Nassau County salaries 2010
This database includes salaries and compensation for 12,402 full-time and part-time employees of Nassau County for 2010. As a group they made $928,122,353.60, of which more than $77 million was in overtime.
In some cases there is a significant difference between an employee's base earnings and total earnings, which can include overtime and other contractual payments. For employees who retired in 2010, total earnings can include payouts for accrued sick and vacation time. In 2010, Nassau police were eligible for a one-time retirement incentive of $1,500 for each year of service. Employees of Nassau Community College and the Nassau Health Care Corp., which operates Nassau University Medical Center, are not included in this database because the institutions are not entirely county-funded. This data is public information from the Nassau County Comptroller's Office and was obtained through the Freedom of Information Law. This database was posted in June 2011.
last_name | frst_name | department | title | base_earnings | overtime | total_earnings | hire_date | termination_date |
last_name Deluca | frst_name Joseph A | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 59,921 | overtime 9,351 | total_earnings 76,994 | hire_date 2006 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Deluca | frst_name Mark | department Fire Commissioner | title Fire Marshal I | base_earnings 74,976 | overtime 8,108 | total_earnings 87,406 | hire_date 1993 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Deluca | frst_name Krystle E | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 85,029 | overtime 12,687 | total_earnings 111,265 | hire_date 2005 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Deluca | frst_name Susan | department Police Department | title Police Service Aide | base_earnings 45,794 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 47,469 | hire_date 1991 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Deluca Scalone | frst_name Jean M | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 106,698 | overtime 460 | total_earnings 124,689 | hire_date 1995 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Delvalle | frst_name Marta D | department Probation | title Prob Officer Trainee | base_earnings 54,986 | overtime 4,802 | total_earnings 61,936 | hire_date 2001 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Delvalle | frst_name Veronica | department Social Services | title Social Welfare Examiner I Biln | base_earnings 40,519 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 40,519 | hire_date 2007 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Delvecchio | frst_name Joanne A | department Police Department | title Crossing Guard | base_earnings 21,998 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 21,998 | hire_date 1986 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Delvitt | frst_name Sheila | department Health Dept | title Clerk Typist II | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 2,557 | hire_date 1997 | termination_date 2007 |
last_name Demainto | frst_name David B | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 59,307 | overtime 17,985 | total_earnings 87,010 | hire_date 2001 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Demainto | frst_name Linda | department Public Works | title Laborer II | base_earnings 30,676 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 52,120 | hire_date 1966 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Demainto | frst_name Joseph | department Public Works | title Sewer Maint Spvr I | base_earnings 47,289 | overtime 6,802 | total_earnings 74,220 | hire_date 1973 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Demaio | frst_name Alessandro | department Information Technology | title Information Tech Specialist II | base_earnings 60,314 | overtime 993 | total_earnings 61,403 | hire_date 2007 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Demaio Jr | frst_name Ronald P | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 77,323 | overtime 7,977 | total_earnings 91,219 | hire_date 2000 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Demarinis | frst_name Christine | department Physically Challenged | title Sec To The Director | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 10,169 | hire_date 1978 | termination_date 2009 |
last_name Demaro | frst_name Joseph A | department County Attorney | title Deputy Co Attorney | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 16,542 | hire_date 2008 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Demartinis | frst_name John A | department Police Department | title Pol Serg-Detective | base_earnings 133,634 | overtime 27,584 | total_earnings 204,039 | hire_date 1986 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Demartino | frst_name Michael | department Medical Examiner | title Dep Chief Med Exmnr | base_earnings 135,445 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 149,266 | hire_date 1991 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Demartino | frst_name Linda M | department Social Services | title Child Support Inv II | base_earnings 58,255 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 64,443 | hire_date 1994 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Demartino | frst_name John A | department Social Services | title Caseworker I Pt | base_earnings 2,968 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 2,968 | hire_date 2007 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Dembowski | frst_name Daniel B | department Public Works | title Eqpt Operator II | base_earnings 46,972 | overtime 3,946 | total_earnings 51,523 | hire_date 2001 