Long Island’s Senior Class of 2017
The senior class at 147 Long Island private and public schools adds up to more than 39,000 students in 2017. Here are the names of those preparing to graduate in the coming weeks, compiled by Kathleen Diamond.
You can search by an individual's name or by a school name to view the whole list for that school.
Name | School |
Name Kathleen Margaret Doherty | School Miller Place High School |
Name Julianna Dolinski | School Miller Place High School |
Name Marissa Anne Drake | School Miller Place High School |
Name Kyle Patrick Dromerhauser | School Miller Place High School |
Name Hunter Duckett | School Miller Place High School |
Name Erick Alexander Ecker | School Miller Place High School |
Name Arianna Marie Esposito | School Miller Place High School |
Name Nicholas Thomas Evola | School Miller Place High School |
Name Haley Falcon | School Miller Place High School |
Name Jackson Ivar Faulknor | School Miller Place High School |
Name Jillian Rose Fazio | School Miller Place High School |
Name Molly Elizabeth Feinberg | School Miller Place High School |
Name Lauren Nicole Ferrara | School Miller Place High School |
Name Christopher Allen Ferrari | School Miller Place High School |
Name Joseph Mathieu Filippetti | School Miller Place High School |
Name Issabella Ann Finamore | School Miller Place High School |
Name William Jon Finamore Jr. | School Miller Place High School |
Name Steven Gerard Flanagan | School Miller Place High School |
Name Miranda Jean Flerx | School Miller Place High School |
Name Samantha Nicole Frank | School Miller Place High School |
Name David Philip Friedman | School Miller Place High School |
Name Steven James Gaudio | School Miller Place High School |
Name Kevin Gerard Gersbeck | School Miller Place High School |
Name Michael Louis Giacchetto | School Miller Place High School |
Name Jessica Lynn Giampino | School Miller Place High School |
Name Anthony Joseph Gianfortone | School Miller Place High School |
Name Christopher Joseph Ging | School Miller Place High School |
Name Michael William Ging | School Miller Place High School |
Name Rocco John Giordano | School Miller Place High School |
Name Robert Jacob Godberson | School Miller Place High School |
Name Valeria Andrea Gomez | School Miller Place High School |
Name Haley Anne Gonzalez | School Miller Place High School |
Name Amanda Michelle Grant | School Miller Place High School |
Name Autumn Angel Gray | School Miller Place High School |
Name Emod Rashard Green-Burnside | School Miller Place High School |
Name Zachary Thomas Guadalupe | School Miller Place High School |
Name Nina Rose Hadzima | School Miller Place High School |
Name Emily Rose Hampson | School Miller Place High School |
Name Rachel Maria Hansen | School Miller Place High School |
Name Germaine Madison Harbaugh | School Miller Place High School |
Name AnnaMarie Hartill | School Miller Place High School |
Name Jordan Craig Hassel | School Miller Place High School |
Name Armani Robert Hegel | School Miller Place High School |
Name Joshua Robert Hegel | School Miller Place High School |
Name Christina Marie Hennington | School Miller Place High School |
Name Brooke Elizabeth Hills | School Miller Place High School |
Name Christine Marie Holownia | School Miller Place High School |
Name Kelly Marie Holownia | School Miller Place High School |
Name Ryan Andrew Holownia | School Miller Place High School |
Name Jayme Lee Hudson | School Miller Place High School |
Name Ethan Michael Humphrey | School Miller Place High School |
Name Jeffrey Edgar Humphreys | School Miller Place High School |
Name Chase McDougall Huot | School Miller Place High School |
Name Emma Rose Jacobsen | School Miller Place High School |
Name Marissa Kiku Nohelani Jakahi | School Miller Place High School |
Name James Donald Jedlicka | School Miller Place High School |
Name Danielle Maria Jiminez | School Miller Place High School |
Name Kendall Leigh Johnson | School Miller Place High School |
Name Nicole Marie Johnson | School Miller Place High School |
Name Olivia Grace Johnson | School Miller Place High School |
Name Jacob Riley Juranek | School Miller Place High School |
Name Alexandra Eleni Kastamonitis | School Miller Place High School |
Name Gavin Michael Kelly | School Miller Place High School |
Name Matthew Thomas Kelly | School Miller Place High School |
Name Paige Margaret Kibbel | School Miller Place High School |
Name Madison Elizabeth Kirch | School Miller Place High School |
Name Raymond Wayne Klotz | School Miller Place High School |
Name Ryan Joseph Koch | School Miller Place High School |
Name Kelly Anne Kowalchuk | School Miller Place High School |
Name Krishna Gururaja Kumar | School Miller Place High School |
Name Jessica Marie LaFontaine | School Miller Place High School |
Name Donald Joseph Lamanque | School Miller Place High School |
Name Kelsey Bridget Lane | School Miller Place High School |
Name Rebecca Leigh Lauria | School Miller Place High School |
Name Andrew Christopher Lauto | School Miller Place High School |
Name Brianne Ledda | School Miller Place High School |
Name Matthew Gerard Leen | School Miller Place High School |
Name Alexandra Nicole Leichter | School Miller Place High School |
Name Ryan Matthew Letterio | School Miller Place High School |
Name Raymond Joseph Lombardi | School Miller Place High School |
Name Christian Saverio Loretta | School Miller Place High School |
Name Jessica Lauren Lucero | School Miller Place High School |
Name Justin Mark Lucidi | School Miller Place High School |
Name Geraldine Rose Luglio | School Miller Place High School |
Name Cody Rainer Luukkonen | School Miller Place High School |
Name Anthony Victor Maiorano | School Miller Place High School |
Name Russell Ralph Mallon | School Miller Place High School |
Name Hannah Noel Maniuszko | School Miller Place High School |
Name Molly Blair Manspeizer | School Miller Place High School |
Name Sarah Allessandra Manuello | School Miller Place High School |
Name Arielle Maria Manzo | School Miller Place High School |
Name Jack Daniel Marchello | School Miller Place High School |
Name Nicole Ashley Martin | School Miller Place High School |
Name Christopher A. Martinez | School Miller Place High School |
Name Miles Akinwande Martins | School Miller Place High School |
Name Matthew William McAlpine | School Miller Place High School |
Name Lauren Kathleen McGuire | School Miller Place High School |
Name Nicole Kelly McGuire | School Miller Place High School |
Name Kaitlyn Marie McNulty | School Miller Place High School |
Name Christian Daniel McPartland | School Miller Place High School |
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