Nassau County salaries 2010

This database includes salaries and compensation for 12,402 full-time and part-time employees of Nassau County for 2010. As a group they made $928,122,353.60, of which more than $77 million was in overtime.

In some cases there is a significant difference between an employee's base earnings and total earnings, which can include overtime and other contractual payments. For employees who retired in 2010, total earnings can include payouts for accrued sick and vacation time. In 2010, Nassau police were eligible for a one-time retirement incentive of $1,500 for each year of service. Employees of Nassau Community College and the Nassau Health Care Corp., which operates Nassau University Medical Center, are not included in this database because the institutions are not entirely county-funded. This data is public information from the Nassau County Comptroller's Office and was obtained through the Freedom of Information Law. This database was posted in June 2011.

Clear Search
last_name frst_name department title base_earnings overtime total_earnings hire_date termination_date
last_name Duryee frst_name Bruce W department Police Department title Police Lieutenant base_earnings 136,390 overtime 6,839 total_earnings 173,000 hire_date 1970 termination_date 0000
last_name Dusharme frst_name Christa L department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 84,311 overtime 18,217 total_earnings 112,719 hire_date 2005 termination_date 0000
last_name Dutton frst_name Daniel L department Fire Commissioner title Fire Marshal I base_earnings 74,976 overtime 41,093 total_earnings 123,350 hire_date 1984 termination_date 0000
last_name Duvenhorst frst_name Peter W department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 16,097 total_earnings 137,664 hire_date 1998 termination_date 0000
last_name Dux frst_name Kevin department Police Department title Police Officer-Det base_earnings 117,793 overtime 46,571 total_earnings 196,498 hire_date 1993 termination_date 0000
last_name Dwyer frst_name Robert M department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 83,917 overtime 21,435 total_earnings 116,390 hire_date 1999 termination_date 0000
last_name Dwyer frst_name Diana C department Health Dept title Early Intervention Svc Cord I base_earnings 74,976 overtime 396 total_earnings 78,264 hire_date 1995 termination_date 0000
last_name Dwyer frst_name Matthew department Physically Challenged title Program Coordinator base_earnings 58,462 overtime 0 total_earnings 60,462 hire_date 1993 termination_date 0000
last_name Dwyer frst_name Sarah J department Legislature title Legislative Assistant,Seasonal base_earnings 3,491 overtime 0 total_earnings 3,491 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Dwyer frst_name Karen A department Police Department title Police Service Aide base_earnings 33,881 overtime 5,711 total_earnings 54,523 hire_date 1986 termination_date 2010
last_name Dwyer frst_name Paul J department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 23,127 total_earnings 149,334 hire_date 1987 termination_date 0000
last_name Dwyer frst_name Robert department Recreations and Parks title Depty Cmmr Of Pks Rec Museums base_earnings 25,100 overtime 0 total_earnings 25,126 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Dwyer frst_name Robert department Recreations and Parks title Depty Cmmr Of Pks Rec Museums base_earnings 79,693 overtime 0 total_earnings 79,693 hire_date 2010 termination_date 2010
last_name Dwyer frst_name Joanne department Recreations and Parks title Park Worker (Part-Time) base_earnings 11,892 overtime 0 total_earnings 16,788 hire_date 1996 termination_date 0000
last_name Dwyer frst_name Meghan department Recreations and Parks title Park Worker Seasonal base_earnings 1,950 overtime 0 total_earnings 1,950 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Dwyer frst_name Robert department Recreations and Parks title Park Worker Seasonal base_earnings 5,545 overtime 0 total_earnings 5,545 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Dwyer frst_name Bruce J department Public Works title Plant Maint Spvr II base_earnings 85,993 overtime 6,081 total_earnings 96,954 hire_date 1980 termination_date 0000
last_name Dyckman frst_name Michael department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 86,829 overtime 69,771 total_earnings 493,121 hire_date 1985 termination_date 2010
last_name Dyckman frst_name Elizabeth department Social Services title Clerk II base_earnings 48,637 overtime 1,700 total_earnings 53,399 hire_date 1984 termination_date 0000
last_name Dykes frst_name James department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 83,425 overtime 0 total_earnings 90,160 hire_date 1989 termination_date 0000
