The curve is flattening, the weather's nicer and it's a holiday weekend. Time to party, right?

Yes — but only in moderation. Things are looking up, but experts still urge caution. Here are a few tips.

A barbecue could be great — but experts advise keeping groups small, and making sure no one has been sick or exposed.

Run out of mustard? Let it go. Experts advise against any extra trips to the supermarket.

A swim in your pool can be fun for your family — but don't invite other families. And watch out for coughing and spewing water when people get out.

If you go to the beach, play defense by aiming to stay 10 feet away from people, not the usual 6 feet.

And what if you're in public and nature calls? (No image here. You're welcome.)

Experts advise avoiding public bathrooms at all cost; one doctor calls them a "potential hotbed of transmission."

Check out more tips at the link below. Be safe, and enjoy your weekend!