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VOTERS GUIDE Nov. 8, 2016 - General Election

David Gurfein

David Gurfein is running for U.S. Congress - 4th District

David Gurfein

Gurfein said his top priority is counterterrorism and protecting the country from another terror attack. But he contends the Obama administration has failed to produce a comprehensive strategy to destroy ISIS. He said the nation needs a stronger international coalition to challenge ISIS across the globe, and that the United States must improve its intelligence capability, better utilize local law enforcement to combat radical terrorists and consider employing ground forces in Syria. “This conflict has been going on for more than a decade,” he said. “But the threat continues to grow. We need a global strategy to identify who the threat is.” Domestically, Gurfein opposes the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal and a mandatory $15 federal minimum wage, which he said will hurt small businesses. He also wants to reduce federal regulations and cut the corporate tax rate to convince companies to bring jobs back to the country. “Decisions are being made on a political level and not on an economic level,” Gurfein said.

Gurfein, 51, of Manhasset, is running on the Republican, Conservative, Tax Revolt and Reform party lines. Raised in Great Neck, Gurfein enlisted in the Marine Corps’ Delayed Entry Program during his senior year of high school. He graduated from Syracuse University with a bachelor’s degree in communications and political science. Gurfein saw combat in both Iraq wars, Afghanistan, Panama, Korea and at Guantánamo Bay in Cuba. Gurfein also served as a congressional liaison on Capitol Hill and in congressional affairs for the Pentagon. He left active duty in 1998 to earn an MBA at Harvard Business School and worked on Wall Street for Goldman Sachs. Gurfein volunteered to return to active duty after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. He retired after 25 years of military service in 2007 as a lieutenant colonel. Originally, Gurfein considered running for retiring Rep. Steve Israel’s seat in the 3rd District. The Nassau GOP, which backed Sen. Jack Martins in the 3rd District, then offered Gurfein the Republican nomination in the 4th District. Since Gurfein does not live in the district, he would have one year to move if he won. Gurfein is married with a daughter.