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VOTERS GUIDE General Election - Nov. 7, 2017

James Dougherty

James Dougherty is running for Supervisor, Town of Shelter Island

James Dougherty

Dougherty said that Shelter Island has the lowest taxes on Long Island, and that his financial experience has allowed for that to be maintained while delivering essential services and utilities. The “4-poster” system to control ticks by killing them on deer was introduced in the town to control tick-related diseases during Dougherty’s first term in office, and he said he aims to expand measures against the tick infestation in the future. With the town getting its water from an underground aquifer, Dougherty said that he is also striving to maintain both the quality and quantity of available water on Shelter Island. As part of an initiative to increase the availability of affordable housing, Dougherty said that he will work to repeal the prohibition on short-term rentals in Shelter Island.

Dougherty, 80, of Shelter Island, is running on the Democratic Party line. He first took office as town supervisor in 2008. He received a bachelor’s degree from Dartmouth College, a law degree from Columbia Law School, and a master’s degree in business from Harvard Business School. Before becoming town supervisor, Dougherty was president of Supermarket General Corp., which is owned and operated by the Pathmark supermarket chain. He is widowed.