last_name Dyszler frst_name Barbara-Ann department Police Department title Accounting Assistant II base_earnings 42,674 overtime 0 total_earnings 45,500 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Dzienius frst_name Beth A department Social Services title Clerk III base_earnings 59,089 overtime 3,441 total_earnings 66,208 hire_date 1980 termination_date 0000
last_name Dziorny frst_name Stanley department Assessment title Real Prop Tax Spclst base_earnings 65,128 overtime 0 total_earnings 65,783 hire_date 2006 termination_date 0000
last_name Eagen frst_name William J department Police Department title Ambulance Med Tech base_earnings 74,976 overtime 269 total_earnings 87,850 hire_date 1990 termination_date 0000
last_name Eagen frst_name Valerie K department Public Works title Hydrogeologist I base_earnings 44,196 overtime 50 total_earnings 46,433 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Eager frst_name Owen M department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 23,476 total_earnings 151,204 hire_date 1987 termination_date 0000
last_name Ealey frst_name Traci department Social Services title Caseworker II base_earnings 69,245 overtime 113 total_earnings 71,788 hire_date 1989 termination_date 0000
last_name Eames frst_name Joan R department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 85,983 overtime 24,091 total_earnings 360,409 hire_date 1993 termination_date 2010
last_name Earey frst_name Sean department Public Works title Labor Supervisor II base_earnings 63,959 overtime 1,087 total_earnings 68,440 hire_date 1985 termination_date 0000
last_name Earle frst_name Thomas department Police Department title Police Auto Shop Supervisor II base_earnings 81,961 overtime 11,824 total_earnings 109,365 hire_date 1985 termination_date 0000
last_name Eaton frst_name Michael department Assessment title Bluprnt Mach Optr II base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 2,045 hire_date 1970 termination_date 2008
last_name Eaton Jr frst_name John P department Police Department title Ambulance Med Tech base_earnings 34,986 overtime 411 total_earnings 183,105 hire_date 1980 termination_date 2010
last_name Eavarone frst_name Fred department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 8,805 hire_date 1979 termination_date 2009
last_name Eaves frst_name Richard department Public Works title Bridge Operator base_earnings 43,354 overtime 6,839 total_earnings 55,084 hire_date 2007 termination_date 0000
last_name Ebbert frst_name Helen J department Police Department title Police Communications Operator base_earnings 63,959 overtime 27,290 total_earnings 104,623 hire_date 1989 termination_date 0000
last_name Eberling Jr frst_name August department Public Works title Civil Engineer III base_earnings 105,118 overtime 0 total_earnings 109,307 hire_date 1977 termination_date 0000
last_name Ebert frst_name Rosanne L department Police Department title Crossing Guard base_earnings 25,188 overtime 0 total_earnings 25,188 hire_date 1990 termination_date 0000
last_name Echavarria frst_name Michael R department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 61,974 overtime 20,292 total_earnings 93,165 hire_date 2008 termination_date 0000
last_name Echevarria frst_name Gregory M department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 22,800 total_earnings 145,070 hire_date 1997 termination_date 0000
last_name Echezuria frst_name Eileen department Health Dept title Clerk II base_earnings 41,919 overtime 0 total_earnings 42,107 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Eckard frst_name Joan M department Public Works title Clerk IV base_earnings 65,345 overtime 921 total_earnings 70,049 hire_date 1980 termination_date 0000
last_name Ecker frst_name Christopher department Public Works title Civil Engineer II base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 8,858 hire_date 1974 termination_date 2009
last_name Eckert frst_name Donald J department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 83,917 overtime 12,788 total_earnings 114,427 hire_date 1987 termination_date 0000
last_name Eckert frst_name Michele A department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 83,917 overtime 23,728 total_earnings 120,082 hire_date 1990 termination_date 0000
last_name Eckert frst_name Shawn department Constituent Affairs title Duplicating Machine Operatr II base_earnings 44,630 overtime 1,860 total_earnings 47,180 hire_date 1997 termination_date 0000
last_name Eckert frst_name Robert J department Board of Elections title Asst Vote Mch Cust base_earnings 73,242 overtime 0 total_earnings 96,458 hire_date 1975 termination_date 0000