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Dembowski | frst_name Michael P | department Public Works | title Maint Carpenter | base_earnings 49,495 | overtime 9,231 | total_earnings 59,585 | hire_date 2003 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Dembowski | frst_name Stanley J | department Public Works | title Maint Lead Locksmith | base_earnings 61,514 | overtime 7,094 | total_earnings 73,580 | hire_date 1978 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Demeo | frst_name Craig A | department Police Department | title Ambulance Med Tech | base_earnings 74,976 | overtime 21,969 | total_earnings 111,171 | hire_date 1980 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Demeo | frst_name James A | department Police Department | title Police Officer-Det | base_earnings 119,091 | overtime 5,646 | total_earnings 147,629 | hire_date 1990 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Demeo | frst_name Glenn D | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 106,698 | overtime 18,933 | total_earnings 154,083 | hire_date 1994 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Demetro | frst_name Nancy | department Information Technology | title Clerk II | base_earnings 40,045 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 40,273 | hire_date 2001 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Demichael | frst_name Ann M | department Legislature | title Administrative Asst | base_earnings 64,225 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 65,180 | hire_date 1996 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Demichael | frst_name Maryann R | department Public Works | title Clerk II | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 5,206 | hire_date 1980 | termination_date 2007 |
last_name Demmler | frst_name Robert G | department Recreations and Parks | title Park Worker Seasonal | base_earnings 13,631 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 13,640 | hire_date 2009 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Demos | frst_name Jennifer A | department Police Department | title Crossing Guard | base_earnings 22,004 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 22,004 | hire_date 2005 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Dempsey | frst_name James B | department Police Department | title Police Officer-Det | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 4,116 | hire_date 1973 | termination_date 2009 |
last_name Dempsey | frst_name John F | department Public Works | title Civil Engineer II | base_earnings 88,497 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 93,233 | hire_date 1981 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Dempsey Jr | frst_name William J | department District Attorney | title Asst District Atty | base_earnings 63,476 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 75,356 | hire_date 1978 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Dendy | frst_name Yvonne | department Social Services | title Housekeeper I | base_earnings 32,982 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 33,170 | hire_date 2001 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Dene | frst_name Russell W | department Mental Health Chemical Dependency | title Registered Nurse III Cseaf | base_earnings 338 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 18,581 | hire_date 1978 | termination_date 2009 |
last_name Deneen Jr. | frst_name James E | department Social Services | title Soc Welfare Exmr II | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 3,896 | hire_date 1994 | termination_date 2009 |
last_name Denehy | frst_name Dale L | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 106,698 | overtime 17,531 | total_earnings 153,289 | hire_date 1999 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Denenberg | frst_name David W | department Legislature | title Legislator | base_earnings 39,349 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 39,349 | hire_date 2000 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Denenberg | frst_name Danielle | department Recreations and Parks | title Park Worker Seasonal | base_earnings 1,379 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 1,379 | hire_date 2010 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Deng | frst_name Steven M | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 106,698 | overtime 24,191 | total_earnings 146,912 | hire_date 1995 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Denicola Jr | frst_name Philip | department Assessment | title Comm-Ind-Aprasr-Assr II | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 7,733 | hire_date 1988 | termination_date 2008 |
last_name Denig | frst_name Daniel J | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 6,583 | hire_date 1998 | termination_date 2008 |
last_name Denion | frst_name Conal | department County Attorney | title Deputy Co Attorney | base_earnings 139,464 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 141,464 | hire_date 2002 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Denis | frst_name Scott W | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 39,240 | overtime 208 | total_earnings 46,221 | hire_date 2008 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Denis | frst_name Othniel | department Legislature | title Legislative Budget Analyst | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 4,608 | hire_date 2006 | termination_date 2009 |
