Long Island’s Senior Class of 2017
The senior class at 147 Long Island private and public schools adds up to more than 39,000 students in 2017. Here are the names of those preparing to graduate in the coming weeks, compiled by Kathleen Diamond.
You can search by an individual's name or by a school name to view the whole list for that school.
Name | School |
Name Kayla Benischek | School Division Ave High School |
Name Gabriel Berry | School Division Ave High School |
Name Sisam Bhandari | School Division Ave High School |
Name Lauren Biegner | School Division Ave High School |
Name Nicole Bonelli | School Division Ave High School |
Name Karina Bonilla | School Division Ave High School |
Name Jesse Brennan | School Division Ave High School |
Name Nicole Bruckner | School Division Ave High School |
Name Mario Buffolino | School Division Ave High School |
Name John Cahill | School Division Ave High School |
Name Kristi Cahill | School Division Ave High School |
Name Ryan Calkins | School Division Ave High School |
Name Shawn Calkins | School Division Ave High School |
Name Robert Calvin | School Division Ave High School |
Name Antonia Campione | School Division Ave High School |
Name Aryana Caputo | School Division Ave High School |
Name Mikayla Cardona | School Division Ave High School |
Name Patrick Carew | School Division Ave High School |
Name Patrick Carroll | School Division Ave High School |
Name Sarah Caruso | School Division Ave High School |
Name Sammi Casamassino | School Division Ave High School |
Name Salvatore Castiglione | School Division Ave High School |
Name Tina Cataldo | School Division Ave High School |
Name Ava Catapano | School Division Ave High School |
Name Kerry Chavez | School Division Ave High School |
Name Jonathan Chen | School Division Ave High School |
Name Gina Chiappone | School Division Ave High School |
Name Marcella Cisotto | School Division Ave High School |
Name Skyla Clifford | School Division Ave High School |
Name Bryan Clinco | School Division Ave High School |
Name Nicholas Cody | School Division Ave High School |
Name Shawn Collins | School Division Ave High School |
Name Justin Colon | School Division Ave High School |
Name Paige Conklin | School Division Ave High School |
Name Arielle Connolly | School Division Ave High School |
Name Bryan Corporan | School Division Ave High School |
Name Alyssa Cosgrove | School Division Ave High School |
Name Krysten Costa | School Division Ave High School |
Name Jared Cotto | School Division Ave High School |
Name Elizabeth Cruz | School Division Ave High School |
Name Keyla Cruz | School Division Ave High School |
Name Steven Cuascut | School Division Ave High School |
Name Jennifer Daly | School Division Ave High School |
Name Yafa Daniel | School Division Ave High School |
Name Sean Deacon | School Division Ave High School |
Name Xavier Delcid | School Division Ave High School |
Name Raquel DeLeon | School Division Ave High School |
Name Tyler DeMoore-Gonzalez | School Division Ave High School |
Name Batul Dessouky | School Division Ave High School |
Name Behi Dessouky | School Division Ave High School |
Name Hunter Diamond | School Division Ave High School |
Name Brianna Diaz | School Division Ave High School |
Name Thomas Donnery | School Division Ave High School |
Name Christian Dubon | School Division Ave High School |
Name Shannon Erickson | School Division Ave High School |
Name Ismael Escalera | School Division Ave High School |
Name Matthew Evans | School Division Ave High School |
Name Lauren Foders | School Division Ave High School |
Name Kayla Frenger | School Division Ave High School |
Name James Gambetta | School Division Ave High School |
Name Mirka Garcia | School Division Ave High School |
Name Andrea Garthwaite | School Division Ave High School |
Name James Gates | School Division Ave High School |
Name George Gatt | School Division Ave High School |
Name Brianna Gavin | School Division Ave High School |
Name James Genco | School Division Ave High School |
Name Brittany Gendels | School Division Ave High School |
Name Akashdeep Ghotra | School Division Ave High School |
Name Melissa Giordano | School Division Ave High School |
Name James Giovanakis | School Division Ave High School |
Name Emily Glynn | School Division Ave High School |
Name Jessica Goldstein | School Division Ave High School |
Name Wilmer Gomez Matamoros | School Division Ave High School |
Name Brandon Granados | School Division Ave High School |
Name Kevin Granger | School Division Ave High School |
Name Christopher Gray | School Division Ave High School |
Name Nelson Guevara Flores | School Division Ave High School |
Name George Hafner | School Division Ave High School |
Name Danielle Hall | School Division Ave High School |
Name Luke Hall | School Division Ave High School |
Name Damon Hall | School Division Ave High School |
Name Caitlin Harrs | School Division Ave High School |
Name Subin Heo | School Division Ave High School |
Name Kelly Hogan | School Division Ave High School |
Name Zachary Honig | School Division Ave High School |
Name Steven Horodecki | School Division Ave High School |
Name Justin Huallanca | School Division Ave High School |
Name Nicholas Huckstadt | School Division Ave High School |
Name Erich Hudon | School Division Ave High School |
Name Vincent Inciarrano | School Division Ave High School |
Name Juan Isaacs | School Division Ave High School |
Name Amanda Jakubiak | School Division Ave High School |
Name Bridget Johnson | School Division Ave High School |
Name Nicolette Jordan | School Division Ave High School |
Name Melissa Karahan | School Division Ave High School |
Name Ian Kavanaugh | School Division Ave High School |
Name Jesse Keller | School Division Ave High School |
Name Zoe Kelly | School Division Ave High School |
Name Julia Kempster | School Division Ave High School |
Name Ryan Kennedy | School Division Ave High School |
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