last_name Eckert frst_name Jayne department Police Department title Crossing Guard base_earnings 26,233 overtime 0 total_earnings 26,358 hire_date 1998 termination_date 0000
last_name Edelson frst_name Bobbi department Recreations and Parks title Recreation Specialist Pt base_earnings 1,815 overtime 0 total_earnings 2,116 hire_date 1997 termination_date 0000
last_name Eden frst_name Avery S department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 45,199 overtime 637 total_earnings 57,318 hire_date 2008 termination_date 0000
last_name Edghill frst_name Yvonne K department Social Services title Soc Wel Exmr Spvr I base_earnings 70,858 overtime 8,551 total_earnings 81,422 hire_date 1990 termination_date 0000
last_name Edington frst_name Bruce department Social Services title Case Spvr III base_earnings 95,513 overtime 41 total_earnings 98,281 hire_date 1986 termination_date 0000
last_name Edison frst_name Joseph M department Board of Elections title Vote Mach Custodian base_earnings 17,328 overtime 0 total_earnings 17,675 hire_date 2007 termination_date 0000
last_name Edmond frst_name Christopher S department Correctional Center title Correction Sergeant base_earnings 99,931 overtime 40,391 total_earnings 161,971 hire_date 1988 termination_date 0000
last_name Edmonston frst_name Cherie department Housing title Program Supervisor base_earnings 71,476 overtime 0 total_earnings 74,130 hire_date 1993 termination_date 0000
last_name Edouard frst_name Rubens department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 88,908 overtime 53,566 total_earnings 160,828 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Edwards frst_name Douglas department Board of Elections title Manager Of Accts & Fincl Repts base_earnings 77,500 overtime 0 total_earnings 79,820 hire_date 1989 termination_date 0000
last_name Edwards frst_name Thomas department Health Dept title Organic Chemist I base_earnings 88,497 overtime 0 total_earnings 91,560 hire_date 1984 termination_date 0000
last_name Edwards frst_name Kerwin M department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 14,914 total_earnings 135,777 hire_date 1994 termination_date 0000
last_name Edwards frst_name Pamela department Police Department title Police Communications Operator base_earnings 58,255 overtime 35,316 total_earnings 105,550 hire_date 1995 termination_date 0000
last_name Edwards frst_name Clifford department Public Works title Maint Electrician base_earnings 8,897 overtime 0 total_earnings 9,117 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Edwards-Dailey frst_name Yvonne department Recreations and Parks title Park Worker Seasonal base_earnings 6,100 overtime 0 total_earnings 6,100 hire_date 2010 termination_date 2010
last_name Effinger frst_name Robert R department Correctional Center title Correction Lieutenant base_earnings 81,146 overtime 30,792 total_earnings 139,385 hire_date 1979 termination_date 2010
last_name Effinger frst_name Donald department Police Department title Audio-Visual Spc II base_earnings 55,870 overtime 1,562 total_earnings 57,900 hire_date 2005 termination_date 0000
last_name Efinger frst_name Christine P department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 57,162 overtime 2,240 total_earnings 68,241 hire_date 2006 termination_date 0000
last_name Efinger frst_name William D department Police Department title Ambulance Med Tech base_earnings 74,976 overtime 2,579 total_earnings 91,651 hire_date 1987 termination_date 0000
last_name Efthimiou frst_name Elizabeth department Social Services title Soc Welfare Exmr I base_earnings 33,700 overtime 0 total_earnings 33,700 hire_date 2009 termination_date 0000
last_name Egalite frst_name Shemika department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 45,199 overtime 3,554 total_earnings 55,678 hire_date 2008 termination_date 0000
last_name Egan frst_name James U department Mental Health Chemical Dependency title Coord Topic House base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 10,173 hire_date 1971 termination_date 2008
last_name Egan frst_name Barbara J department Police Department title Police Communications Operator base_earnings 35,609 overtime 0 total_earnings 37,472 hire_date 1990 termination_date 0000
last_name Egan frst_name Elizabeth A department Police Department title Police Officer-Det base_earnings 119,091 overtime 13,310 total_earnings 159,014 hire_date 1984 termination_date 0000
last_name Egan frst_name Ann M department Police Department title Clerk Typist I base_earnings 35,464 overtime 0 total_earnings 35,481 hire_date 2006 termination_date 0000
last_name Egan frst_name Bryan E department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 84,311 overtime 19,697 total_earnings 112,791 hire_date 2005 termination_date 0000
