hire_date 2006 termination_date 0000
last_name Famiglietti frst_name Philip department Recreations and Parks title Park Worker Seasonal base_earnings 10,956 overtime 0 total_earnings 10,956 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Famulari frst_name Anthony department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 93,911 overtime 58,069 total_earnings 598,776 hire_date 1968 termination_date 2010
last_name Famularo frst_name Salvatore T department Public Works title Laborer I base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 5,666 hire_date 1990 termination_date 2009
last_name Fanelli frst_name Gene A department Assessment title Tax Mapper IV base_earnings 55,817 overtime 0 total_earnings 73,861 hire_date 1977 termination_date 2010
last_name Fanelli frst_name David department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 83,917 overtime 22,742 total_earnings 116,035 hire_date 1986 termination_date 0000
last_name Fangmann frst_name Ann S department Planning title Planner I base_earnings 54,177 overtime 0 total_earnings 54,319 hire_date 2008 termination_date 0000
last_name Fanning frst_name Maureen department Probation title Prob Officer Trainee base_earnings 49,175 overtime 1,014 total_earnings 50,726 hire_date 2003 termination_date 0000
last_name Fanning frst_name Sean department Recreations and Parks title Park Worker Seasonal base_earnings 12,794 overtime 0 total_earnings 12,794 hire_date 2004 termination_date 2010
last_name Faraci frst_name Michelle M department County Attorney title Deputy Co Attorney base_earnings 57,170 overtime 0 total_earnings 57,170 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Faraczek frst_name Kurt F department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 6,015 total_earnings 131,891 hire_date 1994 termination_date 0000
last_name Farber frst_name Scott A department Fire Commissioner title Emerg Medical Services Inst Pt base_earnings 16,321 overtime 0 total_earnings 18,503 hire_date 1998 termination_date 0000
last_name Farella frst_name Raffaele department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 83,917 overtime 0 total_earnings 99,822 hire_date 1986 termination_date 0000
last_name Farley frst_name Madeline F department Consumer Affairs title Asst To Comm Of Consumer Affs base_earnings 89,075 overtime 121 total_earnings 97,059 hire_date 1987 termination_date 0000
last_name Farley Jr frst_name Gary R department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 72,535 overtime 11,568 total_earnings 95,295 hire_date 2007 termination_date 0000
last_name Farr frst_name Tina department Recreations and Parks title Greenskeeper I base_earnings 48,727 overtime 140 total_earnings 48,882 hire_date 2006 termination_date 0000
last_name Farrell frst_name William G department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 83,917 overtime 20,300 total_earnings 111,151 hire_date 1993 termination_date 0000
last_name Farrell frst_name Jeffrey department Board of Elections title Vote Mach Custodian base_earnings 56,382 overtime 3,684 total_earnings 61,742 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Farrell frst_name Justin J department Fire Commissioner title Emerg Medical Services Inst Pt base_earnings 212 overtime 0 total_earnings 1,113 hire_date 2005 termination_date 2010
last_name Farrell frst_name Thomas R department Health Dept title Sanitarian I base_earnings 69,245 overtime 0 total_earnings 73,940 hire_date 1989 termination_date 0000
last_name Farrell frst_name Louis J department Information Technology title Central Programmer Analyst I base_earnings 113,995 overtime 0 total_earnings 117,058 hire_date 1984 termination_date 0000
last_name Farrell frst_name Deena C department Legislature title Legislative Assistant,Seasonal base_earnings 3,091 overtime 0 total_earnings 3,091 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Farrell frst_name Christine M department Probation title Probation Officer I base_earnings 67,824 overtime 5,426 total_earnings 75,769 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Farrell frst_name Deirdre department Police Department title Clerk Typist II base_earnings 37,695 overtime 7,819 total_earnings 45,641 hire_date 2005 termination_date 0000
last_name Farrell frst_name Mary E department Police Department title Pol Serg-Detective base_earnings 133,634 overtime 13,750 total_earnings 167,179 hire_date 1990 termination_date 0000
last_name Farrell frst_name Daniela department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 84,892 overtime 15,322 total_earnings 115,968 hire_date 2005 termination_date 0000
last_name Farrell frst_name Marian E department Social Services title Caseworker II base_earnings 59,753 overtime 753 total_earnings 61,645 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Farrelly frst_name Patricia department Health Dept title Med Soc Worker I base_earnings 47,289 overtime 0 total_earnings 58,822 hire_date 1991 termination_date 2010
last_name Farrington Jr frst_name Thomas J department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 2,809 hire_date 1987 termination_date 2008
last_name Farrow-Taylor frst_name Beverly department Health Dept title Admin Asst base_earnings 60,996 overtime 1,507 total_earnings 64,028 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Fasano frst_name Joseph department Correctional Center title Correction Sergeant base_earnings 99,931 overtime 64,729 total_earnings 193,045 hire_date 1990 termination_date 0000
last_name Fasano frst_name Samantha department Recreations and Parks title Park Worker Seasonal base_earnings 2,113 overtime 0 total_earnings 2,113 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Fasano frst_name Michael L department Public Works title Community Services Representve base_earnings 38,008 overtime 0 total_earnings 38,008 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Fattal frst_name Linda department Recreations and Parks title Cashier III base_earnings 44,241 overtime 917 total_earnings 45,549 hire_date 2005 termination_date 0000
last_name Fattoruso frst_name Francine department Public Works title Clerk I - Part-Time base_earnings 13,158 overtime 0 total_earnings 13,158 hire_date 2008 termination_date 0000
last_name Faucett frst_name Charles department Public Works title Laborer I base_earnings 37,431 overtime 5,449 total_earnings 43,469 hire_date 2006 termination_date 0000
last_name Faughnan frst_name Elizabeth A department Board of Elections title Administrative Asst base_earnings 60,271 overtime 0 total_earnings 62,355 hire_date 2008 termination_date 0000
last_name Faughnan frst_name Chris E department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 73,254 overtime 11,350 total_earnings 94,293 hire_date 2007 termination_date 0000
last_name Faulkner frst_name Gilbert H department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 14,828 overtime 754 total_earnings 18,079 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Faure frst_name Julie M department Social Services title Case Spvr I base_earnings 66,881 overtime 7,033 total_earnings 74,274 hire_date 1999 termination_date 0000
last_name Faust frst_name John H department County Attorney title Spec Invst I,Co Atty base_earnings 81,286 overtime 0 total_earnings 86,283 hire_date 2003 termination_date 0000
last_name Faustmann frst_name Gary W department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 3,360 hire_date 1973 termination_date 2009
last_name Fausto frst_name Doreen department Assessment title Admin Off I base_earnings 62,359 overtime 0 total_earnings 64,359 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000

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