last_name Dennis | frst_name Barry M | department County Attorney | title Deputy Co Attorney | base_earnings 114,251 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 114,251 | hire_date 1980 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Dennis | frst_name Lisa M | department Recreations and Parks | title Recreation Supervisor I Pt | base_earnings 29,221 | overtime 1,097 | total_earnings 31,448 | hire_date 2004 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Denny | frst_name Marlene G | department Social Services | title Soc Welfare Exmr I | base_earnings 22,781 | overtime 3,317 | total_earnings 26,098 | hire_date 2010 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Denovellis | frst_name Vincent | department Recreations and Parks | title Park Worker Seasonal | base_earnings 5,546 | overtime 204 | total_earnings 5,750 | hire_date 2010 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Denson Jr | frst_name William | department Social Services | title Soc Wel Exmr Spvr I | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 8,352 | hire_date 1973 | termination_date 2009 |
last_name Depalma | frst_name Frank | department Public Works | title Maint Painter Spvr | base_earnings 43,674 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 57,230 | hire_date 1985 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Depaola | frst_name Thomas R | department Police Department | title Pol Capt-Dep Insptr | base_earnings 156,842 | overtime 997 | total_earnings 178,279 | hire_date 1985 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Deperino | frst_name Mary J | department Social Services | title Soc Wel Exmr Spvr I | base_earnings 64,624 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 67,692 | hire_date 1993 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Depierro | frst_name James | department Police Department | title Police Officer-Det | base_earnings 89,988 | overtime 18,387 | total_earnings 122,171 | hire_date 2004 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Depietro | frst_name Roberto | department Police Department | title Police Officer-Det | base_earnings 119,091 | overtime 79,948 | total_earnings 228,284 | hire_date 1985 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Depina | frst_name Ronald | department Public Works | title Party Chief | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 13,740 | hire_date 1975 | termination_date 2007 |
last_name Depresco | frst_name James J | department Public Works | title Sewage Trtmt Optr | base_earnings 44,601 | overtime 20,628 | total_earnings 79,967 | hire_date 2006 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Deprospo | frst_name Jami A | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 85,029 | overtime 8,819 | total_earnings 107,584 | hire_date 2005 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Deramo | frst_name Louis M | department Constituent Affairs | title Bookbinder II | base_earnings 74,976 | overtime 8,311 | total_earnings 86,102 | hire_date 1988 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Derby | frst_name Thomas J | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 85,029 | overtime 10,931 | total_earnings 109,484 | hire_date 2005 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Derbyshire | frst_name Christine A | department Probation | title Clerk Stenographer II | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 6,490 | hire_date 1969 | termination_date 2007 |
last_name Dercole | frst_name Joseph | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 88,908 | overtime 9,897 | total_earnings 107,070 | hire_date 1997 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Derespiris Jr | frst_name Peter F | department County Comptroller | title Accountant III | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 2,958 | hire_date 1987 | termination_date 2009 |
last_name Dermody | frst_name Laura | department Mental Health Chemical Dependency | title Alchol Reh Cnslr I | base_earnings 44,693 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 44,881 | hire_date 2003 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Derner | frst_name Maureen A | department Correctional Center | title Deputy Sheriff Sergeant | base_earnings 96,599 | overtime 649 | total_earnings 101,290 | hire_date 1994 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Derobertis | frst_name Elaine T | department Public Works | title Clerk II | base_earnings 48,637 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 51,700 | hire_date 1984 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Derosa | frst_name Diane L | department Police Department | title Crossing Guard | base_earnings 24,368 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 25,198 | hire_date 1991 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Derosa | frst_name Frank | department Public Works | title Maint Mechanic I | base_earnings 22,156 | overtime 1,525 | total_earnings 27,252 | hire_date 2008 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Dertinger | frst_name Glenn R | department Police Department | title Public Safety Officer III | base_earnings 59,089 | overtime 2,204 | total_earnings 75,111 | hire_date 1984 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Desai | frst_name Vidya D | department Social Services | title Child Support Inv II | base_earnings 58,255 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 59,099 | hire_date 1996 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Desalvo | frst_name Barbara | department County Attorney | title Clerk Typist II | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 3,535 | hire_date 1996 | termination_date 2007 |