last_name Egan frst_name Wade department Public Works title Eqpt Operator I base_earnings 45,119 overtime 607 total_earnings 47,709 hire_date 1990 termination_date 0000
last_name Egerter frst_name Paul G department Public Works title Ast To Dp Comm Of Pw For Admin base_earnings 71,899 overtime 0 total_earnings 93,719 hire_date 1974 termination_date 2010
last_name Eginton frst_name Susan D department Social Services title Child Support Inv II base_earnings 63,959 overtime 18 total_earnings 68,730 hire_date 1974 termination_date 0000
last_name Egner frst_name Elizabeth department Probation title Prob Officer Trainee base_earnings 39,513 overtime 0 total_earnings 39,763 hire_date 2009 termination_date 0000
last_name Ehrhardt frst_name Geraldine department Police Department title Crossing Guard base_earnings 26,236 overtime 0 total_earnings 27,066 hire_date 1991 termination_date 0000
last_name Ehrman frst_name Richard department Public Works title Eqpt Operator I base_earnings 39,898 overtime 0 total_earnings 40,013 hire_date 2006 termination_date 0000
last_name Eichenlaub frst_name Eric D department Legislature title Maj.Couns.To Presiding Officer base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 8,547 hire_date 2001 termination_date 2009
last_name Eichhorn frst_name Andrew department Probation title Probation Supervisor II base_earnings 101,578 overtime 0 total_earnings 106,389 hire_date 1985 termination_date 0000
last_name Eilenberg frst_name Pam E department Police Department title Police Service Aide base_earnings 52,205 overtime 0 total_earnings 52,605 hire_date 2000 termination_date 0000
last_name Eilenberger frst_name Edward department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 78,538 overtime 18,584 total_earnings 117,985 hire_date 2005 termination_date 0000
last_name Eisele frst_name Patricia L department Correctional Center title Correction Corporal base_earnings 90,246 overtime 1,115 total_earnings 103,378 hire_date 1988 termination_date 0000
last_name Eisele frst_name Steven department Recreations and Parks title Park Worker Seasonal base_earnings 5,031 overtime 0 total_earnings 5,031 hire_date 2007 termination_date 0000
last_name Eisemann frst_name James M department Public Works title Plant Maint Mech I base_earnings 55,004 overtime 997 total_earnings 57,791 hire_date 1993 termination_date 0000
last_name Eisenberg frst_name Alyssa department Police Department title Crossing Guard base_earnings 20,000 overtime 0 total_earnings 20,000 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Eisenberg frst_name Ronnie department Social Services title Soc Welfare Exmr II base_earnings 63,959 overtime 14,499 total_earnings 82,406 hire_date 1979 termination_date 0000
last_name Eisenhuth frst_name Irene department Information Technology title Central Programmer Analyst I base_earnings 91,196 overtime 0 total_earnings 94,259 hire_date 1984 termination_date 0000
last_name Eisenstein frst_name Lawrence E department Health Dept title Physician-Csea base_earnings 139,757 overtime 0 total_earnings 140,340 hire_date 2009 termination_date 0000
last_name Eisenstein frst_name Eduard F department Information Technology title Commissioner Of Info Technolgy base_earnings 129,004 overtime 0 total_earnings 129,004 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Eisgrau frst_name Barbara L department County Clerk title Clerk II base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 3,030 hire_date 1987 termination_date 2007
last_name Ekberg frst_name Shane W department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 14,828 overtime 144 total_earnings 17,304 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Ekblom frst_name Sandra L department Police Department title Crossing Guard base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 5,513 hire_date 1989 termination_date 2009
last_name Ekstrom frst_name David A department Police Department title Police Officer-Det base_earnings 108,835 overtime 35,716 total_earnings 167,718 hire_date 1993 termination_date 0000
last_name Elabu frst_name Rima department Recreations and Parks title Laborer I base_earnings 40,785 overtime 0 total_earnings 40,973 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Elabu frst_name Christopher department Recreations and Parks title Golf Crse Attdt I Se base_earnings 10,087 overtime 0 total_earnings 10,087 hire_date 2002 termination_date 0000
last_name Elbaz frst_name Jeanine M department Traffic; parking title Traffic Prosecutor (Part-Time) base_earnings 4,259 overtime 0 total_earnings 4,259 hire_date 2010 termination_date 2010
last_name Elder frst_name Sallyann department Police Department title Crossing Guard base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 3,558 hire_date 1996 termination_date 2007
