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VOTERS GUIDE June 25th 2019 - Primary election

Timothy Kramer

Timothy Kramer is running for Council Member, City of Long Beach — Democratic

Timothy Kramer


BACKGROUND: Tim Kramer, 51, is running on the Democratic line. He has lived in Long Beach for 33 years. He attended college at University of Wisconsin-Platteville. He owns an auto leasing business in Long Beach, C & L Auto Leasing and Sales. He founded the charity Waves of Hope in 2017 and collected goods and $43,000 in gift card donations at St. Mary’s of the Isle for hurricane victims in Texas. The charity also collected Christmas gifts for the Napa Forest Fire victims and $35,000 in donations for hurricane victims in North Carolina. He is a volunteer football and Little League Baseball coach. He helped rebuild Magnolia Park after superstorm Sandy.

ISSUES: Kramer said the city needs to fix its budget and infrastructure and bring more transparency to government. He said he will run independent of any political factions in Long Beach and not award political jobs. He said the city should balance the budget while lowering taxes. He said the city should move toward incentive-based pay for civil service workers and manage the labor force through efficiency. He supports adding paid parking for nonresidents and responsible spending by local government. He wants to improve infrastructure, water quality and roads, while controlling overdevelopment. He said Long Beach is a vacation destination and the city needs to attract business with clean streets, including moving up garbage pickup earlier in the day and adding trolley service to the city’s West End. “People are looking for a clean, safe city and a convenient city when on vacation and we need to make this a destination. I want to attract tourism and make our businesses flourish,” Kramer said. “The city doesn’t see revenue of people who walk the boardwalk and using our resources and using parking spots.”