last_name Desalvo | frst_name Jo Ann | department Purchasing | title Buyer I | base_earnings 58,255 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 60,268 | hire_date 1996 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Desanges | frst_name Shilah V | department Social Services | title Caseworker II | base_earnings 69,245 | overtime 2,056 | total_earnings 76,763 | hire_date 1993 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Desantis | frst_name Rosemarie | department County Clerk | title Clerk Typist I | base_earnings 24,017 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 38,237 | hire_date 1980 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Desantis | frst_name Nicole S | department Medical Examiner | title Forensic Toxicologist I | base_earnings 85,068 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 85,653 | hire_date 2005 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Desantis | frst_name Joseph A | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 106,698 | overtime 29,453 | total_earnings 156,061 | hire_date 1987 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Desantis | frst_name Nicholas F | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 88,908 | overtime 19,051 | total_earnings 123,055 | hire_date 2004 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Desenchak | frst_name David A | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 106,698 | overtime 34,722 | total_earnings 173,030 | hire_date 1993 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Desimone | frst_name Michael | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 5,172 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 5,997 | hire_date 2010 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Desimone | frst_name Thomas A | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 27,266 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 42,753 | hire_date 1985 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Desimone | frst_name Ann M | department Health Dept | title Public Health Nurse II | base_earnings 65,945 | overtime 12,343 | total_earnings 85,687 | hire_date 2007 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Desimone | frst_name Andrew | department Police Department | title Police Lieutenant | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 8,453 | hire_date 1987 | termination_date 2009 |
last_name Desimone | frst_name Robert F | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 106,698 | overtime 18,689 | total_earnings 144,171 | hire_date 1992 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Desmond | frst_name Paul | department Board of Elections | title Asst To Commissioner | base_earnings 34,176 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 35,325 | hire_date 2009 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Desouza | frst_name Rosalie E | department County Attorney | title Attorney's Assistant I | base_earnings 46,878 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 47,778 | hire_date 2003 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Desravines | frst_name Ernest | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 12,831 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 20,364 | hire_date 1990 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Destefano | frst_name Michael S | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 42,552 | overtime 9,284 | total_earnings 59,601 | hire_date 2008 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Destefano | frst_name Thomas J | department Correctional Center | title Correction Sergeant | base_earnings 99,931 | overtime 43,799 | total_earnings 155,306 | hire_date 1984 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Destefano | frst_name Deborah L | department Probation | title Clerk II | base_earnings 39,155 | overtime 550 | total_earnings 41,260 | hire_date 2003 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Destefano | frst_name Gennaro | department Police Department | title Police Officer-Det | base_earnings 117,622 | overtime 22,026 | total_earnings 169,607 | hire_date 1998 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Destefano | frst_name Michael C | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 88,908 | overtime 7,092 | total_earnings 112,680 | hire_date 2004 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Destina | frst_name Denise | department Health Dept | title Community Service Assistant | base_earnings 45,876 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 48,294 | hire_date 1989 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Detwiller | frst_name Gregory | department Police Department | title Pol Lieut-Detective | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 12,882 | hire_date 1973 | termination_date 2009 |
last_name Devaney | frst_name Thomas | department Planning | title Planner III | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 2,405 | hire_date 2003 | termination_date 2007 |
last_name Deverna | frst_name Andrew L | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 88,189 | overtime 16,625 | total_earnings 120,554 | hire_date 2004 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Devita | frst_name Carol E | department Social Services | title Soc Wel Exmr Spvr I | base_earnings 40,909 | overtime 2,169 | total_earnings 83,763 | hire_date 1993 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Devito | frst_name Joseph A | department Office of Management and Budgets | title Senior Budget Examiner | base_earnings 9,770 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 9,770 | hire_date 2010 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Devito | frst_name Domenick E | department Correctional Center | title Corr Ctr Cook II | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 18 | hire_date 1990 | termination_date 2009 |