last_name Elia frst_name Lynn department Assessment title Rl Prop Assg Spvr I base_earnings 88,497 overtime 0 total_earnings 91,278 hire_date 1986 termination_date 0000
last_name Elia frst_name Eileen M department Probation title Probation Officer I base_earnings 67,824 overtime 1,148 total_earnings 73,818 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Elio frst_name Angelina department Police Department title Crossing Guard base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 3,382 hire_date 1991 termination_date 2009
last_name Elkind frst_name Michael T department Probation title Prob Officer II base_earnings 3,592 overtime 0 total_earnings 77,463 hire_date 1995 termination_date 0000
last_name Elliott frst_name Phillip E department Minority Affairs title Director base_earnings 86,552 overtime 0 total_earnings 86,552 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Ellis frst_name Vileta department Correctional Center title Correction Corporal base_earnings 91,470 overtime 153 total_earnings 96,373 hire_date 1985 termination_date 0000
last_name Ellis frst_name Yvette department Housing title Program Supervisor base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 211 hire_date 2008 termination_date 2009
last_name Ellis frst_name Donna department Social Services title Soc Welfare Exmr I base_earnings 46,071 overtime 7,397 total_earnings 53,656 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Ellison frst_name Peter J department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 26,354 total_earnings 157,155 hire_date 1987 termination_date 0000
last_name Ellison frst_name Robert M department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 2,026 total_earnings 134,317 hire_date 1999 termination_date 0000
last_name Ellul frst_name Theresa department Police Department title Crossing Guard (Part-Time) base_earnings 10,068 overtime 0 total_earnings 10,128 hire_date 2009 termination_date 0000
last_name Elmore frst_name Donald department Recreations and Parks title Park Worker (Part-Time) base_earnings 7,351 overtime 0 total_earnings 7,467 hire_date 1999 termination_date 0000
last_name Elsasser frst_name Sandra J department Police Department title Crossing Guard base_earnings 17,050 overtime 0 total_earnings 17,050 hire_date 2006 termination_date 0000
last_name Emery frst_name Glenn S department Public Works title Cnstn Insptr II base_earnings 61,699 overtime 8,231 total_earnings 76,804 hire_date 1989 termination_date 0000
last_name Emmons frst_name Robert department District Attorney title Asst District Atty base_earnings 1,260 overtime 0 total_earnings 1,260 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Emmons frst_name Robert department District Attorney title Asst District Atty base_earnings 128,942 overtime 0 total_earnings 134,383 hire_date 1981 termination_date 2010
last_name Emmons frst_name Melanie R department Police Department title Parking Enforcement Aide base_earnings 36,777 overtime 335 total_earnings 41,067 hire_date 2005 termination_date 0000
last_name Endres frst_name Matthew J department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 8,112 total_earnings 144,911 hire_date 1986 termination_date 0000
last_name Endres frst_name Philip A department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 18,478 total_earnings 145,840 hire_date 1994 termination_date 0000
last_name Enella frst_name Steven department Public Works title Plant Maint Mech I base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 45,000 hire_date 1995 termination_date 2005
last_name Eng frst_name Philip department Assessment Review Commission title Comm-Ind-Aprasr-Assr I base_earnings 88,497 overtime 0 total_earnings 90,510 hire_date 2003 termination_date 0000
last_name Eng frst_name Donnie department Mental Health Chemical Dependency title Accounting Assistant II base_earnings 45,616 overtime 0 total_earnings 46,061 hire_date 2001 termination_date 0000
last_name Engber frst_name Frederick D department Police Department title Police Officer-Det base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 31,443 hire_date 1974 termination_date 2009
last_name Engelhardt frst_name Brian G department Police Department title Pba Bd Of Governors Record Sec base_earnings 130,872 overtime 1,166 total_earnings 165,240 hire_date 1982 termination_date 0000
last_name English frst_name Brittany department Housing title Housing Specialist base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 460 hire_date 2008 termination_date 2009
last_name Ennis frst_name Gerard department Public Works title Hazardous Waste Specialist II base_earnings 81,286 overtime 67 total_earnings 82,878 hire_date 1994 termination_date 0000
