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VOTERS GUIDE General Election - Nov. 7, 2017

Cindy Morris

Cindy Morris is running for Town Clerk, Town of Brookhaven

Cindy Morris

Morris said she would use the town clerk’s office to “let people know what is happening at Brookhaven meetings and let people know what happened at Brookhaven meetings.” She said some residents feel “disengaged” from town government, and “feel like they’ve given up on our town.” Morris said Brookhaven government is saddled with a bad reputation stemming from past corruption cases. “The number one way we can fight that reputation of corruption . . . is if we open up our town council meetings to the public in a more thorough way” and “bring honesty and transparency to our office,” Morris said. She said she would improve transparency by showing town board meetings on social media and inform community groups of issues affecting their neighborhoods. She said she wants to improve town services by making it easier for residents to obtain permits. For example, she said town employees could bring handicapped-space parking permits to residents in the town hall parking lot so they don’t have to come inside. She said she would improve service without increasing costs. “Our services have gone down the last few years,” she said. “If our taxes are going to have to be exorbitant, then our level of service should be at its highest, and it’s not.”

Morris, 39, of Stony Brook, is running on the Democratic and Working Families party lines. She runs her own consulting business and is a part-time chief operating officer for an East Hampton nonprofit. Morris received a bachelor’s degree in political communication and a master’s degree in tourism administration, both from George Washington University. She is married and has two children.