last_name Devito | frst_name Thomas | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 83,917 | overtime 21,309 | total_earnings 118,409 | hire_date 1996 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Devito | frst_name Nicholas | department Health Dept | title Pub Hth Aide II Seas | base_earnings 5,611 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 6,224 | hire_date 2010 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Devore | frst_name Paul W | department District Attorney | title Special Investigator I | base_earnings 82,736 | overtime 25,555 | total_earnings 113,146 | hire_date 2001 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Devore | frst_name Curtis | department Public Works | title Eqpt Operator III | base_earnings 63,959 | overtime 13,058 | total_earnings 81,060 | hire_date 1985 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Dewitt | frst_name Clement J | department Correctional Center | title Corr Ctr Cook II | base_earnings 81,286 | overtime 18,108 | total_earnings 111,483 | hire_date 1990 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Dews | frst_name Shirley A | department Housing | title Fiscal Analyst | base_earnings 77,598 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 77,598 | hire_date 2003 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Dezego | frst_name Mary H | department Police Department | title Ambulance Med Tech | base_earnings 74,976 | overtime 2,457 | total_earnings 83,820 | hire_date 1994 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Dezelic | frst_name John P | department Police Department | title Police Officer-Det | base_earnings 107,952 | overtime 16,468 | total_earnings 146,990 | hire_date 1998 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Dhande | frst_name Jeanne M | department Social Services | title Accountant I | base_earnings 4,387 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 4,387 | hire_date 2010 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Dharawat | frst_name Prabhakar | department Assessment | title Rl Prop Assr Aide I | base_earnings 39,065 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 41,065 | hire_date 2004 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Dharawat | frst_name Heera P | department Social Services | title Child Support Inv II | base_earnings 53,692 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 54,559 | hire_date 1996 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Di Figlia | frst_name David | department Recreations and Parks | title Cashier I | base_earnings 32,932 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 36,485 | hire_date 2008 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Di Geronimo | frst_name Gregory E | department Assessment | title Comm-Ind-Aprasr-Assr II | base_earnings 67,563 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 68,181 | hire_date 1996 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Di Giovanni | frst_name Rebecca | department Mental Health Chemical Dependency | title Clerk Typist II | base_earnings 39,299 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 39,514 | hire_date 2001 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Di Giovanni | frst_name Joseph | department Recreations and Parks | title Laborer I | base_earnings 23,159 | overtime 84 | total_earnings 23,922 | hire_date 2006 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Di Iorio | frst_name Thomas | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 76,729 | overtime 19 | total_earnings 84,260 | hire_date 1993 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Di Lollo | frst_name Nicholas | department Recreations and Parks | title Park Worker (Part-Time) | base_earnings 7,942 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 8,417 | hire_date 2005 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Di Martino | frst_name Joseph A | department Probation | title Probation Officer I | base_earnings 52,972 | overtime 699 | total_earnings 55,824 | hire_date 2006 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Di Sisto | frst_name Joseph | department Recreations and Parks | title Park Worker (Part-Time) | base_earnings 10,754 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 13,357 | hire_date 1994 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Diamond | frst_name Andrew | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 83,917 | overtime 39,756 | total_earnings 135,542 | hire_date 1988 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Diamond | frst_name Mark R | department Correctional Center | title Correction Officer | base_earnings 67,363 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 77,763 | hire_date 1995 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Diamond | frst_name Chumi J | department Legislature | title Clerk To Legislature | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 9,988 | hire_date 2004 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Dias | frst_name Daniel S | department Probation | title Probation Assistant | base_earnings 3,186 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 3,186 | hire_date 2010 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Dias | frst_name Tracy A | department Public Works | title Traffic Sig Insp I | base_earnings 55,451 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 55,620 | hire_date 2002 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Diaz | frst_name Jasmin E | department Health Dept | title Clerk I, Bilingual | base_earnings 35,100 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 35,132 | hire_date 2005 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Diaz | frst_name Julia | department Medical Examiner | title Forensc