last_name Enoch frst_name Brian W department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 5,736 total_earnings 129,222 hire_date 1990 termination_date 0000
last_name Enriquez frst_name Kevin department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 16,893 total_earnings 139,317 hire_date 1994 termination_date 0000
last_name Entenmann Demeo frst_name Susan M department Police Department title Police Officer-Det base_earnings 119,091 overtime 16,836 total_earnings 159,646 hire_date 1994 termination_date 0000
last_name Epifane frst_name Stacey I department County Exec Office title Director Of Special Projects base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 12,660 hire_date 2006 termination_date 2010
last_name Epp frst_name Michael J department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 83,917 overtime 15,736 total_earnings 109,430 hire_date 1991 termination_date 0000
last_name Epp frst_name Donald department Public Works title Auto Mechanic base_earnings 69,245 overtime 3,703 total_earnings 75,904 hire_date 1988 termination_date 0000
last_name Epple frst_name Donald J department Correctional Center title Correction Officer base_earnings 83,917 overtime 5,267 total_earnings 106,001 hire_date 1995 termination_date 0000
last_name Epple frst_name Amanda department Recreations and Parks title Park Worker Seasonal base_earnings 1,381 overtime 0 total_earnings 1,381 hire_date 2010 termination_date 2010
last_name Epps frst_name Robert L department Police Department title Public Safety Officer I base_earnings 36,923 overtime 15,016 total_earnings 63,713 hire_date 2004 termination_date 0000
last_name Epps frst_name Dolores Y department Traffic; parking title Clerk I - Part-Time base_earnings 6,167 overtime 0 total_earnings 7,765 hire_date 2007 termination_date 0000
last_name Epstein frst_name Lawrence D department Mental Health Chemical Dependency title Psych Soc Work Coord base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 37,236 hire_date 1987 termination_date 2007
last_name Epstein frst_name Jennifer department Recreations and Parks title Cashier I base_earnings 36,872 overtime 0 total_earnings 39,343 hire_date 1996 termination_date 0000
last_name Epstein frst_name Eve department Recreations and Parks title Rectn Aide base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 2,037 hire_date 1989 termination_date 2007
last_name Epstein frst_name Matthew department Recreations and Parks title Golf Crse Attdt I Se base_earnings 4,745 overtime 0 total_earnings 4,745 hire_date 2009 termination_date 2010
last_name Equinda frst_name Thomas department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 35,667 total_earnings 164,626 hire_date 1998 termination_date 0000
last_name Erath frst_name Patricia L department Police Department title Crossing Guard (Part-Time) base_earnings 10,796 overtime 0 total_earnings 10,850 hire_date 2009 termination_date 0000
last_name Erb frst_name Michael department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 84,311 overtime 12,457 total_earnings 104,309 hire_date 2005 termination_date 0000
last_name Erdman frst_name Est. Of Raymond J department Public Works title Plant Maint Mech II base_earnings 15,881 overtime 3,005 total_earnings 60,632 hire_date 1984 termination_date 2010
last_name Erdmann frst_name William T department Police Department title Police Officer base_earnings 106,698 overtime 23,120 total_earnings 157,610 hire_date 1993 termination_date 0000
last_name Erhardt frst_name Robert J department Public Works title Groundskeeper II base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 10,200 hire_date 1972 termination_date 2007
last_name Erikson frst_name Frank V department Public Works title Eqpt Operator II base_earnings 55,110 overtime 4,099 total_earnings 61,860 hire_date 1988 termination_date 0000
last_name Erker frst_name Denise E department Mental Health Chemical Dependency title Psych Soc Worker II base_earnings 69,779 overtime 519 total_earnings 70,724 hire_date 2000 termination_date 0000
last_name Erney frst_name Ilissa department Housing title Secretary base_earnings 0 overtime 0 total_earnings 2,980 hire_date 2002 termination_date 2010
last_name Ernst frst_name Rosemary G department County Clerk title Clerk I base_earnings 23,697 overtime 0 total_earnings 23,697 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Errera frst_name Gary H department Social Services title Caseworker I base_earnings 1,161 overtime 0 total_earnings 1,179 hire_date 2010 termination_date 0000
last_name Errico frst_name Joseph department Public Works title Laborer I base_earnings 11,948 overtime 0 total_earnings 11,963 hire_date 2006 termination_date 0000

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