Scientist I(Toxicolgy) | base_earnings 1,498 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 1,498 | hire_date 2010 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Diaz | frst_name Diomedes | department Police Department | title Ambulance Med Tech | base_earnings 74,976 | overtime 9,481 | total_earnings 100,331 | hire_date 1990 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Diaz | frst_name Erik | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 52,155 | overtime 3,120 | total_earnings 63,141 | hire_date 2008 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Diaz | frst_name Jorge H | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 85,029 | overtime 20,890 | total_earnings 114,567 | hire_date 2005 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Diaz | frst_name Dora | department Recreations and Parks | title Park Worker Seasonal | base_earnings 15,695 | overtime 188 | total_earnings 15,882 | hire_date 2004 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Dibari | frst_name Stephanie A | department Social Services | title Clerk II | base_earnings 43,787 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 44,909 | hire_date 1995 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Dibartolo | frst_name Joseph A | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 106,698 | overtime 14,085 | total_earnings 143,375 | hire_date 1995 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Dibello | frst_name Linda A | department Police Department | title Crossing Guard | base_earnings 26,252 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 26,252 | hire_date 2004 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Dibeneditto | frst_name James M | department Police Department | title Police Officer-Det | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 4,203 | hire_date 1995 | termination_date 2009 |
last_name Diblasi | frst_name Andrew E | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 106,698 | overtime 1,667 | total_earnings 125,730 | hire_date 1990 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Dicaprio | frst_name Anthony | department Police Department | title Police Officer-Det | base_earnings 122,297 | overtime 16,835 | total_earnings 162,850 | hire_date 1987 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Dicaterino | frst_name Mona L | department County Attorney | title Accounting Assistant I | base_earnings 45,876 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 46,276 | hire_date 1998 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Dicerbo | frst_name Kristen | department County Exec Office | title Special Asst | base_earnings 2,414 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 2,414 | hire_date 2010 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Dichiara | frst_name Michele | department Social Services | title Case Spvr I | base_earnings 81,286 | overtime 6,196 | total_earnings 89,510 | hire_date 1990 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Dicintio | frst_name Christine | department Police Department | title Police Cmtns Operator Supv | base_earnings 61,211 | overtime 8,093 | total_earnings 81,296 | hire_date 1996 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Dickson | frst_name Tere | department Health Dept | title Deputy Commr Of Hlth | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 10,949 | hire_date 2008 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Dickson | frst_name Dolores M | department Police Department | title Clerk Typist I | base_earnings 24,405 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 25,687 | hire_date 2009 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Dickson | frst_name Bradford G | department Public Works | title Ast Dir,Bur Eqpt Inv | base_earnings 79,050 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 79,214 | hire_date 2003 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Dickson | frst_name Thomas S | department Public Works | title Swg Trt Plt Spvr I | base_earnings 63,959 | overtime 1,008 | total_earnings 67,764 | hire_date 1986 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Diconza | frst_name Frank T | department Police Department | title Police Officer | base_earnings 106,698 | overtime 72,875 | total_earnings 206,298 | hire_date 1998 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Dicosimo | frst_name Carmela | department Police Department | title Crossing Guard | base_earnings 12,800 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 32,923 | hire_date 1998 | termination_date 2010 |
last_name Dicristina | frst_name Joseph | department Police Department | title Photo Spclst III | base_earnings 74,976 | overtime 1,369 | total_earnings 84,063 | hire_date 1974 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Diem | frst_name Barry E | department Board of Elections | title Clerk Part Time | base_earnings 8,056 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 8,281 | hire_date 1992 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Dier | frst_name Eric M | department Correctional Center | title Deputy Sheriff | base_earnings 67,407 | overtime 30,093 | total_earnings 105,235 | hire_date 2008 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Dieringer | frst_name Vincent | department Recreations and Parks | title Golf Crse Attdt I Se | base_earnings 10,212 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 10,212 | hire_date 1997 | termination_date 0000 |
last_name Dies | frst_name William V | department Public Works | title Plant Maint Spvr I | base_earnings 0 | overtime 0 | total_earnings 27,801 | hire_date 1972 | termination_date 2007 |
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